SuJu: Mama Mia my my my~

I know it's "Mamacita ayayah"

But wow- I love the MV I really do. I agree that the "water-in-the-ear" dance move is a little weird...

There is one weird line- but I always expect one with SuJu

"Close your lips. Shut your tongue." (?!?)

I love the album too. I so wish I had money to buy it right now, but I don't -__-

So I'm listening to it on Spotify. 

"Too Many Beautiful Girls" has to be a favourite. No way could it not be.



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Lukookie #1
The "water in the ear" dance just cracks me up. Lol ^^
The song is really catchy tho. XD
SUJU always has that one weird English word or line, that's just them lol. When I saw the teasers I was worried either the song or video would flop but I actually enjoyed it much more than I expected to haha. So glad they're back!!