My feels for Jinmark~~~~~

to all the Jinmark shippers out there.. 

i need help..

how to unship Jinmark? because i cant handle too much of their love~~~~~ 

it's killing me each day. it's not even a year since their debut and im near the edge of the ship. 

my addiction for their love is not healthy i tell. NOT HEALTHY. 

i cant even function a day without a hint of Jinmark. nowadays, Jinmark is really on a roll. i know.. i know.. they're on a roll even before their debut.. 

but, now.. it's just.. and Jackbum.. oh goshhhhhhhhh..

Jackbum is just pure love. i cant. GOT7 is the hardest group for me to choose a favorite OTP. 


Jackson Wang, i cant with you. 

okay, enough ramble. it's 4.27 am here. forgive me. 



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