17 Questions for Writers

1. Do you write stories (or parts of it) everyday? Day or night?
I write parts of the stories every night before I go to bed. Although, whenever I suddenly get a spark of inspiration I will either go to my laptop and immediately start writing or go to the "Notes" app on my phone. 
2. Do you have any writing rituals? If yes, what are they?
Writing rituals? No... I'm usually just always laying in bed with my playlist on shuffle. 
3. Where do you write: MS Word, Notepad app, notebook, AFF text editor, Google doc, etc.?
I write on Microsoft word.
4. Do you start a fic with an outline? If the answer is no, proceed to #6.
It's not a complete outline but I have an idea of when certain characters should pop up and when certain characters should leave the story. If I have a girl that is torn between two I will always have who I want her to end up with in mind. 
5. Is your outline fixed or a work in progress? 
Hmm... Work in progress? I'm not really sure. 
6. How do you know if a chapter is done?
I'm guilty for liking/loving to leave my readers hanging with a sort of cliff hanger because it builds some hype for the next chapter. Although, when I write chapters that don't have too much going on in it, I do it kind of like a TV show or like a movie and do something like cut scenes. 
7. When do you update? 
I write mainly on the weekends to be honest so I tend to update on the weekdays plus updating on weekdays allow readers to read something when they're having a crappy day at school/work. 
8. Do you usually write short chapters (<1500) or long ones (>2500)?
I write short chapters but sometimes when I have time or if I'm on a roll I'll write long ones. 
9. Is it a must for your story to have a poster?
No... But I've been making my own posters lately (I've made a bunch for an upcoming fanfic of mine). I don't like the wait for some graphic shops and I'm a bit OCD so I just make them myself until I'm satisfied. It's not a must because I think stories should be based on their writing but posters just kind of give you a taste of the fanfic a bit(?). 
10. What do you usually write in your foreword?
I do "Date started" and "Date ended" always in the foreword and put an author's note.
11. What font do you use? Font size?
I don't always use just one font. I chose font according to story. Sometimes I feel a certain font fits a certain story. I don't adjust font size to be honest. Should I start doing that?
12. Do you write stories about your bias?
Yes, they tend to always be about my bias. I could do other members but I just have the feels to write about my bias.
13. Which of your fictional characters can you relate to the most? Why?
I don't really know... But the way I portray Kai in my stories a lot is a ert... But his true character is someone who seems so confident on stage and so charismistic but he's actually very shy and a bit insecure. When I perform I feel like the most confident person in the world but I'm actually a bit insecure on the inside. Just like the way I portray Kai in a lot of my stories, he's cold to new people but such a dork when he's comfortable with you. 
14. Have you requested reviews for your stories?
No, I have not.
15. What are your weaknesses when it comes to writing?
... I had a few readers personally message me and ask "Can you write a scene?" and I'm here like, "I'm still innocent!" Plus I feel awkward and uncomfortable writing it. 
16. Why do you write fanfics?
I like fantasizing about someone who will never ever notice me and will never ever know who the frick I am. I want to live my fantasy through a fictional character and an idol and then I want to share it with all of you! Plus writing seems to be an escape for me. My mood reflects on my writing. If that day I feel super pissed my writing will sound like I'm super pissed. If I'm feeling depressed you will know through my writing. And if I have so many feels from watching a new MV or teaser you will know! 
17. Any advice/tips about writing?
Write with your own style and don't feel rushed to put up a new chapter. When you're rushing to put a new chapter up, the chapter will most likely not be your best work. Put some time into it and post your best work. 


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Thanks for answering my questions :D

#2 It seems that listening to music is a common ritual.
#5 When an outline is a work in progress, it means that it is flexible to change or it can be edited still. When its fixed, no matter what happens, the story follows through the outline and there are no room for changes.
#11 Font size depends on font type. Compare font 12 of all font types and you'll find that some are smaller than the others. Anyway, this question pertains to readability.
#17 Indeed. We should always present our best.