I hope drivers are more careful from now on

New reports have revealed Ladies’ Code’s van attempted to avoid collision with another car prior to their fatal accident. RiSe is also going on over 24 hours unconscious, with family members around her. 


The Yongin Fire Department was present at the scene of the fatal car accident on September 3 at Singal Intersection of Yeondong Expressway heading towards Incheon at 1:20AM. According to the fire department, the car in front of Ladies’ Code’s van began skidding due to the rain, and the driver of Ladies’ Code van attempted to avoid collision.

Yongin Fire Department told Newsen on September 4, “The emergency squad that was first to arrive at the scene reported it.” In order to maintain and control scene of the accident, 11 emergency vehicles and 32 fire fighter personnel were at the scene.

Ladies’ Code’s EunB tragically died on the way to a nearby hospital, while member RiSe was sent for immediate surgery. According to Polaris Entertainment, RiSe received three major surgeries as she sustained heavy head and stomach injuries. 

Unfortunately, due to intense brain swelling and her blood pressure lowering, her surgery was aborted and she was taken to intensive care where she continues to be monitored by doctors. Since then, RiSe has yet to regain consciousness. Her father, mother and younger brother have remained by her side, along with Polaris Entertainment officials who are awaiting a change.

Polaris Entertainment revealed in a new statement, “RiSe is still not conscious yet, and our company staff are taking shifts watching over her and waiting for her to get better. Her family has also been by her side all night.”

Sojung is suffering for fractured bones and was also sent to surgery. The remaining members, Ashley and Zuny, only received minor injuries, but are being treated for their severe shock.

EunB’s wake is currently being held at the Korea University’s Anam Hospital in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul with her funeral set for September 5 at 8AM KST.


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