ALONE, i thought to myself "why do I ALWAYS think life is not AMAZING" , because everytime I try to get into a game, I hear mf with the BANG BANG BANG s and I die.

Ryze reminds me of AVATAR somehow..its weird.

I BELIEVE that one day I will defeat the Baron all by myself, and that the opposing team won’t chase me ROUND AND ROUND until they kill me, just because I was about to kill it.

I personally think Ashe and Tryndamere should BREAK UP because they clearly don’t look cute together. I would rather BUNGEE JUMP from somewhere taller than Mt Everest than see them have kids.

The team always hates me for trolling, and I feel like everyone is treating me like a CINDERELLA, telling me to do this, and that. Such a COINCIDENCE. Instead, I find a bush and enjoy my DANCING FLOW because I don’t have time for that . Like…DEAR MY FRIEND, do you have to treat me like this? I just need some DISTANCE, and maybe even a DISTRACTION.

When Cho Gath comes near me, DORADORA, I need to get my legendary.

EVERYDAY I will vs at least one Yi, and it MEKES ME PISSED OFF..(Eli). But the one thing that makes me SHOW MY SMILE is when I FALL IN LOVE with another champion because of their skin. But isn’t that FORBIDDEN LOVE then, because I am in love with a non existing thing?

Whenever I have half health left, and there is someone who I killed many times, I tell myself I CAN DO IT, and end up getting an extra kill without losing any health. The one thing I DON’T UNDERDSTAND is the lag I have to face when I vs someone that I know, or have a fantasy crush on.

INSIDE OF ME, I tell myself to get op items, even with 60 gold. I could get more gold from minions, but when the Lux on my team LIGHTS IT UP and gets all of them, I am broke for the whole game.

The one thing that frustrates me more than anything is when the same person kills me over and over again…Like damn NAEGA GE REOKE REOKE MAN MAN HA NI? But that one time that I do escape, I think to myself “oh what a MIRACLE”.

Is it just me, or is Katarina a MYSTERIOUS LADY? She starts of slow, then right at the moment when you are about to kill her, she ends up killing you with her op ult.

A thought that always comes up is, when I am dead and looking at myself, am I looking from NEVERLAND?

It is an OBSESSION for me to go but 5 health potions whenever I recall.

There will always be that one person who won’t shut up in a game…like “OK we get it!!! Stop complaining about your lag”.

I sometimes get a penta kill and I end up ON THE FLOOR.

At the end of the game, I feel like a captain, so I would say ‘EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU better get into the mid lane now!”. But the start of the games are usually more interesting, when we PARTY ALL THE TIME in the bushes with our epic dancing skills.

Some will spam the laughing fx and we yell out ‘QUIT PLAYING the damn sound effects!’.

When Miss Fortune turns you into a lesbian, is it really REAL LOVE or an act because I am confused.

Maybe one day I will get another penta kill..we all do…it is A SHARED DREAM.

And the funniest bit of the game is in the champion select stage, when 2 people want to get Ashe, and we speed type “SHE’S MINE SHE’S MINE”, such a funny yet depressing stage. And you know those people who call ‘mid mid mid mid mid’? Like just SHUT UP already!!

If only LoL would hurry up SOMEDAY and make us download the new version which is like Dota 2, but looks AMAZING, then it would be brilliant.

And you know how when you lag and YOU KEEP ON STANDING STILL right at a turret, and you get executed? If that happens again I swear I won’t play ever again.

And you know when your friend plays Lux on the opposing team and she stuns you at a turret? I am here like STOP GIRL IN THE NAME OF LOVEEEEE .. for friendship. And when you cannot stand how annoying your team is, you think SOMEBODY TAKE ME AWAY to another game already.

Also, you know how some people don’t communicate and you end up dying…? I literally have to spam TALK TO MEEE in the chat to get their attention. And the one time they do, and save your life..you cannot resist saying TE AMO!

How about the time when you are about to sleep or go to school, you just hear TICK TACK TICK TACK and it makes time fly even faster. Then your mum comes in yelling ITS TIME TO GO and you have nothing left to do.

Once you get home at 0330 (as it shows on the olden day clock), you feel relieved after going to school and saying ‘WHAT, WHAT, WHAT’ because you weren’t paying attention one bit and was thinking about gaming.

Whenever I get competitive, I would go on a killing spree and tell them ‘TOP THAT’.

Thank you, Thank you.


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I am so glad that I can understand both of the references here.

Ew. Ashe and Tryndamere?