Your fav f(x) song(s)?

Mine are Airplane, Mr Boogie, Beautiful Stranger, Shadow, Goodbye Summer, Paper Heart and Rainbow. Share your fave f(x)'s songs as well ^~^


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pinocchio, lollipop, nu abo, surprise party, electric shock, let's try, pretty girl, shadow, signal, goodbye summer, airplane, red light, paper heart, all night, and summer lover <3 <3
i love butterfly in the red light album *^*

hayan nabi <3
I actually made a YouTube video about this XP
Some of my favorites are Hot Summer, Danger, Milk, NuAbo, No More, Beautiful Stranger, and Mr. boogie~ Just to name a few~
Goodbye Summer, Pretty Girl, Toy, Paper Hearts, and Dracula :)
i like nu abo and electric shock :)

all there songs are good still haven't found one i dislike