( ❇ Red Lite - White

( ❇ Leader - White

Jewel_ELF ♦ Krissy ♦ 10/10

Alisha Kang


Kang Gi Hyun  Korean name. She never revealed her American name, so fans know her by Gi Hyun


English  Mother language
Korean  She lived there long enough that she picked it up


2006  Arrive in South Korea as an exchange student
2007  Become a trainee at JYP entertainment

ETHNICITY, NATIONALITY [ ♦ ] Korean American
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ♦ ] 169 cm and 44 kg
BLOOD TYPE [ ♦ ] ab

FACE-CLAIM [ ♦ ] Lee Hae In
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Shim Sungmin

APPEARANCE [ ♦ ] Alisha keeps her hair cut short and styled. She doesnt have any tattos or peircing, but she is debating getting a tattoo.

FASHION STYLE [ ♦ ] Alisha has kept in shape and she is fine with showing it off. She isnt going to parade around in nothing, but she will show some inches. She loves wearing white and boots. She usually dresses nicely, except for practice. Its always sweatpants for that. She isnt a fan of hats

oc1NAME [ ♦ ] Alisha Kang
D.O.B [ ♦ ] April 19, 1992
BIRTHPLACE [ ♦ ] Chicago Illinois, USA
HOMETOWN [ ♦ ] Chicago Illinois, USA

oc2STAGE NAME [ ♦ ] White
PLOTLINE [ ♦ ] Red lite
BACK UP [ ♦ ] Green lite

SINGING [ ♦ ] 89 out of 100
DANCING [ ♦ ] 86 out of 100
RAPPING [ ♦ ] 49 0ut of 100

PERSONA [ ♦ ] Puppy leader

TRAINEE YEARS [ ♦ ] 5 years with JYP and 1.5 with Starship
TRAINEE BACKGROUND [ ♦ ] Alisha was at JYP for a long time but she felt like she was wrong there. She wasnt really given a choice, but when she was traded she wasnt upset. She liked being there, but it fit wrong. 
Once she got to Starship she felt like she was in her place. She was puched harder, but she still liked it. Things were right for her there, even with it being hard. She was out of high school, so she could train harder with Starship


 Sistar's back up dancers


 write here
 write here


 Gihyun and ex Seongyeol had a picture taken and all that they could see was Seongyeol without a shirt and Gihyun in a bikini top. -past
 Gihyun and Seokhoon were seen leaving a resturant at the same time. -future


Alisha is either a very bright, spunky person who talks fast and excitedly, or she is a quiet person who wont talk and do little There is almost no idbetween When she is happy, everyone around her is happy. She is like a virus when she is like that. She can talk to anyone, she is very adaptable and she is always cool headed. When she isnt happy(very few days here and there), she can still talk to anyone but wont want to. When she gets like that she will usualy lock herself in her room for a few days and be good when she comes out. She will try to hide it from the 

Alisha is a bit forgetful sometimes. Its never important things she forgets, like dates or birthdays. Its odd little things. Things like doing the laundry, eating or making sure her shoes are tied. Small things. When its about her she isnt very responsible, but with others she is. When it comes to her group, she is ver responsible, she would do anything for them. 

Alisha loves to be able to play around and have fun. When the other members are happy and ok then she is happy and ok. She gets more than a bit protective about the other mebers. She is always checking up on them, making sure they are alright, that they have rested and eaten before they go to practice. Before they go on stage she will check everyone over to make sure they are ready

Alisha grew up in a very American family. They did all they could to point out that they were not Korean, but American. Alisha was the only one who liked that she was Korean. She would celebrate Korean holidays by herself, and she tried to teach herself Korean. It didnt work out as well as she thought. One thing that she and her family agreed on was dancing. Her parents started her dancing from a young age, so that she would be able to get into college with it. 
She danced ballet for years, but once she got into her teens she started dancing more 'edgy' styles. She attended a dance school and she was informed that if she didnt stop she was going to be removed from the school. She didnt stop and was removed. Her parents all but disowned her. She lived in the house with them, but that was as far as things went between them. She still danced, but it was in an afterschool slub or sorts
She started attending a public high school and fell into the outsider crowd. It didnt take long for her to meet up with the exchange students though. She bonded with the Korean students and spent most of her time with them. When she was in 8th grade, she talked to the Principal and convinced her to let Alisha be an exchange student the spring semester of her freshman year. She got a scholarship via her dance group and left soon after Christmas, 2008. 
She was at the same school as her friends, so she adjusted quickly. Her host family was great with her(they ended up being her host family while she was a trainee too) and she did well in school too. Around her birthday, she and two of her friends decided they wanted to audition for an entertainment. Alisha was well talented enough dancing wise and she could sing too. The three of them went in together and all were accepted.
Because she was an underage foreigner, Alisha had to get her parents permission to be a trainee. She was posive they would say no, but they agreed with almost no hesitation. Not that it bother her much. She felt astranged from them for a long time. 
She trained and went to school for the next three years until she graduated from school then she spent her time training only. She still talked to her parents some times, but not often. She had a little brother, but never met him. She hasnt been home since the Christmas she left. Her host family was like her family now. 
After five years, she was ready to stop being a trainee. She had a job, but she felt like she wasnt doing anything with her life. She didnt want to stop being a trainee bacuse there was always the chance she would debut, but she wanted to start her life because she wasnt doing anything. 
Rumors started floting around that there was going to be a new girl group and Alisha decided she was going to stick it out until after this group debut. Before she could find out if she was in that group, she was informed that she was going to be traded to Starship. She didnt kick up a fuss or argue, just collected her things and left. 
She was only with Starship just over a year before more rumors about a girl group floated around. She knew she wasnt going to be a member, she just got there. However, when the names were announced she was on it. She was so excited. She couldnt believe it. She tried to talk to her family about it, but they were too distracted. Her host family celebrated it.


FAMILY [ ♦ ]

Host father, Lee Jin Hyeon  31  alive  Bus driver  He is very soft and warm. There is almost always a smile on his face  Alisha can go to Jinhyeon with any of her problems. He takes care of her
Host mother, Lee Yong Hye  32  alive  Seamstress  She is welcoming and sweet  She sees Aliha as one of her children. There is nothing Alisha needs that she cant go to Yong Hye for
Host sister, Lee Yeong Seung  18  alive  Student  She is a spit fire and has a tendancy to think she is always right, but she has a good heart  She sees Alisha as her older sister
 Father, Harrison Neil Kang  52  alive  Night guard  He has very high expectations, but not very brave  They dont talk much
 Mother, Marion Horne Kang  49  alive  Teacher  Strict, hard a**  Alisha doesnt like talking much
 Sister, Sage Phoenix Kang  24  alive  Pastry cheif  Air head, happy go lucky. She only get serious when it comes to her cooking  They were close ish when Alisha was home, but they havnt really talked since she left
 Brother, Charles Jephson Kang  5  alive  Snot nosed brat  Their parents spoil him, so he thinks he is king of the castle  Chukie doesnt even know Alisha exists. They have never met


 Best friend, Kang Tae Joon  23  alive  Student  He seems distant at first, but he really is nice. He jsut doesnt like getting close to alot of people  They were friends in Chicago, so they talk all the time and hang out often. 
 Friend Kim Dong Hyun  22  alive Ramen shop operator  He is a pabo, but the sweetest person ever. He is a huge Klutz  Alisha, Donghyun and Taejoon were high school friends and they all kept in contact

OTHERS [ ♦ ]

 Not friends, Bang Jin Seok  24  alive  Trainee  Very needy. She expects people to fall over in front of her  Jinseok hates that Alisha wont baby her like everyone else will. She does everything she can to make Alisha feel small. 

LIKES [ ♦ ]

 Spring time


 Romantic movies

HABITS  [ ♦ ]

 She kicks in her sleep
 When ever stylist mention she let her hair grow out she chews them out
 She sings in the shower
 Without a cup of coffee she can not wake up in the morning


 Watching sports
 Taking baths or soaking in a hot tub
 Watching horror movies

FEARS [ ♦ ]

 Being buried alive

TRIVIA [ ♦ ] 

 She is left handed
 She has a scar on her foot from when she cut it on the runner of the family car
 She has a dog named Tomato
 She doesnt like chopsticks
 She isnt good with the chopsticks
 She loves horror movies
 There is almost always music playing around her
 She cares about her members before herself
 She hates desaster movies
 LEDapple is her favorite group
 She knows American Sign Language
 She loves dying her hair

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Seokhoon isnt the most outgoing person ever. He has his group of friends and if you want in then you have to get in. There are some people he really loves to be around and Alisha was one of them. He isnt rude, but people see him that way because he doesnt sugar coat things. He smiles often, but only around his friends and family

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Awkward potatos. Not officially dating, but together all the time

HISTORY [ ♦ ] Alisha met Seokhoon at Lu_kus's debut stage. She was MCing and she had to interiew the group. There was obvious chemisty between the two, J.One even mationed something about it. Everyone casually laughed it off. That night, Seokhoon found Alisha and asked if she could get her number. She gave it to him and they started talking
They began hanging out all the time. They would watch movies, eat 'out' and just hang out. Other members of Lu_kus made sure that they never got caught.

OTHER [ ♦ ] Seokhoon loves watching horror movies. They have horror movie marathons

lo1NAME [ ♦ ] Choi Seok Hoon
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] Member of Lu_Kus
D.O.B [ ♦ ] May 21, 1993

lo2NAME [ ♦ ] Lee Seong Yeol
OCCUPATION [ ♦ ] Member of Infinite
D.O.B [ ♦ ] August 27, 1991

PERSONALITY [ ♦ ] Seongyeol is a kind, sweet dork who loves joking around and making people happy. He is a hard worker who doesnt like quitting before its done. He would do anything for s and is very dedicated to helping his group. He usually has a smile on his face. If he were to see someone who was upset he would help if he could.

RELATIONSHIP [ ♦ ] Exs, but still friends. Still heat between them

HISTORY [ ♦ ] They were together when Alisha was at JYP, but when she left they broke it off. They didnt leave on bad terms, but things just fell that way. They were great together

OTHER [ ♦ ] They dont really get a chance to see eachother anymore, but when they do it is clear to see something is still there. 

COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo. Curabitur id imperdiet augue, interdum auctor libero. Mauris fermentum justo turpis, id accumsan tellus gravida at. Sed porta viverra lacus, eget blandit est faucibus at. Ut id venenatis magna, sit amet tincidunt nibh. Suspendisse semper sit amet erat eu facilisis.

SONGS SUGGESTIONS [ ♦ ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce a elit cursus, varius orci et, elementum urna. Nam pulvinar enim vitae sodales commodo.


 Some time when someone slipps as they are going off stage and Alisha stops to make sure they are ok, but she isnt ok herself. She hurt her ankle in the dance, but had to make sure they were ok
 Sometime when she is with Seokhoon and they run into Seongyeol

PASSWORD [ ♦ ] Write here 



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