Update about Ladies Code members, RiSe and Sojung.

Unfortunatley, according to some recent news on the girl's recovery I had discovered something incredibly horrifying and heartbreaking.

Due to the severe swelling of the brain and drop in blood pressure, RiSe was unable to complete her surgery after nine hours and remains in Critical Condition.. She's still unconcious and her condition is gradually worsening. It's speculated that she might not recover and if she does she will most likely remain in a vegetative state. Trauma to the brain is very serious, guys. And unfortunately when suffering from sever head injury there's not much that can be done.

As for Sojung, who just recently had her 21st birthday the day of the accident, it had believed that she had become so disfigured that she probably won't/can't return to the Entertainment Industry.

It seems news about these girls isn't getting better and it's such a shame too. No one deserves this. And they're so young which makes it so much more traumatic.

Let's just hope this isn't the case and continue to pray for the girls.


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