You don't have to read this if you don't want to. I just wanted to type this somewhere.

Smack me all you want. Beat me until I bleed, please. Just don't say anything. I beg you.

It's funny that theres nothing wrong with me and yet everything I do is wrong. I just seem to be doing the wrong thing everytime. I can't control myself. And sometimes, I just wish I didn't exsit. Like, wouldn't my parents just be happy with my older sister? Why was I born if the first child is a success anyway? Why did they make a second attempt if I came out to be the failure and the first one is the success. It's like the first attempt is what they always wanted. So make a second attempt and have it fail and be a mistake? What trouble has she caused that mine aren't worst? I'm teh one who bit her, I'm the one who stole money, I'm teh one who cursed, I'm the one who lost adn craked her phone, I'm the one who spent too much money, I'm the one who lies, I'm the one who breaks things, I'm the one who doesn't do her homework, I'm the one who fell in love with a girl. And what has she done that's bad? Drop a bowl of rice? Get a 90 on her test? tch. That's nothing compared to me. Just get rid of me. I cause more trouble than I do good.


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