( ☬ — Legendary ) Matsukoa Katsurou & Fire Nation

Katsurou Matsuoka

username — Jewel_ELF

nickname — Krissy

activity rate — 10/10


Character name — Katsurou Matsukoa

nickname — Sukoa

birthdate — June 7, 1994 

birthplace — Fire Nation

hometown — Fire Nation

ethnicity — Japanese

languages — Japanese, Korean, English fluent. 

Your Nation Says it all

face claim — Park Jae Hyun

gallery — Link 1 << love that one

backup face claim — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

gallery — Link


appearance — Sukoa keeps his hair shaggy and long ish. He usually wears darker clothes. He doesnt have any tattoos or peircings. He is 186 cm tall and is 86 kg of muscle.

Who are you?

Bending — Blue fire augmentation(like Azula) and flame redirection 

traits — Brilient leader, good under pressure, quick to action, responsible, feirce, brunt, brutal, quick to anger

personality —   

Leader-Sukoa is a natural born leader. Fire Lord Yuki is his aunt and plans to offer Sukoa a role in leading the country when she is ready. People listen to him, or fear him. Either way, as long as people do what he wants he is fine with it. 

Good under pressure-Even under huge amounts of pressure, Sukoa usually knows what he is doing. He is a master at planning and conniving. He usually preforms best while under pressure. Things like that dont bother him.

Quick to action-This could be a good or bad trait. When he thinks he is right, Sukoa will dive in, head first. He doesnt usually confirm with others for his plans, but when they fall through he will take full responsibility.

Responsible-If he screws up, he will admit that and take what ever punishment he needs. It was part of his upbringing to be upright, responsible and noble. No one will look to him if they dont know he will be there when the dust settles

Feirce-Sukoa is not the person you want on your sh*t list. He is feirce in battle and in life. Dont threaten him, he will take it very seriously and act upon it. 

Brunt-He doesnt no sugar coat things or hold them back. He will tell it like it is to almost anyone. He wont to his aunt. She is one of the only people he fears and doesnt want to dissapoint.

Brutal-Just dont get in his way. Simple as that. If there is someone between him and where he is going, that person will be emoved. Sometimes viciously. He doesnt stop.

Quick to anger- If his buttons are pushed, Sukoa will explode. Not just blow up, but explode. People will know he is angry and people will fear. 

Really, all he wants to do is make his aunt proud and do his nation good. People never saw him as anything but the nephew of the Fire Lord when he was growing up, so he never had a real chance to develope. He desnt show much emotion, but he would be willing ot try. He is used to people being afraid of him, all it would take is for someone not to fear him. He doesnt smile often, but has a very soft spot for younger kids. Not the snot nosed ones, but the sweet ones who are still innocent


background —  

For as long as he can remember, Sukoa has lived in the palace(would be a palace? What is it even called) with his aunt. Apparently he was chosen to be trained by her. Even though it was unheard of, no one was going to speak against her, so Sukoa lived there. His parents didnt have a choice, his mother tried to fight against her sister but she had no bending abilities. They were refused to seek him out. He had his own room and Yuki made it very apparent to him that he was not her son. More than once she made him feel like he wasnt even a part of the family. He was only there to train. 

Not only did he recive bending training, but acidemic training too. If Sukoa was going to have anything to do with this nation when he was older, Yuki was going to make sure he would know how to. He spent hours with tutors then to the training room. For the first ten years, Yuki didnt even check on his progress. She let him train by himself with other masters. The day he started bending blue fire was the day she took notice. 

At the age of eleven, Sukoa started being mentored by the Fire Lord herself. She was brutal and harsh, but it made Sukoa better faster. At that time he all but stopped his acedemic trainings so that he could focus only on bending. He spent all of his time practicing. He never left the grounds and didnt sleep often. Every time he would mess up, Yuki would give him a look of utter dissapointment. He needed to work to be good enough to never get that look again. 

Four years later, Sukoa was a leathal wepon. He had all but mastered blue fire augmentation and physically could fight. Chinese form Northern Shaolin was his preffered style of attack, but he had many. Yuki put him in charge of the guards. When he proved himself there, she was impressed and offered to advance him. He became a marien lieutenent. He never did anything, there was no need. The war ended, they were only here as a precaution. Along with the other men on the boat, he continued working on his bending and put the offer up that if any of them could physically match him he would introduce them to the Fire Lord. He never introduced anyone. 

Just before his nineteenth birthday, Yuki found a new protoje. Khan Fuuki. Her mother was from the fire nation but her father was from the water nation. She could bend water and wanted to bring honor to the nation. Yuki had her brought in for training. Sukoa came back, to try to get her positino back. 

Before he could do anything to the girl, Yuki banished him from the Fire Nation. She knew he could have killed the girl and she didnt want that. Sukoa became enraged at her and the nation. He left and many of his loyals followed. He became an enemy of the nation and stuck to the seas. 
When Tamriel was formed, Sukoa headed there first, but left right away. He could tell something was wrong with it. He tried to convince people to stay away, but no one would listen. The ship and crew he had with him became mercinaries against Tamriel even before ther other nations saw what was happening. He made his base in one of the boats he picked up in his fleet and that became his home. No one knows what ship he ususe as his own. Some of the people of the Fire nation knew who it was and wanted to get Sukoa back and make him oer throw the Fire Lord. 
Sukoa became a lead in the attack against Tamriel. He even was willing to fight along side water benders. (he hates water benders) People started looking towards him and many people knew his name. He liked that because that way Yuki could see who she was going to be going up against. 

Practicing bending. It brings him a strange sence of peace
Night time
Sweet foods
Warm sumer rain, but only a little bit of it. Too much and it bother him
When he can get off the ship, walk on solid ground

dislikes — 
Any vegtables except green ones
Water benders, expecially Khan Fuuki
Large, loud crowds

Practicing bending
Cooking(he doesnt cook if there is anyone around) 

habits — 
He has to light inscence before going to sleep

trivias — 
He has a scar on his back
He kicks people in his sleep
He has started bending in his sleep
He is very active in his sleep
He doesnt remember his parents
His right pinkie is shorter than it should be due to an injury when he was little
He doesnt tend to show emotion, but when it builds up he will start to cry
When he cries, its not the loud kind. Its the kind when you fall to your knees and tears stream down like rain
His favorite color is burnt orange


family — 

— Fire Lord Yuki | Aunt | Fire | Dictator, rude, controlling, mean 


friends — 

— Yukimura Kotone | Mentor | Fire | She is kind, but stern. She is always at Sukoa's side

— Kawaguchi Hinata | Mentor | Fire | He is strong, but a terrible bender. He is more the acedemic type

My first love

love interest Name — Another girl applicant. Dones matter what nation
Date of Birth + Age — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Appearance — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Nation — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


personality — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Background — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

relationship — What is he/she to you?
Interactions — How do you two interact?
Other —  .

Final Words

comments/suggestions — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

scene requests — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut.

password — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, recteque aliquando no vel, brute essent duo ut.

turn in — back to the story


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