sungmin's dating?

first things first: GROUP HUG EVERYONE ..
ok so my friend told me about the dating news and I'm so ing pissed right now to be honest, like yeah I'm happy for him and everything, I never believed that Sungmin was gay anyway, like COME ON! .. but just before his enlistment they announce that? REALLY? :/ it seems like they don't care if fans like it or not! oh, who cares, Super Junior most probably won't last for another two years, it's ok to use Sungmin like that! no, just no, you ..... I swear to god if people start hating on him now :( 

and not to mention that my shipping heart is shattered into a million pieces right now 

so yeah, I'm not happy about it, at all, call me immature all you want .... 


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good for them if it's real! i don't know what to believe anymore when it comes to sm /hides/
I expect this news will come out sooner or later but not like this..this isn't right