The Master's Moon: Ghosts of The Night§

The Master's Moon: Ghosts of the Night§,

plotline Violent Spirit
Jewel_ELF § Krissy 

Kang Hye Na

§ dying vicariously through her



character's name: Kang Hye Na

nicknames(s): n/a

age: 16

ethnicity: Korean

languages: Korean, mother language

§ character identification

faceclaim: Baek Sumin

back-up faceclaim: 

style references: She always is wearing the same outfit. The one she died in

tumblr_mbq3q8e4qk1qlq8bco1_500.jpg  tumblr_mdmnrqRmrz1qjg008o1_500.jpg tumblr_mbq3r0EdUi1qlq8bco1_500.jpgtumblr_mejwcyj9dB1rnlovbo1_500.png

§ one step further: towards the ending



personality: Hye Na is angry. That is all she is any more. She thinks what was done to her was unfair and she wants justice, revenge, or for someone else to feel her pain. She used to be a sweet person who would talk to anyone, but ever since she was killed she refuses. She is unrelenting, stubbor and down right scarry some times. It doesnt bother her that she scares people

who does she want to meet?: Kim Hyun Joong | 28 | Entertainer

relationship: Best friends

what does she seek to accomplish: She blames him for her death. She was waiting for him when she was killed and she wants him to pay or atleast have him explain why he let her die

who does she seek help from: The misguided rebel. She doesnt exactly seek help from her, but she wont leave her alone until she finds Hyun Joong

trivia: She died 12 years ago
Her murderer was caught and punished
She is the kind of ghost that people are warned about. She goes out of her way to terrify people
She entertains herself by scaring new people to the school
She physically can, has and will hurt people. 
People have left beause of her
She hates when 'mediums' come in. They cant see her, but they make them feel her
People hear her playing a guitar at night
She was killed on school grounds, so she cant leave it

§ leaving in peace

comment(s): I want her to be like the ghost people get nightmares about. She isnt nice, but after they help her find Hyun Joong she will leave

scene request: Some time when Hye Na is harrasing a younger student and they get her to stop.
When someone tries to come in and communicate with her, but they are a fake. She drives them and their group away



© wolflaire


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