DBD Application


The Application Form

AFF Username : --icecream--

AFF Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/79224


Name : Hwang Jin Ae

Stage Name : Alice

Nickname(s) :Jin (short for Jin Ae)

DOB&&Age : 04/20/1993 && 18 years old

Height : 159cm

Weight : 54kg

Appearance : [Hana Reum Song Lee]

~ http://ulzzangselcas.tumblr.com/post/14860330568

~ http://yellowcottoncandycloud.tumblr.com/post/14054740583

~ http://chokomilk.tumblr.com/post/13676012227

~ http://yunjixoxo.tumblr.com/post/13585161216 

Clothing style : Jin Ae has no definite style. She is always up to try new styles. From tomboy or sporty to elegant and feminine.


Personality : Jin Ae isn’t one of those cold loners. Neither is she an aegyo doll. She’s your typical joker. She is always telling jokes so others will be cheerful like her. This girl just loves to laugh. Her jokes won’t get out of hand but her pranks will. She always has a new idea of pranks, she won’t repeat the same prank. (Similar to Spongebob Squarepants’ Plankton. Just that Jin Ae’s ideas are always successful.) The reason why is that you might remember and warn the victim, this will make her prank fail.

Though she is a little evil joker, she is still a choding at heart. I mean, she is an eighteen year old girl but she acts like a five year old child. Why do I say so? That’s because Jin Ae still sticks out her tongue and plays games like chasing. Though she can be childish at times, she knows when to play and when to work. When it comes to work, she becomes serious and doesn’t fool around. No jokes, pranks or games. She gives her best when she does her jobs. When she has accomplished her job, she reverts back to the same old playful Jin Ae.

This girl is a drama queen. I’m not lying! She’s all drama. She can act like a really y person then change into an innocent angel. Just watch her acting skills! She exaggerates almost everything. A small paper cut could result in her crying and saying ‘Oh! I’m going to die from excessive blood loss! Tell my family I love them! Oh!~’ Jin Ae has a wide collection of expressions. For example, pleading look. She has different levels to it. First, pouty lips. Second, include the puppy eyes. Thirdly, add on the puffed out cheeks.

Jin Ae is a positive person. She thinks positively. Still, even the most positive person will have some negative thoughts in their mind, won’t they? For Jin Ae, she does think negatively once in a while. Whenever she does that, she goes crazy. She goes spastic and begins to mutter the worst consequences you could ever think really fast. Leave her be and after she finishes her muttering, she returns back to being positive again.

She does do random things sometimes. Like saying ‘Hello’ in a foreign language to others. Often, Jin Ae blurts out the first thing in mind. She doesn’t really worry about the consequences or future and just cares about what’s happening now. Basically, Jin Ae has many personalities. She believes that its boring if she just sticks to one. Hence, she has a drama queen, joker/prankster and choding personalities.

Background : Jin Ae had a happy childhood. She was brought up in a family of six – her grandmother, her parents, her older twin brothers and herself. The nearby playground was her second home. Almost everyday, she went there to play with her brothers. Jin Ae never grew bored when she was at the playground. She made many friends there. When she entered school, the frequency of going to the playground decreased slightly. Her parents and brothers being more busy was the reason why. Her grandmother had difficulty walking so she couldn’t bring Jin Ae to the playground either.

When Jin Ae was ten years old, her grandmother persuaded her to join the drama club. Her dear grandmother knew about Jin Ae’s love and talent in acting. Jin Ae was a bit hesitant at first because if she joined, she would be the youngest. She was afraid that the older students might pick on her or bully her. But she still joined. The reality was the opposite of what Jin Ae had though. Instead of harsh words, kind words were said to her on her first day. That was the beginning of another set of friends. All the students at the drama club loved the cheerful her. They cared for her. The teachers favoured her for her acting skills. None of the students opposed the the favourism because they had all agreed that Jin Ae was a natural actress.

In middle school, she joined the choir and the drama club. Her parents had persuaded her to take up another after school activity. Once again, she excelled in the drama club. But there was a difference. Because of the treachers’ favourism, some students grew jealous. They bashed her and spread fake rumours about her. The other students at the drama club protected her because they loved her. (as a friend) However, in choir club, Jin Ae had a hard time fitting in. She tried singing but it always came out wrong. The singing coach was disappointed in her and suggested for her to quit. Jin Ae didn’t cry or throw a tantrum when she left. Two reasons why – One, she had never liked singing. Two, the students there had bashed her for not being able to sing.

Jin Ae’s family moved to Korea when she was 14. She attended school there and joined the drama club again. What can I say, she really loved acting. She was new to her parent’s hometown and the language. This made the other students bully her. She improved in the language quickly since she had another talent for learning languages. The bullying ceased but she was still treated like an outcast. Being involved in the drama club meant performances. There was once when she had to perform for some actors and actresses who had visited their old school. They were to act out the life of a bullied student and how she got help in the end. Jin Ae was chosen to play the role of the bullied student. Her performace had impressed the guests. She had the bullying experience and the acting talents, these were the reasons why she had an impressive performance.

They decided to give her a chance to act. She was given a namecard and asked to contact that number if she ever wanted to pursue an acting career. She consulted her childhood friends and her family. All of them said ‘Yes! You should!’ She contacted the man and told him that she agreed. He asked her to meet him with Jin Ae’s parents so that they could sign a contract. This contract was to act seven years for his company.

She first acted in Sharp 2 with Kim Kibum. They were a side couple but they were more famouse than the main couple. Many viewers liked her and wanted more of her and Kibum. The next year, Jin Ae starred in Snow Flower, along with Kibum, as the main female. Both of them had become close friends. The viewers were once esctatic that Jin Ae had appeared in another drama once again. The third drama with Kibum was Chunja’s Happy Events. Viewers became a little suspicious that she had appeared in three dramas with Kibum. Yet she hasn’t acted in more than two dramas with other actors or actresses. A scandal began between Jin Ae and Kibum.

“Me and Kibum are just really good friends. Nothing more than that. About the number of times I’ve acted with him, that’s just a coincidence. Coincidences do happen in this world, don’t they?” Jin Ae clarified the matter during a press conference. The scandal died. Jin Ae has acted in the dramas Boys Over Flowers, You’re Beautiful, Poseidon and Skip Beat. The movies she has starred in are My Little Bride and Sunny.

Besides her acting career, she is studying in Korea National University of Arts where she majors in Drama. Her siblings both study in the same university and major in Dance. Her parents are doctors at Seoul National University Hospital.

Family :

            Hwang Chang Hee || Father || 54 years old || Alive || Doctor || A very strict man who actually cares a lot for his family. A bit forgetful and full of pride.

            Lee Ae Cha || Mother || 53 years old || Alive || Doctor || The sweet and understanding woman. She cares a lot for her family but she is very busy so she can’t always show her care and concern.

            Hwang Chin Hae || Older Twin Brother || 18 years old || Alive || Student || The twin who pampers Jin Ae. The protective big brother although he is rebellious.

            Hwang Chin Hwa || Younger Twin Brother || 18 years old || Alive || Student || Likes to bully his brother but he doesn’t do that to you. He’s the one whom you can trust the most.


Likes :

~The colour pink

~Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Selena Gomez, Adele and Eminem



~Twilight & Harry Potter

~Puzzle/Strategy Games (Like Sudoku, Word Search, Final Fantasy etc)




~Outdoor Activities




~Travelling overseas

Dislikes :

~Aegyo (anything related to aegyo)

~Hospital (even though her parents work in one)

~Orange Juice (those which are sour)

~Skirts (hard to walk around)



~The Colour Yellow

~Cliché Romances

~Singlets/Tank Tops

Hobbies :

~Practicing her lines for her drama/movie/play

~Playing games (video, board, computer, hand etc)

~Watching dramas online

~Doing the peace sign

~Updating me2day/Twitter/Facebook

~Reading mangas and watching animes (her favourite is One Piece)

~Drawing anime/Doodling

~Writing anime fanfiction

~Skype her friends back in America

Habits :

~Always moving her body (like playing with her fingers or moving her leg)

~ her lips

~Her fingers tap on a surface when she is bored

~She usually leans on her left foot when she is standing

~She hums/moves her head to the beat of the song she is listening to

~Always having her bracelet around her right hand

Talents :

~Dancing tecktonik

~Persuading people

~Learning languages

~Playing violin


Job : Actress

Persona : Multi-personality Joker


Partner :

~Kim Jong Hyun [SHINee]

~Henry Lau [Super Junior M]

~Lee Byung Hyun (L.Joe) [Teen Top]

Ideal guy : Kim Myung Soo AKA L from Infinite. Jin Ae likes a guy who looks cool and mysterious but can be funny. He must be sweet yet playful. A caring and calm guy.

First impression : He seems awkward and mysterious. Hope we can be a good couple!

Couple story : They’ll be the sweet and close couple. They won’t mind doing skinship like randomly hugging or kissing on the cheek.

Couple name : Sweet Couple. Because they are sweet and both of them like to eat sweets.

Personality : He had treated Jin Ae like how a gentleman would do in the beginning. The gentleman-ness disappears when they become close. He’ll be the same off screen and on screen. He becomes funny and playful but sometimes sweet. He loves to tease Jin Ae.

Interaction : When dating, Jin Ae is a fun and outgoing girlfriend. She becomes more sweet and caring when they get married. After having a child, she becomes mature and doesn’t get jealous that easily.

Dream date : They would go to the park and just walk there and maybe play at the playground. Then they’ll go to the nearby shopping mall to eat and buy couple stuff. At night, they will go to the beach and sleep in a tent there.

About children : Jin Ae is okay with children. She can handle them very well because of her childish personality. She once had to babysit her neighbour’s baby when she was 13. Like many females, she loves to go shopping for the baby’s clothes. Jin Ae would prefer a boy a year old. Although she would like twins.

Propose : She’d want an unexpected proposing. They were arguing over something small or he was ignoring Jin Ae. She would cry then he suddenly starts singing and proposes to her.

Why do you wanna be chosen? I want to experience how a successful relationship goes. How a couple dates, how guys propose, how we get married, how we live after marriage and how we live with a baby. I want to have the same experience like my parents. It can help me decide if I want to date, if I want to get married and if I want a child. Futhermore, it can help me when I act as a wife, mother or a girlfriend.


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