♚ Gℓaмoυr ㅡ Jung Hae In x Silent beauty

Hae in jung

username — Jewel_ELF

nickname — Krissy

activity rate — 10


name — Hae In Jung

nickname — 
 In-ah, it just kinda happened. When she was little people called her that and she grew accostomed to it. Now she prefers it most of the time. She thinks it weird calling herself that though

birthdate — Format : 1990/01/02

birthplace — Yangjae-dong, Seoul, South Korea

hometown — Seoul, South Korea

nationality — Korean

language — Korean, fluent. English, basic

Persona — Silent beauty
Hae In is a looker, no doubt of that. She doesnt talk much though. She is usually the one to be scene and not heard, unless she has something to say then everyone hears her. 

fanclub namE — Lion hearts
fanclub colour — #facc00
singing twin —
Hyosung | Secret | Link

Sunny | SNSD | Link 

rapping TWIN —
Krystal | f(x) | Link

look at me

face claim — Hwang Mi Hee

gallery — Link 

backup face claim — 

gallery — Link to pictures if you can't find any gallery



People usually notice her when she walks in. She doesnt demand attentions, but gets it. She is 174 cm tall and weights 49 kgs.  She is blood type O and doesnt dye her hair. She doesnt want to cut her hair, she has been trying to grow it out. 

fashion style — 
She likes looking nice, its almost a requirement for her. During practice she will wear sweat pants, but other than that she almost refuses to. She wears a lot of white and black. She will wear brighter colors, but not often. She is not afraid to show a little skin, ever. She has a red dress that is her favorite and will wear it on any occasion she needs to look nice, but not fancy.

let me introduce myself, i'm character name

plotline — Main vocal
> Lead vocalist, dancer ㅡ

traits — Smart, poker face, charming

personality — 
Hae In is such an inteligent person. She can read between the lines and is good at figuring things out. She loves riddles because there are few she cant get. She is also very charming, people tend to gravitate towards her. She acts quite neutral about skin ship, but she does like it. She likes knowing that her group is there for her. And she would be there for them for anything. She doesnt give up easily and doesnt leave anyone out.

Hae In isnt the best at displaying her emotions. She smiles, but not very often. She doesnt like to. If her emotions get to be to much then she will, but that doesnt happen very often. Her brother is verymuch like her in that sort. She is stubborn and does not give in easily, if she thinks she is right she will stick to her guns. 


background — 

Hae In was the third born into a family of all girls. Ten months after she was born her parents had another child, but this time it was a boy. Because of their close ages, Hae In and Taekwoon were closer to eachorther than to their other sisters. They spent most of their time together, except when they were in school. They were only a grade apart so they still spent some time with the other. After school though they were almost inseperable. They did taekwando together and he tried to get her to play soccer, but she refused. At home they would play and mess around until their mother would come after them. They truly were best friends.
hey started drifting apart when she went into high school. She hardly had time for herself, let alone her brother. She even stopped doing taekwando so she could focus on her school work. Taekwoon didnt understand why and after that he stopped taekwando too. Once he got into highschool he understood, but was still hurt from it. 

While they were in high school, they would see eachother at school and home but that was it. They didnt go back to being best friends, they were just siblings now. Once in a while they would do fun things and commonly said they wished it could go back to they way it used to be. It never realy happened though. 

In 2008, both Hae In and Taekwoon auditioned to be trainees at Jellyfish Entertainment. Taekwoon was accepted right away, but Hae In had to audition again a few months later. By the time she got in, her brother had already established himself and now he didnt have  time for her. For a year they did that to the other, found excuses not to practice with them or to ignore them. People would stop and ask why they werent together, but neither one was willing to talk about it. On Hae In's 19th birthday they stopped butting heads and started working together. 

They usually practiced with eachother evey day. They came to the building together and left together. The instructors loved it because they really didnt need much help with singing. Dancing they had to work harder on, but they really focused on singing mostly. When Taekwoon foud out he was going ot be a part of Vixx, Hae In was waiting out side the door for the news. After he was gone Hae In changed. 

She only practiced with herself and she never took breaks. She was determined to be put with a group, no matter what it took. Taekwoon tried to convince her to back down, but she was going to show them her determination. She wanted, no she needed to debut. She had to show herself that she could do it. That she wasnt just waisting her life here when she could have gone to collage. 

There was only one time that she regratted becoming a trainee. A year ago, she stepped back and looked at her life; realised that it was too late for her to go to college, that this was the only thing she could possily hope would make her life good and that she really didnt have any options. To say she was upset was an understatment. She went out, got way too drunk and Taekwoon was the only one who could find her. 

Taekwoon convinced her to stay for two more years, and if she still wanted to do something else he would help her. He really didnt want her to give up on her dreams so she agreed. 

Eventually it did work. Two years after Taekwoon was called in, so was Hae In. The team leader said they were impressed at how well she had been working and that she didnt give up. She was, prospectivly, in a new girl group called Glamor. It wasnt set in stone yet, but they didnt want her exhausting herself. 

She contnued to practice, but no so much. When Jellyfish announced they were debuting a new group, she was ready. 

trainee years
> 5 years, 5 months, 2 weeks, 3 days
> She enjoyed it, but it was brutal. She wanted to do her best all the time so she hardly gave herself time to rest. At first she spent all her time with Taekwoon, but after that she was on her own most of the time.  
It was hard though. When she was alone it was really hard. She felt like she was doing thi all for nothing, like she was just doing this for the fun of it and her life was flying past. She refused to be looked at as Leo's noona though. One person called her that, but only one. 

whatcha doing today?

+ Singing/listening to music
+ Coffee
+ The color blue
+ Autumn
+ Traveling

+ Cheese
+ Swimming
+ Brown pop
+ Painting her nails
+ Humidity

+ Sleeping
+ Knitting
+ People watching

+ She talks in her sleep
+ She showers every night before bed

+ Vixx Eternity mv with Ravi and girls why mv
+ She was a blue belt
+ She has never cried in public
+ She can play the guitar
+ She has two birth marks, one on her claph the other on her shoulder 

+ She is possibly the biggest Perfection in history
+ She has never had a boyfriend
+ She prefers coffee to tea

strength — 
+ She has a cool head in emergencies
+ She is rather charming
+ She is open minded...most of the time

weakness/fears — 
+ She cant handle if the shower curtain is closed if someone isnt taking a shower
+ When they drive in an underground tunnel she has to close her eyes. She doesnt like it in any way shape or form


around you


— Father | Closer than with mother | Jung Hyun Woo | 54 | Pharmicist 

— Mother | Not very close | Jung Hyo Min | 53 | Porrage shop person
— Sister | Close, but not the closest | Jung Min Ah | 30 | Coffee shop bartista 
— Sister | Not close. never spends time together | Jung Bor Na | 27 | Student
— Brother | Close. Spent a lot of time together | Jung Taekwoon | 23 | Vixx member


friends — 

— Ahn Jae Woo | Were best friends in high school, still keep in touch | 23 | Book store worker | They were in the same class every year
— Lee Jae Hwan | Close, hang out and prctice often | 22 | Member of Vixx | They were trainees together
— Lee Seok Hoon | Friends Sungbae/hoebae | 30 | Soloist | He is a part of Jellyfish
— Jung Ji-Hoon | Asosciates | 32 | Singer, acter, songwriter, dancer, model, producer and designer | They met while Hae In and Chang Sun were togther
— Ahn Daniel| Still keep in contact, very good friends | 19 | Mamber of Teen Top | They were in the same class in high school
— Lee Han Bo | Friends | 20 | Trainee | They both became trainees around the same time

— Jang Keun Suk | Freinds | 26 | actor, singer, model | Hae In lived next to Kaun Suk when they were younger and they would walk to school together every day
— Song Joong Ki | Friends/crush | 28 | Actor | Keun Suk and Joong Ki were friends and Keun Suk introduced him to Hae In. She has had a crush on him from then

Eye, nose, lip

love interest — Lee Chang Sun

backup love interest — Park Sang Hyun
RELATION STATUS — Very close friends, neither is will to admit feelings 


personality — 
To say that Chang Sun is a fluffy unicorn with a huge appeal is putting things very litteraly. He is very 4d. He can go from being adorible and sweet to y and ready to go in seconds. He is talented and kind. He almost always has a smile on his face and can put one on others as well. People usually like him.

the first meeting— 
Hae In was just walking along the Han river when someone literally ran into her. They went to the ground together and she was ready for a fight. Chang Sun started apologising right away, but she was pissed. He offered to take her to the hospital to make sure she was ok, but she refused it. She needed to get to practice. He gave her his card so she could contact him if she needed to. 

how they interact— 
At first, Hae In gave no thought to the man. He was a stranger, but then she saw him again. But this time it was on the tv. He was an idol, and a popular one too. At her sisters push, she called him. She apologies for being so brunt and rude. The only way he would get over it was if she went to have coffee with her the next day. She was baffled but agreed. 
After that they started seeing eachother more often, but it usually was in a more relaxed stage. 

out of character

comments — I didnt know the names or occupations of Leo's family(I thought that might be a bit creepy) so I just made ones up. Perfection is 100% fan name
SUGGESTIONS — Any suggestions to improve the fic? Songs the girls could do for the comeback? Show? Any ideas for the fic?

scene requests — Any scene requests of your love interest and you? Or the members and your character? Some other scenes?

passwordDark Concept

turn in — back to the story


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