Problems, frustration level 100 and going up

Hi guyz. To all my friends, subs and users that requested in my shops I'm sorry for working and answering in slow motion. I've been involved in a car crash a few days back and I'm still forced to rest because of the injuries. That's why I'm frustrated plus my car is bye bye... but anyway bro is taking care of everything around here . Since he is new to this site , he won't answer right away to your request. So if I don't say hi or you think I ignore any of you , sorry. I'll be back soon and finish everything that is pending. Thx for understanding. ^^


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b2uty_joker #1
I hope you are fine. Rest and take care of your health
Good luck!! ^.^ But be careful if your emotional health.
hope you recover well.
OMG... Are U oke now? Glad that you aren't in a bad condition after a car crash... Take alot of rest and be healthy agan... Get well soon :)
Rest Glad its not seriouse im a little afraid of cars after wat happened to EunB. hope you have a fast recovery
paintheskyy #6
OMG. Please drive safely >< Wish you speedy recovery! (and for a nice car to come soon) :*
danes007 #7
Please recover soon! Make sure that you don't DIE!!!

T^T (yeah yeah, I'm over-reacting)
hope you recover soon~
PipTheTerror #9
WHOAA. Heavy, dude. Hope you didn't get hurt too bad. And sorry about your car, bro.
Take your time, and get yourself sorted before you worry about anyone else. Everything will still be here when you get back ;)

- PiP.
Get well soon MJ !