
Lol, okay this is pretty random, but since its 3, here, and I've been working on a project like a workaholic for 5 hours straight... i guess I can't sleep.


So I decided to post something about music! Hahahahahaahaahhahhaha *coughs


Since KPop is pretty bleak these days (by bleak, I mean that there are like 3 comebacks every 2000 years, so yeah, things are pretty dull in Youtube unless you keep track of Taiwanese variety shows, which I don't bcuz theyre annoying as crack)... waaaait, I just digressed.

yeah, I wanna post about recent (sorta) Epop and some Kpop rants too. So instead of making this a full-blown escapade of profanities and feels-induced keyboard-slammin' - I'm turning this into a decent, neat recommendation list which I hope someone reads because it's 3 here, and I'm tired as but my brains in overdrive, and yeah, did I mention it's 3?

Inhales coke* sneezes it out*

I'll be going down the list in increased order, so hope you know em... if not just listen to em, cuz dass wat this post is about...

It's 3 here.

So yeah, these few are my favourite shuffle-throughs in my playlist recently.


10. Pitbull ft Austin Mahone - Mmm Yeah

9. Sia - Chandelier

8. Charlie XCX - Boom Clap

7. Calvin Harris - Summer

6. Maroon 5 - Maps

5. Tiesto - Red Lights

4. Chris Batson - Red Lights

3. Katy Perry - Birthday

2. Magic - Rude

1. Vienna Teng - Recessional


oKAY LOL! I just randomly typed it all in in that order. I dont have favourites here, they'll all pretty cool, helps me concentrate anyway. Taylor Swift's Shake It Off could've made the list, if she hadn't had to add that bitter mention of her 'ex-Man with her girlfriend plannin to shake it with the dude with the hella good hair'.

Seriously, Swift.

She sings about ex-manS EVERY SINGLE SONG! WAI! I love her looks and voice and whatever the hell vibe she gives, but her songs really piss me off. Why can't she just grow up and move on for a change?! Instead of singing about blue eyes and blonde hair and cheating hearts and ugly replacements and WHUT. The first few songs were fine (back to December, love story), but when it came to 'Speak Now', it was just plain ridiculous.


But no, she pokes and pries and peeps at the bride-to-be, calls her family snotty, insults her wedding dress, crashes the wedding IN A CHURCH (forgive moi indignance but that place is sacred, Swift. SACRED), tells the groom to run away with her to the back of the door where SHE gets married instead and writes about him being all thankful to her for for helping him ruin someone else's happiness.


Did I mention he was someone's fiance?



Okay, okay, fine. We all love her, but she's really gotta let the depression go. I was so proud of her when she came up with a catchy song like Shake It Off, and IMAGINING it to be a bubbly song all confident and chirpy and...

Anyway, moving along.

Anyone a fan of Demi Lovato? Her song 'Really Don't Care' in pretty catchy, but listening to it 200083290 times a day on the radio tends to make you like it significantly less. I'm not kidding. It's like Rolling In The Deep Again. (btw, the lyrics to Set Fire To The Rain was really weird. Interpretations, anyone?)




Oh yeah, 5 Seconds Of Summer is really hot these days? Why? One trip through their twitter page and all i've seen is....

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER, PLEASEEEEEEEE~~~~~ hearts hearts hearts hearts....



Moving on again...

Oh yeah, after 2 years of listening to one Direction songs, I decided to make a Wattpad account to read. Okay, I donno y i strung those two things together, it doesn't make sense. I shall rephrase (cuz pressing Backspace is just too mainstream). I just created an acc on Wattpad and to my surprise, there were heaps of fanfictions there, on 1D and JB. So, I did read a few, because they were clogging up my 'featured' list. And per reading the first few lines of every one of them, I had envisioned the 1D members to be blonde ninja-turtles with clear emerald eyes, mutant biceps and were -icons of every high school they appeared in. So after long, long last, I decided to google Harry Styles, since I read so much about him aaaaaand....

I was like.... okay, he's does have mutant biceps.... and his eyes are... blue.. I think. So I flicked towards his age and...


He's 20.

He's frickin 20.

He looks like a  13 yr old on steroids.

No offence, 1Directioners - he's fine looking but....

If you write for Wattpad... you're officially weird in my books - the poor thing looks nothing like the eyebrow wiggler/ skinship maniac/ maniac you guys imprinted into my brain.

Pats Harry on the head* It's okay, baby.


Kay, Kpop time!!!!

I like Bigbang.

*sobs wherearethey

speaking of bigbang ~





 <<< idk wer dis came from but its funny as heck


k bai




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Dude....need me to recommend some music? BTS is pretty could check out their latest single, Danger. It's pretty catchy.

And on a side note....

...I am slightly obsessed with Lee Min Ho right now. No, not SHINee's Frog Boy. I mean the actor.
I blame it all on my friend who's a completely crazy Min Ho fan. (I watched Boys Over Flowers and squealed like mad. I blame post-exam craziness)

But I digress. Lee Min Ho has a really nice voice, for an actor. You could check out his album, he has a couple nice songs.

Harry Styles is twenty?

...He's younger than Tao, then. Whoa. (Or is he the same age with Sehun....?)

Anyways....where was I. Oh yeah. Music playlists. You checked out BtoB? Some of their songs are good.
I don't really follow Block B and BtoB, but they have some nice songs. Here's some recommendations, especially for studying.

U-Kiss - Stop Girl
U-Kiss- Tick Tack (Japanese version)
Sistar- I Swear
Sistar- Touch My Body
Super Junior Mamacita
Nu'est - Good Bye
BTS - Danger
Lee Min Ho- You and I
Got7- Girls, Girls, Girls
Teen Top- I Wanna Love
Kris Wu Yi Fan- Time Boils The Rain
EXO Chen- Best Luck
Red Velvet- Happiness
f(x) - Red Light
U-kiss - Standing Still
BtoB- Wow
Teen Top- Rocking
Block B- Very Good

Hey, for English pop, B.O.B's Magic is still the best raps eva....just sayin'.

(I think I just out-typed everyone here....awkward)
xD huahahahahahahahaha the best things came up when we are "high" on a state deprived from sleep xD Believe me, I understand how you are feeling/felt. Staying awake the whole night after a week sleeping 5-6 hours is totally normal to me when I'm close to deadlines... (blame myself, no one said to choose what I chose to do on college. But everyone supported me... Little we knew what was expecting for me... ok, I digressed enough here.)
About that guy on One Direction... I don't listen to their music (actually I almost don't listen to normal radio programs. Just my brother's cd's or my father's iPod playlist... and I digressed again) but I feel his problem. xD I'm 20 too, but everyone, everyone, says that I can pass for a 14 year-old easily. So yeah. I feel you bro! xD huahahahaha The good thing, when we are 40, we will look at least ten years younger! 8D
Ok, I think I talked enough already. 8D xD
lol this post made my day. and i couldn't agree with you more about tswift and demi's new song. i was really into "i really don't care" but then it got too mainstream that i grew bored over it. and harry rofl a 31 year old XD