Korean learning

For those who don't know me...IM ANGEL! Haha. Ok so I've been searching for sites to help me learn Korean. Since I'm from the middle of the United States there are no Koreans (sadly) who live near me. I had to find websites or programs that work. Finally I have two I recommend. 

The first is www.talktomeinkorean.com (free)

This website has podcasts and PDFs which teach you a few words at a time. The podcasts have native speakers who are also fluent in English teaching them which makes life so much simpler. They explain everything about the words and how they are used. They have multiple ways of learning and the website is simple to use. 

The second is Rosetta Stone for Korean ($250+)

Although this program is expensive, it is easy to use and checks your pronunciation. It never uses a different language but instead pictures. This is a simple program yet taught a lot of Korean in a short amount of time. In my opinion it is worth the money.


If you find any other programs or sites, please let me know!


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