Notes of a writer #1

Wow, people should really start writing with another groups. It stills so much the same that it gets boring, you go to tags and you find some boy group plus their members and thousand of stories about them. I wish these writers would challenge themselves and start writing about girl groups plus their members, because this ust tells me that they're just experts in one area. Even if I prefer girl groups, a girl x girl pairing, I have a boy x girl fic in progress on my drafts, and I'd love to write a boy x boy in the future. Why can't others do the same?

Also, writers of After School's fics, try to write 2na fics and Raina fics, there's already a bunch of Naliz. Also, would you please try different pairings for them? You're awesome writers! Challenge yourselves! It'll improve your writing.

P.S: I have a 2na fic in the works, and a draft of a Railiz one.


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The only thing about that is that people should write what they have fun writing with. Yes, some may challenge themselves, but at the end of the day, most people write fics because its fun or they used to do it. Yes, there are some people that write fics for popularity, but a vast majority write the stuff they want to see or write the stuff they do because they think its fun. I've written het, boyxboy, and girlxgirl before, but personally, I have more fun writing non-pairing fics more often than not. People write what they want to write and if you like something that's not popular, than you just have to put up with the lack of fic/people that like said pairing/group/member. It , but it's the way of life. I should know since I ship some rare pairings in Infinite and it's only once or twice every couple of months does someone write something new for said pairing.

And some people don't want to challenge themselves because they're just writing for fun and why write something about a group/pairing they don't even like when more often than not, they're just writing fic as a hobby and don't plan to ever use those writing skills in the future.