Hyoyeon's ex-boyfriend booked without detention for violence + Hyoyeon alleged to have been on site


Hyoyeon's ex-boyfriend Kim Joon Hyung has been booked without detention.

Kim Joon Hyung was drinking with his friends at his house in Yongsan at around 5AM, and he was booked without detention because he got into a fight with one of the other males present.


According to reports, the police dispatched after receiving a call saying Kim Joon Hyung and the other man were holding each other by the collars and throwing golf clubs at the wall. The Yongsan Police Department told TV Daily, "There are reports about the situation, but there is no related investigation on the case. We were dispatched because of the call that they fought, and they were booked without detention (ie no one went to jail). We have to investigate, but they have made up."


Kim Joon Hyung was completely drunk when the report was called in, and Hyoyeon has also been reported to have been on site, but SM Entertainment was not available for a comment. 


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