RIP EunB and prayers to the rest of Ladies Code. Never really followed them, but this is a truly tragic event. 

EunB was only 22, devoted to her idol career, and this is a huge loss, not only for Ladies Code, but the Kpop scene in general. 

Sadly, this is also one of the other members' birthday. :(

Luckily, the 2 other (formerly) critically injured members have gone through surgery and are on the road to recovery.

RIP to the driver too, who also died.

And maybe this could be cause for reform...for groups to have less heavy schedules that require driving in the middle of the night (well, morning - it was around 1:00 AM) in the middle of rain.


All in all, this is a sad day.

And 2014 has been a sad year.



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I just heard the news. I heard RiSe was under emergency brain surgery for nine hours. Honestly I don't really stan Ladies Code, I've only heard Super Girl, but I cried so much when I read the articles.