throbbin' hood status

i feel like i owe you all an explanation for the delay in throbbin' hood and an explanation you shall all get. 

if you know me personally (which i'm sure all of you don't lol), you would know i am not particularly comfortable with my writing and tend to question it a lot. even right now i'm just rereading what i already typed and feel like something is off and is debating if i should reword some of the previous sentences and sobs. like many (if not, majority) of my other taeny fics, throbbin' hood is actually for a really good friend of mine who breathes taeny and like it's her life. me posting it on aff was just a place for her to easily find it when i feel like continuing it and yeah. but then A LOT of you started subscribing to the story and i was literally overwhelmed, thankful but still really overwhelmed because there are people reading this and actually like it. like wow ya'll all erts.


i'm not dead. i'm still writing throbbin' hood and the only reason why i'm taking so long is because i want to make it perfect for all of you (and to be able to look back and be proud of all the i've written)

xoxo Jessica 

p.s. can we just talk about how stunning yoona is like holy baby bananas

let. me. marry. you. im. yoon. a. 


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