Legendary Application



character name





username — Marshamallowkittie12


nickname — Joy


activity rate — 8/10




Character name — Pim Suchinda


nickname — Pim 


birthdate — December 14 1996


birthplace — Water Tribe (South) A small outer tribe on the coast.


hometown — Pim was born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe.. 


ethnicity — Thai


languages — She can only speak English and Thai



Your Nation Says it all



face claim — Candy Mafia's Nett


gallery — http://weheartit.com/tag/candy%20mafia


backup face claim — Sinchanok Klaitae


galleryhttps://www.google.com/search?q=sinchanok+klaitae&safe=active&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=624&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=YW8eVOOwONGKyASi34DoDA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ (couldn't find one for her T.T)




appearance — photo.jpg



Who are you?



Bending — She has water bending and blood bending.


traits — 

  • Very Helpful
  • A bit shy
  • Loyal
  • A bit clingy
  • Protective
  • Very competitive
  • Naive
  • Hot tempered
  • Low self esteem


personality — Pim is a hardworking and persistent girl. She likes to help people not just because it's the right thing to do but so she can make the other person smile. She is a peacemaker whenever an arguement is in place, but sometimes she is the one to start them. She is hot tempered and it pops out sometimes when she is irratated or annoyed. For example if you piss her off, she will blow her top off. She is able to ignore someone for about a week before she can forgive them. This is why she has to keep herself calm in situations so it doesn't show. She is the kind of person that can never do nothing, she has to do something. When she finishes a task, right away she tries to find a new one and finish that task. She likes being busy it makes her feel helpful. She can't stand being in the sidelines, she has to take a part in someting. She feels as if she needs to be usefull in any situation for her to die happy. If she can't provide you with something useful she will forever sulk about it. 


Pim whenever she gets closed to someone she sticks to them always having their backs. It comes out as both a good or bad thing. She is loyal and people find that it's easy to trust her, or they just think she is clingy. She trust people easily which gets her heart broken each time. That is one of the reasons why she only has one friend. But when she has a friend she will be by their side through anything. That makes her protective to those close to her. She doesn't want to lose another person close to her. One of the reasons she is also like this is because she doesn't want to be useless to anybody. She always thinks of herself as not the best or thinks she can't be of any use to anything. She tries to voluteer herself as much as possible because of this, yet she still doesn't think she is good enough. 



background —

 Pim is the middle child of 7. Her family consists of her mother and father, 2 older brothers, 1 older sister, 2 younger twin brothers, and 1 younger sister. She was the peacemaker in the family trying to keep siblings from fighting, but sometimes she loses her temper and has to yell at them to stop. There was never a quiet day in their household. That is why she would always go outside of their small ice house and help the elderly with chores and housework. She finds it way more soothing doing that then stuck in that confined box. Sometimes when she is finished with her work she would secretly train on her water bending and healing. She would sometimes train her blood bending ability on otter penguins whenever they were around but this would happen only once a month. Her parents were busy with their jobs to be home all the time. Her father was in the army with Chief Bontu Mehul, and her mother being a teacher at a local healing class. Her father was the right hand man of Chief Bontu's and spent a lot of time with him, making them very good friends. Sometimes Chief Bontu would come over their ice house for dinner and treated him as if he was family. They were like his nieces and nephews almost. 


It was a normal day in the southern water tribe with her parents going to work, her siblings bickering, and the elderly and children socializing and playing around. Pim was just doing her normal runs helping the elderly, this time she was to get them groceries for their dinner. So she went to the local store and bought the needed ingredients until she heard a huge boom. The whole town shook and people started to rush out of houses to see what the whole commotion was about. But before anyone could find out what it was another blew this time bigger. People started to panic running different directions and shouting different words and names. Pim stood there silent in shock, not knowing the situation. She then thought of one thing....her family. She rushed out the store forgetting the produce and ran the fastest she could to her home not noticing the people who wore black terrorizing the town. She came to a halt when she notice the men were marching through her house. She didn't think carefully and acted on impulse. She attacked the men who were raiding her house and didn't care who the people were.They were in an intense fight of 3-1 but she didn't care. She used every ounce of her strength into the fight. But being the young girl she was (13) she has no other choice but to use her blood bending ability. She used it against one of them and the rest came to a stop. The man stood and couldn't move an inch. She concentrated hard, moving his blood to his brain, and was able to knock the man unconsious. She then being almost equally number then, she successfully knocked the men out. After that she was exhausted but she rushed to her home forgetting her thought. She found her siblings gone and her house a mess. Her head came to a blank and she didn't know what to do. Her eyes flooded with tears and she ran out again and notice black soot around the tribe. With her vision blurred, she didn't notice the symbol that was blowing with the wind on the iron ships. Frightened she ran to her safe place, which was outsie the tribe. No one knew of it but her, this is the place she would train in. She ran and ran until she could finally see through her peripheral vision her safe haven. Once she arrived she couldn't take her exhaustion and fainted, falling on the gray snow. 


Once she woken up she already notice the sun has set and she wasn't at home. That was when realization hit her and she came to tears again. She stood up immediately and walked back to her tribe, or was once her tribe. It was left to ruins and she saw the surviving people trying to find some possesions that were still intact. Pim speeded to her house once more to find it in ruins, mellted through only leaving and frozen puddle. Not able to take it anymore she sobbed on her knees in front of her melted ice house. Her family was gone, her home ruin, and she couldn't stop any of it. That was the moment she felt the most helpless. 


Years past and she still lived in that tribe. Pim helped out with repairing the village and healing the injured ones. She even continued her mother's healing class for her. But she still felt that she was never helpful enough. Chief Bontu arrived at her tribe the day after the attack and offered her to stay with him, but she refused saying this is all she has left. He hesitantly agreeed but only on one condition. She was to live with one of his men so that he could keep track of her. She agreed not wanting to leave her tribe and the people that were left. The man's name was Nithoon Watttasin (Hoon for short), and he was only a year older than she was. He was an apprentice of Chief Bontul and was very loyal to him. The two were very awkward in the first few months they lived together but then as time gone by they grew closer and closer almost inseperable. She treated him as an older brother.....or even more.


likes — 

  • Her tribe
  • Elderly
  • Training (Water bending/healing)
  • Studying other tribes
  • Helping others


dislikes — 

  • The color black
  • Blood bending
  • Irratable people
  • Ignorance
  • Disrespect


hobbies —  

  • She doesn't do much beside helping out
  • Water bending training


  • Asking if she can help out


trivias — 

  • She wears a bracelet that has the symbol of her tribe to keep them close
  • Never has left the Southern Water tribe
  • Learnt Water bending at the age of 5
  • Likes Otter Penguins
  • Likes to wear her hair down
  • She has less than 10 outfits in her closet (idek)
  • Nithoon and her share the same birthday






family — 


— Jaidee Suchinda| Father | Southern Water Tribe | A serious man with a playful side for his family. He is a er for his wife and would do anything for her and his family. He was a strong water and blood bender, but was also amazing with a spear.


— Mae Suchinda| Mother | Southern Water Tribe | Kind hearted and wise. She would give advise to the children and listen to their problems. She also was a master healer.






friends —  ( She doesn't have any friends beside Hoon )





My first love










love interest Name — Nithoon Wattasin (Hoon)

Date of Birth + Age — December 14, 1995

Appearance — (Picture above)

Nation — Southern water tribe (Main tribe)




personality — He is social and out going. He was understanding and that was the reason he agreed to stay with Pim. He kept a close eye on her even if she didn't notice and followed her around everywhere, even when she was doing errands. He was competitive and persistent just like her but not to her extent.

Background — Hoon came from a family of 3 boys and him being the youngest. His family all was in the military so he didn't really have choice if he could be or not. Though he didn't disagree to it at all, so he gladly joined. His mother was one of the healers there and his father and brothers were warriors. He was a bender like his mom so he was trained to be a bender for the military. His life consisted of training and studying no more. But he still kept his personality having many friends in the military. But when Chief Bontu asked if he wanted to become a apprentice of his, he was overjoyed. He couldn't believe he was chosen over hundreds of other benders in te tribe. His family was proud of him and let him off with Chief Bontu. 

relationship — Hoon is like the bestest friend Pim could ever have. But Pim doens't know if she feels more than that or not. She doens't even know the feeling your supposed to have when you like someone.

Interactions — They would play around with each other, teasing each other in the morning and pulling small pranks here and there. But most of all they were there for each others back. If one falls the other is there to catch them. Some people would say they were the closest siblings but they know they could be something more.
Other — Hoon lives with Pim in their new ice house and is there as her Care taker, even if they are a year apart. He was origanally going to be a bender in the military, and has a strong hate for the Tamriel and what they did to disrupt the peace of the nations.




Final Words



comments/suggestions — THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS!! I love the avatar the last airbender series and been waiting for someone to write a fanfic of it, and then you did!!! SO THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I CAN'T WAIT TO READ IT~

My only suggestion is, can we make the main characters all like meet up and have an adventure together??


scene requests — Like I said above the adventure and meeting each other part. ^^


password — AANG!!! (but in the movie they said Ong which was stupid -_-)


turn in — back to the story




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