40 days (Personal)

I just want to share this because it hurts so much this is not related to kpop. This is because of the death of my GreatGrandMother she died at the age of 87. I remember my childhood with her until i was 16 or 15 we almost see each other everyday but they change house and i kind of neglected them and wouldn't visit often and now it hurts me so much for not looking after them even though she wasnt that kind to us when she was alive we still love her i miss the way she would get angry at us for being too noisy and the times she'll hit us with her stick or fan. But i miss her smiles the way she would hold my hands too long until we go home when we visit her and my greatgrandfather. I miss her and it's her 40 days today i haven't visited her grave. I would often get dreams of her dying and alive it hurts. Please dont neglect the people around you, cherish and treasure them because we don't know when will God take them from us. RIP lola and RIP to EUNB & RISE you may all rest in peace. I know your in a good place and someday will meet again, please look after us who are still alive. You will always be imprinted in our hearts.


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