You know, it's really scary how easily people can die? I have always been afraid of a lot of stuff, but saying goodbye is my worst fear by far. This tragedy just explains how precious human lives are. One minute, you could be alive and well. While the next, you are no more. EunB was dear to so many people ; her fans, her family, her friends, her members etc. I think we can all agree she didn't deserve to die this early. I might not listen to Ladies Code but I think we all need to pause for a while and reflect on the fact that we are alive and a sincere prayer to those EunB was dear to. It hurts. It really does. But, it will pass. Life always moves forward but her memory will linger with us. It is a sad day for all kpoppers, not just Ladies Code fans. Let's also hope that RisE and Sojung recovers, even though it will be a slow recovery. Saying goodbye is scary and inevitable. If you know any Ladies Code fans, please comfort them. 


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