Doing this cos I felt like it

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions they tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones.

Rule 3: Tag 5 other people and link them to this post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


Questions from 2NE1Soshi

1. Did you read any of my stories? If so, why?

Yea of course I do! Good plots, nice character development and for the most part, because Hyoyeon is usually the main character so :) and also cos the story's grammatically accurate :0

2. What's your dream?'d be cool if I could be a wildlife/adventure journalist :)

3. What/Who got you into kpop?

My classmates. Blaring Kpop over the speakers in class seems like an effective way to spread kpop round. 

4. First ever kpop addiction.

FT Island's Bad Woman. 

5. Teleport or Fly?


6. Meet your ultimate bias in your undies or watch them pass you by all the time like your invisible?

Watch them pass me by like I'm invisible. 

7. If you were to be in a group, which company, who's your members (noncelebrities) and what's your position?

Company: YG(?)

Members: I honestly don't know of anyone who fits the bill so I'm gonna leave the members part blank. 

Position: Rapper

8. Only eat or only drink?

Only eat. 

9. Be your favorite groups manager or the president of their fandom?


10. What country do you want as your second home?



Honestly don't feel like tagging anyone so I won't but if anyone sees this and wants to take up my challenge just feel free to do so :)


1. What would you like to see in my current story? I know I'm revamping it right now so if anyone wants to request certain scenarios or whatnot, just say so :) 

2. Favourite Kpop choreography?

3. What's your OTP?

4. Favourite moment your OTP shared?

5. Snapback or Fedora?

6. How's life? 

7. Current Kpop song that's stuck in your head now.

8. Current mood?

9. Do you like SUJU's new song 'Mamacita'?

10. Any nice ice-cream flavours to recommend? 


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Match green tea ice cream is my shheeeettttt. EAT IT.
Life . 3 labs. I dug my own grave.
Snapbacks for LIFE.
Not a big fan of suju.
Hyosica till the end. Moments? Too many.