Final day! Whaaat?!


Today was my last day of high school EVER.




It was all strange at first, and I didn't want to believe it was the last day. I still don't, actually. I'm just sitting here writing a blog all like "yeah, totally still a high school kid". But I'm not.

Still, there we were (my best friend in the whole universe Rachel and me-- OMG honey-yah, it's actually over!) walking around the entire school to find all the teachers and say goodbye. Most of them gave us hugs, that was nice :) I like hugs~

Yeah thought, ddn't even cry, which was strange because I thought I would. I let people write farewell messages all over my school shirt (which I was wearing) and some of the ink went through and onto my skin so now I've got "I <3 PRETZELS" in pink marker pen on my back xD When it got time to go home neither Rachel or myself wanted to leave.

But yeah no, wow. Where did all the time go? It's been 13 years since I started school and today it's ended. I literally only have exams to do, and then it's all over. Done for good. And somehow, we are all expected to go out and actually function as humans. Have you seen this year group? We do not function.

I'm sure we will all be fine though :)

Also, and this is kind of irrelevant but, there's supposed to a beach party that all of us are welcome to. Guess what I'll be doing tonight~~

Quiet night in, cup of tea, assigning updated software to my precious and special little baby laptop. Because I'm so hardcore. And like partying. Socialising. With lots and lots of people. And the beach.

No wait, no I don't (actually I do quite like the beach, difficult not to in Australia 'cause it's preeetty) Tea though. Yes good. ANYWAY. It's been 13 years of my life and I feel excited for the rest of it and nervous as all heck at the same time and I'm not sure what to do with my life. Hmm...


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