❛crooked 〕 一 high school apply fic ⋮ Bong Chhi

Ciw bong chhi

username — Jewel_ELF

nickname — Krissy

activity rate — 10/10


name — Ciw Bong Chhi

nickname — Ciw Ya Min

birthdate & age — Feburary 29, 1997 17

birthplace — Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

hometown — Kaohsiung City, Taiwan/Seoul, South Korea


face claim — Tang Gou


backup face claim — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

gallery — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


appearance — Ya Min is  160 cm tall and weighs 45 kgs. She likes having her hair long because she can use it as a wall between her and people. 

fashion style — Ya Min isnt picky about what she wears, but she doesnt like tight or short clothes. She loves when it gets cold enough for her to wear baggy sweaters and scarves

YOU'RE beautiful the way you are.

plotline — Transfer student

traits — Soft spoken, clumsy, sweet, timid, good listener, hesitant. 

personality — 

Ya Min is overy sweet girl. She doesnt have a mean bone in her body, but she is very shy. She doesnt like to talk unless she has to. Its not that she cant, she just doesnt like to. Expecially in Korean. She is very worried that hshe will mess up and people will make fun of her, so she usually just sits back. She almost never raises her voice, but when she does its usually because she is overly upset. Which doesnt happen offten. People tend to always talk to her because she is a good listener and doesnt judge any one for any thing they do. 
People have to go up to Ya Min first. She will not be the one to initiate a conversation. She easiy gets scared at small things that she laughs at later on. She will think over things before she says or does things. She doesnt like to jump, head first into the unknown. She is the exact opposite of brash. Ya Min is the classic definition of a klutz. She is good at tripping over her own feet and running into things. It isnt uncommon for her to have random bruises


background — Ciw Bong Chhi was born and raised in southern Taiwan. Her family was on the higher end of the money spectrum, so she didnt need often. She didnt squander her parents money, but it was there when she needed it. The thing she really needed were books. Bong Chhi is a book person. She lives in books and in school. She always looks for a challenge in school.
Bong Chhi has one older brother and they were just like every other siblings. However, when she was thirteen, Wei Yin didt come back from school one day. Bong Chhi and her parents did everything they could, but they never found him. She kept trying to live her life, but everything always came back to her missing brother. When she was fifteen, she was two grades ahead and she dropped out of school. Her parents realised she was spiraling out of life, but they were still focused on trying to find Wei Yin. 
On January 1 2012, officials found parts of Wei Yin's body washing up on the danshui river. Bong Chhi's mother was devistated and shut down. Her father pulled through, set up a funeral and packed the family up. After they buried Wei Yin in the family plot, they left Taiwan. At frist, they were going to go to China, but Bong Chhi's mother decided they were going to South Korea. It was copetly differant and nothing would be the same as back home. Her father got a house in Seoul and set out to find a job. He was a Neurologist, so that didnt take long. He got a job at Seoul National University Hospital.
Bong Chhi's mother started calling her Ya Min and she didnt object. Bong Chhi was left in Taiwan where she belonged. Ya Min was who she was now. 
Ya Min tried to get back into school, but she didnt speak any Korean. Her mother got her a personal tutor and she took a year off to learn Korean. It was tedious and bothersome, but she got there. April of 2014 she was ready to go back to school, well start a new school. Her mother took her to Daeyeon Girl's High School and enrolled her for the next fall. 

likes — 
Her dog 

dislikes — 
The dark
Loud crowds
Ghosts-she is absolutly terrified of ghosts and ghost stories
Green apples
The color brown

Laying outside with Hwaiteu (thats the dog)
Pretending she is someone else with an exciting life

habits — 
If she is with Hwaiteu and he barks, she will get down and bark back. Play with him
If she is scared she will hang on to a person and hide behind them
When she is scared she screams at every little thing

trivias — 
She gets scared easily
She is terrified of ghosts and that she will get locked in a room at night and be stuck there
She still struggles with writing correctly in Korean
Her left arm is longer than her right
She is left handed
She is Christian
She never is late.
When she sits, its very dainty. She usually roses her ankles and puts her hands in her lap
She doent wear the color blue very often.
If she gets reay scared, she will starte to hyperventalate and panick 

flesh and blood.

family — 

— Ciw Jae Hee | Father | Neurologist

— Ciw Kang Sura | Mother | Home maker
— Ciw Wei Yin | Older Brother | Deceased

die hard

friends — 

— Park Kibum | Friends/neghbors | Kibum was the first person Ya Min met when she moved in

— Lee Su Ryu | Friends | Su Ryu is a school friend

i love you

love interest — Yook Sung Jae

backup love interest — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


personality — Sungjae is 100% a dork. He goofs around, always has a smile on his face and is a general nice guy. He brightens the room once he comes in. Its difficult to be upset around him. He can go from being a total dork and acting like he is four to being a very attractive, responsible adult in about 6.4 seconds. He is strong, loyal and rather chiverous. He is kind to even strangers and would stand up to the little guy

relationship — Sungjae and Ya Min are very close they arent dating, but many people think they are. They havnt gotten to the point where they have to define it, but actions wise they are together. Officially, though they are friends. He does what ever he can to make her feel safe and protected. A lot of people like to prank and scare Ya Min becase she is an easy target, so Sungjae is usually there to help her after it. He convinced her to jon choir with him so they have class together. Ya Min loves being around Sungjae because he sees her for who she is and not how many people see her. Her dad loves him too


grades — 
MATH - 86
PE - 79

Electives — Choir and year book

clubs/sports — Book club, 

for 'transfer student' only

languages — Manderine, mother language. English and Korean, fluent. Cantonese, basic

why you had to transfer — Her mother needed to move away

ethnicity — Taiwanese

for 'playboy/girl' only

past girlfriends — ( you can list as many as nessicary, state why the relationship ended also )

ual relations — ( were any of your character's past relationships ual? if so, state which ones )

how they deal with rumors — ( since your character can easily get around, what do they do to shoot down the rumors, or do they just brush them off? )

for 'head over heels' only

how long have you been dating — ( state how long in years. i kind of had when they were freshmen/sophomores or a freshman and a sophomore in mind )

thoughts on marriage — ( both of the character's thoughts on marriage )

anything about the relationship i need to know — ( have they done the 'deed', how do their parents feel, etc )

for 'create your own' only

anything special i would need to know about this plot line — ( fill in every thing i would need to know about your plot line, look to the above sections for a plot line specially to get inspiration )

tell me tell me

comments/suggestions — Her fears are a perfect thing to use and high school kids would totally scare her all the time. 

scene requests — Some time when someone plays a prank on Ya Min and locks her in a classroom at night. They leave her and she does everything she can to get out, but she cant. Sungjae finds her, breaks her out and brings her home, crying. 


turn in — back to the story


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okay i have a couple of questions \o
what is her grade and what is her love interest's grade?
can you supply a gallery with pictures of your face claim also please?? o u o