RIP EunB and RiSe

this is really late, but better late than never, right?

I'm not a fan of Ladies' Code, I prefer SNSD and EXO but not only Lavelies are grieving, all the kpop fans are grieving for the loss of two important people in the kpop scene.

It's sad, that people with such potential died so young. I can't even begin to imagine how Sojung, Ashley and Zuny must be feeling, let alone Lavelies.

However, I think EunB and RiSe wouldn't want Lavelies to be so upset about this, death is inevitable and it's heartbreaking that they died this way, but we should slowly let it go. Maybe I'm being viewed as heartless and cruel, when everyone's still reacting to the death of RiSe, but death is an everyday thing. Instead of thinking about all the negative sides of this, we should remember the good moments of Ladies' Code. Smile, don't cry. I think this is what they would have wished too.

RIP EunB. RIP RiSe. You'll be missed.


I don't mean to offend anyone with this, my use of language isn't the best, so please don't misinterpret this. I, like everyone else, wish that accident didn't happen, but it did and we have to accept that. I believe that EunB and RiSe are looking down at us from heaven and they won't want Lavelies to be too sad either. Stay strong please ♥


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