Clover Club - {Ahn Seong Im - Free plotline→ Ice Queen }


Basic Information

Name: Ahn Seong Im
Gender: Female
→Ice Queen
​→Toppoki Girl
​→Cold City Girl

Birthday + Age: April 12 1995 + 19
Grade: 12th
ual Orientation: straight
Plotline: Free Plotline → Ice Queen


Personality traits: Queit, Blunt, Attentive, Observant, Hardworking, Smart, Kind, Independant, Bossy, Shy

Personality: Seong Im is the school Ice Queen- doesn't every school need one? She's also a queit girl- who's always at the back of the class. Though she's not at the front, she stills manage to be attentive and observant in class, that's why she got high marks for her grades. (Except for maths and biology class because she hates it.) Seong Im is also very blunt. If people were to talk to her, she will be very thruthfull in their conversation. Which made people assumed she's rude. Plus she hates having eye contact with people whom she've never met before. But she will have eye contact when someone made her angry, irritated or when she's friendly with the person. Despite that, she still have people who admire her- and recieving confessions. But Seong Im never once look at them- She rather focus on her family.

Seong Im also doesn't have much friends but she only have two very close friend and one favourite hoobae. Because of her queit attitude, everybody also thought she's a brat. She's also very independant. She rather rely on herself than others- that's why she doesn't open up to people easily. But once she's with her family, she's bubbly and loud.She could also be kind to others in school, but she doesn't show it. She would ask her partner in crime(Close friend) to do all the kind stuff she wants. She is also bossy, she likes things to go her way. She needs everything in her life to be perfect- which probably won't happen. She can also be very shy and clumsy, especially around Myungsoo unintentionally.


Background: Seong Im is born into a rich family. Seong Im have a scar on her wrist from a fall near a construction site while chasing her mother. Though Seong Im's mother ran away with a whole load of money in her hands- Seong Im's father still had his small stall stand, opening a toppoki shop on the street to support the family. Seong Im had also got a part time job at a bubble tea shop, also helping her father at the stall. They also live in a very small rundown house, but it's okay for the family of 5. Also not many know about Seong Im's family and job (only her best friend know). They also think Seong Im doesn't work because she's like a brat. But Seong Im does save up money for emergency uses unlike her sister- Who spends a whole load of money on make-up, clothes, accesories like her mother- but she'll realise her mistake.

Current Lifestyle: Seong Im lives in a small rundown house in Seoul with her father, sisterand her two brothers near Seongsu School of Arts. Every morning, Seong Im would wake up the earliest to wake her younger sibling up for school- she tooks on the role of a mother and a filial daughter. Seong Im would also make breakfast. But as soon as her family sees the dishes on the table, they'd immediately rush out, telling that they're rushing for school or work. Seong Im also does all the house chores with a little help with her 9 year old brother. Seong Im only managed to get along well with her family except the twins. But Seong Im doesn't mind much. She just wish for the siblings to take on responsibility. In school, She's known as the Ice Queen, because she give off a 'Get-The-Hell-Away-From-Me' vibe and a cold glare (It's natural, what can she do about it?). In school, she would be listening to musics on her phone- like a stress reliever. But in class, she pays attention. Except for class she hates.


Father || Ahn Jaehyun || 35 || Owns a small toppoki stand || Loving, Kind, Protective, Caring, Hardworking || Jaehyun treasure Seong Im alot, because Seong Im is the most filial and understandable. Whenever she have problems, they tend to talk to each other (Giving advise and all). || 10-10

Mother || Park Gain || 32 || unknown || Irresponsible, Rude, Arrogant, Greedy, Snobby || Seong Im last saw her mother when she's 13 (Where her mom left). Seong Im hates her mom. || 00-10

Brother {Twin} || Ahn Jaeyeol || 17 || Studying || Arrogant, Bossy, Sporty, Smart, Rude || Though Jaeyeol rarely spends time with Seong Im, he still love his noona, but never tends to show it. They only talk when they are watching sports match or homeworks. || 07-10

Sister {Twin} || Ahn Seong Yi || 17 || Studying || Greedy, Snobby, Sultry, Airheaded, Bossy || Seong Yi hates her sister. Because everytime when they go out together, Seong Im always get the guys attention- which cause Seong Yi to be jealous. She wants to outshine her sister. But Seong Im doesn't know that. But no matter how much Seong Yi hates her sister, she still love her, but never shows it. Because that'll be losing her pride and showing her weak spot. || 05-10

Brother || Ahn Jae || 09 || Studying || Cute, Bubbly, Innocent, Shy, Smart || Very close, Jae would always be able to read his noona's feeling. Whenever the go outside together, many people would see them as mother and son. But they're just very close siblings. Jae is also very witty despite his age. || 10-10



Height: 168cm

Weight: 48Kg

Appearance: Brownish-Red hair, Splarky eyes, Rosy lips and a 16cm scar on her right wrist

Style: Seong Im is a very lazy girl, so she randomly just pull out whatever is in her closet- Her closet contains various of dress, skirt and sweater. She'll just put on whatever she can find.

Face-claim: Girl's Day- Lee Hyeri
Back-Up Face Claim: Two X- Eunyoung


//Cooking (She can't cook well)

//Rapping & Singing

//Listen to music queitly

//Enjoying peace

//Experiencing new things (Especially something that involve height)

//Pissing her math and biology teacher

//Doing cross word puzzle and puzzle



//Ignoring people in school (Except friends)

//Listening to music before sleeping

//Being too queit

//Being awkward and clumsy around her crush

//Cooking when she still can't cook

//Giving of cold and scary vibe (It's natural, she can't help it)


//Singing & Rapping


//Playing guitar

//Roller coaster and bungee jumping


//Spicy food & Bubble Tea




//Plastic/Fake people

//Math & Biology

//Soondae(Blood Sausage)




//Horrible aegyo

//Owns 3 dogs (Terrier Breeds- and name it after food) Kimchi, Bulgogi, Kongguksu

//Dreams of being a idol

//Her room is filled with music

//Under her bed have  13 boxes filled with her crush informations and pictures

//She can't drink coffee, she'll talk to much and gets hyper

//She love to cook, no matter how horrible she is (because she don't know she can't cook xD)

//She love heights and dangerous things (She like difficult challenge)

//The school's ice queen

//She's super scared of insects

//She can't put makeup- She'll get rashes

//She hates cucumber and soondae(blood sausage) to death

//She shows her affection of kindness secretly (By communicating with her partner in crime xD)

//Listen to music almost 24/7

//She works at a bubble tea shop near Seongsu School of Arts

Social Connections

(Here you can basically put everyone but love interests, whether they are your characters' best friends, aquaintances, rivals, favorite dongsaengs, former friends, arch nemesis, partners in crime, etc. You can list as many people as you want since I plan on focusing on your characters social lives a lot through the story.

Use the masterlist. Besides fellow students from Hangwang, you can also decide to make them students from Seongsu School of Arts, their rivaling school, or people they met at other places of the map. Just replace grade with the place they are assiociated with.)



Partner in crime a.k.a BFF | Byun Baekhyun | 19 | 12 | Vocal
Personality: Baekhyun is every mother-in-law dream son. He's always used as a camparison amongst mothers because of his good looks, good grades and good manners. His good looks and manners are probably in the blood, but as for his good grades, it's the result of his hard work and sleepless nights forced by his parents. But Baekhyun also know how to have fun- he's the most idiotic person you'll ever meet. Because he'll be risking his life in everything he does. But he'll never get into trouble with the school because of his family status. That's what you get for being rich. But Baekhyun absolutely hate it- because he'll forever be alone in the house. He's parent will be flying all over the world. But he managed to befriend the school's Ice Queen.

Interactions: Their interactions are like close siblings, having skinship and all outside of school. They can never meet up in school because Baekhyun would be surrounded by girls in school. But they managed to meet each other at the rooftop or the school's garden during lunch time. They would also bicker over small stuff like kids but that's what made them closer. Baekhyun would sometime sleep over at Seong Im's small house (He doesn't mind) because he get's lonely at home


//He risked his life on everything he does (Making Seong Im to bail him out of trouble whenever his parents is not here)

//Baekhyun is from a rich family

//He loves singing but his parents wants him to take over their hospital

//He have a crush on the school's sweetheart- Jung Eunji

//Seong Im's sister is obssed with Baekhyun

//Baekhyun is freaked out by Seong Yi (Seong Im's sister)

//Baekhyun is a loud derp alond with his other bestfriend, Park Chanyeol

//His parents always fly all over the world and rarely home

//His parents hate Ahn's family (But Baekhyun still hangs out with Seong Im)


Best Friend | Nam Soohyun | 18 | 11 | Dance
Personality: Sister of a guy from the school's rival. Soohyun can be very lazy. Because of her snobby attitude, she tend to treat everyone (except her best friend) like peasants.When the teacher ain't looking, Soohyun would sneak out by the back door and hang out at the rooftop. Soohyun is also very hard to impress, because she hates being impressed. She prefer everything going naturally. On top of that, she could be rude and snappy if she doesn't get enough sleep. Soohyun would also be the queit girl at the back like Seong Im, listening to music, oblivious to whatever is around her. Soohyun is also very sloppy- lazy to comb her hair, but somehow her hair look nice. Soohyun also believe that changing for others is not worth it, she rather be her true self. Though she skip many things, she managed to catch up with her best friend filling her in. Though Soohyun gives other the 'I-hate-you' vibe, she still recieve much confession from guys because of her cool attitude and how she dares to defy the teachers. Despite all the confession, Soohyun didn't bother to look at them like Seong Im. Sometimes, people would think Soohyun is a sister of Seong Im.

Interactions: Seong Im and Soohyun never have skinship. They find it aawkward. Because Soohyun is awkward towards skinhip with girls and Seong Im respect that. But the two of them would usually do a brofist or have a long talk about music unlike other girls in school talking about boys. But Soohyun is much comfortable around boys because she's the only female in the house. She would usually hit Baekhyun playfully.

Trivia: (optional; events that impacted their relationship; something random or funny about them, how do they treat others, popularity, anything you think is remarkable)

//The school's Sleeping Beauty (She can sleep at anyway and anytime :3)

//She's akward around girls

//She comes from a doctor status family

//Her brother is from the School's Rival -- Nam Woohyun

//She's dating Baekhyun's best friend- Park Chanyeol

//She treats everybody like peasants (except her best friends and boyfriend) because she don't like interacting with people-- she just need Seong Im, Baekhyun and Chanyeol

//She could be very nerdy and dorky at times

//She talks too much when she drinks coffee. And she'll be annoying till the point you wanna push her down a cliff

//She's the laziest person you'll ever meet



Aquaintances → Rival| Jung Eunji | 19 | 12 | Vocal
Personality: Jung Eunji. Best friend with Kim Myungsoo, student of the school's rival. Eunji and Myungsoo was childhood friend. As the grew older and mature, Eunji thinks that all the action Myungsoo did- she thinks he like her. And she also like him. But Myungsoo only treat her like a dongsaeng. Many people who walk pass would also see them as couple from the skinship they did (e.g. hugging, walking close to each other, linking hands). Too Myungsoo, those are just friendly actions but Eunji see more into it. But as soon as Eunji learn that Myungsoo like Seong Im- Eunji immediately confess to him, only to recieve a heart breaking rejection. Eunji didn't give up, continue to be with Myungsoo (Making it seem like the confession never took place and Myungsoo was okay with it) and begged Seong Im to stay away from Myungsoo. Though Seong Im hates it, she did as what Eunji told. It's because nobody would ever like to see a broken state of the school's sweetheart. But Myungsoo who didn't know anything, continue to pester Seong Im. Eunji also starts to hate Seong Im, whom she rarely talk to before.


//School's Sweetheart-Queenka

//Sweet and Innocent

//Have a beautiful and powerful voice when singing (Makign everybody adore her)

//She's too bubbly and cute that nobody can ever hate her

//She's so innocent that all guys want to protect her

//Her family is filled with boys, she tend to be tom-boyish but more girly in a good way

//Her family is rich- owner of some famous food outlet



Favourite Hoobae/Junior | Choi Hyun Ok | 18 | 11 | Vocal
Personality: At first, Hyun Ok is awkward around many people, but as you get to know her, she's a typical type of person who likes fooling around. She often makes people laugh. She loves it when people smile or laugh. She have lots of charisma but she have more of ayego. Nobody ever resist it. Hyun Ok is kind-hearted and caring towards people she loves. She takes care of her everybody and tries to help them as much as she can.

Interactions:Hoobae-Sunbae relationship. They met each other through Vocal class and Seung Im fell in love with Hyun Ok's aegyo. Because Seung Im is horrible in doing aegyo.


//Hyun Ok and Seung Im met through vocal class

//Hyun Ok have irresistable aegyo

//She loves chicken

//She's a nerd in class


Grades on average: 9/10

Favorite subjects: English, History, P.E, 

Least favorite subjects: Math & Biology

Behavior during lessons: Queit, Attentive, Observant (except for the class she hates)

How much does she care about grades?
→ALOT. She need to graduate and get a good job. 

Plans for the future? 
→She didn't plan her future- it's all set by people around her. A doctor. But Seong Im hates it. She dreams to be a Famous Idol. And her father support her all the way.



Favorite Music genre(s): Pop Ballad, Rap, Slow
Favorite Artists: Epik High, G.O.D, Shinhwa, H.O.T, BoA, Ailee
Least favorite genre(s): Clubbing
Disliked artists: Girl's Generation/SNSD

Love Options

There is no limit to your number of love interests, you can create as many as you like. List down everyone who's relationship with your character is beyond platonic, such as current boy/girlfriends, crushes, on-off-relationships, flirts, ex-lovers, etc. If your character should date that love interest, the can't be more than 1 year and three months at maximum.

Use the masterlist. Love Interests preferably students from Hangwang High School, however, you can also make them students from Seongsu School of Arts (their rivaling school) or meet them later in the story on other places of the map)



Love-Hate frienemies | Kim Myungsoo/L | 19 | 12 | Vocal

Personality: Myungsoo-- or he prefered to be called L, is mischieveous, rowdy, playful and a casonava. In front of girls, he tends to act shy. And that's what charmed many girls. But when L met Seong Im at the mall with his 6 other friends- Seong Im accidentally spilled L's coffee all over his school uniform. But seeing that the Seong Im is pretty, they pestered her like Big Bad Wolf. Which irritated the Ice Queen- Seong Im then kicked one of them in the place where sun don't shine (Myungsoo-- keke~). Ever since their encounter, they kept running into each other outside and inside school. Myungsoo starts to gain interest in Seong Im (because she's different) and annoyed her almost everyday when she's going home or in school. 

Interactions: Due to Seong Im's house near Myungsoo's big house, she encounter the 7 guys everyday without fail. Even when she's on her way to her work (Bubble Tea Shop). Though Seong Im and Myungsoo looks like they hate each other, they somehow have their heart beating rapidly when seeing each other. Like how people call it, true love. They even care for each other unintentionally. Like one time, Seong Im stayed back in school to help the librian in the library and didn't pass by Myungsoo's house as expected, got him worried about what could have happen to her. They even bicker on street, people would have really thought this two were a couple.

Trivia: Facts!


Do you have any specific requests about the outcome? →No, surprise me~

Happy or sad end? →Surprise me *^*


The End

Which plotline would you see your character getting along well with? →The Troubled and The Bossy

Which plotline would your character need most time to warm up to? →The Nerve-Wrecker

Any requests or ideas for the storyline?

→Seong Im encounter 7 boys at the mall, and started messing with her.

→Woohyun flirting with Seong Im and Myungsoo got jealous

→Myungsoo accidentally saw Seong Im at her father's toppoki 

→Myungsoo talking to his best friend, Jung Eunji, and accidentally got Seong Im jealous

→Eunji went to Seong Im and begg her to stay away from Myungsoo (Eunji was crying)

→Myungsoo tells Seong Im about his idea type, 'A girl who never experience love acts like she knows it.' And tells her to make an effort, making Seong Im confused.

→Myungsoo dragged Seong Im for a date at a restraunt as soon as she step out of school.

→Eunji and Seong Im had verbal fight outside school, which Myungsoo and Woohyun saw

→Baekhyun admits he have a crush on Eunji


Comments: Hehe-- is the request too much? Sorrrryyyy~ I hope you didn't fell asleep while reading my app, feel free to tell me my mistake :)

Password: Jin- Gone

In case your character doesn't get chosen, would you still like to see him appear in the story as a side character? Yes

If yes, which of these positions would you prefer?

//a rival from Seongsu

*for these I might tweak their age a bit


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