I've had the time of my life... (8)

Soooo it's already been almost a week since I arrived in Korea!! :D And just like the title indicates, it's been unbelievable.


There is so much to see and so many places to go I can't even start describing the overwhelming feeling Korea gives. It does not feel real yet, though I'm petty sure when school starts on Monday reality will hit me xD 'Wake up! You have to study, you'e not here on vacation!!' that's what it'll shout to me OTL At least I've had these days to look around a bit: Myeongdong, Hongdae, Dongdaemun and the YAH cafe! I even saw the TTMIK crew and I just can't even xD It felt so weird to see them in person and talk to them xD


I've also met so many people from all around the world and I had forgotten how much I love sharing different cultural experiences. It broadens your understanding of the world and forces you to try to see things in a different way. Getting out of your comfort zone might be awkward, but it pays off big time :) One thing, Korean food is de-li-cious, but it hasn't been too gentle to my stomach :/ Y U make everything so spicy? One thing though: water is free!!!! :D That makes up for the spiciness... a little xD


To finish, I'm sorry I haven't updated my stories yet, but as you can see things have been quite busy. I'll find the time to write, I promise. Thanks for understanding <3



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Wow you are soooo lucky. I wish i could go to korea >3<