My Rant

I need people to rant to...Which I don't have, so imma just do it on here. This B---GAH!

I'M GETTING SICK OF PEOPLE BASHING TAEMIN FOR NO GOD DAMN REASON! I mean if you don't like him, Fine, I don't give a frig. But do NOT come to me and tell me how much he and that SHINee is gonna because they're "focusing" too much on Taemin and that he has no talent and all that shiz when YOU KNOW he's my ultimate bias. It's like...are you trying to piss me off, Do you want me to curse you out? Because I think you do.

Taemin has talent! He is an AMAZING dancer and his singing is getting better each day. NOT ONLY THAT but his personality is just...FLIPPING AMAZING. I can't even find any more words to describe him, that's how great he is. Now I know not EVERYONE thinks that way and that's fine, everyone has their own opinion but to be all out rude and just bash him is not something you should do when you're talking to me. ESPECIALLY IF YOU KNOW IT WILL PISS ME OFF! And don't ing continue when I ask nicely for you to stop! (Yes! I cursed, I'm mad) I don't bash your damn biases so DON'T BASH MINE!


Sorry, I'm ranting about someone and I just had to let off steam because if I didn't, I was going to curse someone out


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I dont know why either. My friends keep telling me about this new video and that "he looks like a man" I really dont care since my friend likes him so yeah... but that doesnt mean that people should say bad things about him.
Indecisive12 #2
Personally, Taemin is my least favorite member in SHINee but I still acknowledge his talent. He's grew (talent wise) so much since their debut. Every comeback he along with the others just seem to improve so much. To say taemin is talentless is complete and utter bull and people need to get over their bias hatred and accept that he's good. Its not even like he's the only one in the group that is doing work. Some people are just too bias and blind to the truth.