
So be warned, this is something close to a rant but also just to share my viewpoint on trolling, also read as bullying.

What happened:

So I started off today with a very terrible comment about my story Dolls.  It was clear the user was trolling and, after a quick view of their profile, they claimed to 'terrorize' DaeJae authors even though he frequently read DaeJae stories.  Something about being the self-proclaimed Gordon Ramsay of AFF.  It was intended to get a rise out of me and, clearly, the reader did not like my story, my writing style, or the fact that I 'tried to write' dark themes at all.

I'm not going to lie, it ticked me off.  Anyone would feel ticked off when someone blatantly tells you your story is unorganized, messy, and just downright laughable.  Personal attacks are no fun either since the user clearly thought that any positive comments I received were feeding my ridiculous notion that I could actually put words to paper and create a decent story.  I responded respectfully as the adult that I am but, of course, I threw in a few lines of sass that I just couldn't resist.  But then I decided to delete the comment altogether because I found myself checking often throughout the day to see if the user had responded.  I'm way too busy for that so I deleted it.  I had no idea the user would revisit the story later in the day just to make another mean (but hilarious) comment on my story about my author ethic, and personality.  Because, let's face it, no one knows me better than a user I've never met or talked to before on AFF who is hellbent on making me upset.  Cue sarcasm.

So, I politely declined to grace him with my awesome presence and blocked his wannabe douchebaggery from my profile.  If he decides to create another user account to contact me again then... well, I'll be honoured that he wants to talk to me so much.  I am pretty awesome after all.

My thoughts on trolling:

We all have our opinions, its true.  You may come across a story on AFF that makes you roll your eyes and curl your toes.  I'm sure more than some of us have come across a story you just down right found terrible and not worth your time.  Can you imagine what it'd be like if we ALL liked the same things?  AFF would be a lot less interesting, to say the least.

Here's the thing though; if you don't like what you've come across, feel free to provide constructive criticism (and in the case of promotion of illegal activity, please... do report it).  It is nookay to spew out poison to the author about things that are completely unrelated to the story.  It's not about you being able to write a 'better' story.  It's about providing feedback on something that could positively help the author develop their writing skills for you and others to enjoy.  Calling a story '' helps no one.  What Peter says about Paul says more about Peter than Paul after all.

At the end of the day, we're all here on AFF because we have a love for something in common.  We like stories.  Part of story writing (and reading) is to lose yourself in a world that you would otherwise not experience.  It should be magical and enthralling, not scarring and bullying because that's kind of what trolling is... it's cyber bullying.

So to all the trolls out there... I do hope you'll eventually find that the sun is warm and the skies are blue.  If you can't be happy with yourself, what's the point of life?


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reenee35 #1
Good for you for taking the high road! If we cave in to "these types of individuals" we give them power . It pisses them off more to be ignored it messes with their minds and their own self importance. Keep up the good work, you know I love all your stories but dolls is one of my favorites! : )
You said it! XD I have no love for people who are all about cyber terrorism, which in my opinion, trolling is. Like you said...if you don't like, feel free to move along. I am currently working on two stories and would probably cry if someone were so mean to me. I am who I am, and I write what I feel, so for someone to dump on that seems pretty low. I personally love your work and hope you continue writing awesome stories! <3
i cant believe there is someone who would hate your story and writing styles. duuuh this fella must be really 'great' in writing if he dared to put on hurtful criticisms to such talented author(s)
aryadrottning #4
Haters gonna hate! You are fabulous don't believe it if anyone says otherwise
are you ting me *sighs* obvious troll is obvious. only a person who is so defeated and sad in their lives that they have to make fun another person to be happy would become such a troll. the way you've dealt with the troll is praiseworthy, round of applause everyone *claps*
Ah, yeah this person seems to be making the rounds. Haven't heard from them yet (they must not like Bangdae), but I've read some of the comments. If they have nothing constructive to say, and if they're rude on top of that, I'd ignore it.
Oh just ignore that fool. Your writing skills are amazing! If they want to criticise then do it in a proper and polite way.
haha that person has commented 2 on my stories as well before, apparently I'm the preacher and priest of gay fanfics and my storylines are ones of bad k dramas and stuff... don't let this get you, let's just laugh about this airhead who's clearly getting bullied in reallife and needs to let some steam off...
Sorry to hear you've been through that :\ I won't take your side since I do not know the complete story (really curious about those comments but since you've deleted them... /shrugs) but what I can say as someone who often comments is that a good feedback is one that balances positive + negative points with their personal opinion. If someone only points out the good parts or only the bad parts, it's not really a feedback since the first gives you the illusion of everything being okay (when in fact it might not be) and the second, excuse the language, s on your hard work. Either way, I hope that person won't bother you again since they were obviously trolling from the way you've described the situation. I don't know what's going on since I keep hearing of trolls targeting graphic shops and I am forever afraid it could expand to stories... hope this is an isolated case.

I haven't read you a lot but from the tiny amount I did check, you're a great writer, so I hope this won't affect you too much >< it would be a pity.

Anyway, sending you some good wishes~ \^^/ cheer up!
oppach #10
another testament to your awesomeness! If I would have seen someone being mean to you, I would have totally left a witty comment defending your god-like awesomeness.