P▲ZZiON Application



Personal information

Username: brave_purple

AFF profile link: www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/77301

Email: Is it ok if I don't put this? If I absolutely need to, just tell me.


Character basic information

Name: Cha Tae Hee

Nickname: Tae

Age: 22

Birthday: 23/8

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood type: B

Horoscope: Virgo

Nationality: Korean

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (Basic)



Picture URLs: 1 | 2 | 3 | 45 | 6

Name of ulzzang: Park  Hyun Sun

Fashion sense: Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 || Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 || Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 || Training: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 || Shoes: (Lol I'm sorry I had to ^^) 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5



Personality description: 

          Tae Hee is a girl who is outgoing, excitable, and a risk-taker. She loves to experience new things. She's not afraid to do anything, and always excepts a challenge as she believes she can learn from them and they can turn her into a stronger person. She can be stubborn and headstrong at times. She is a fun-loving person who tends to go with the flow. She doesn't like to be predictable or have the same routine everyday. She enjoys having the spotlight on her, which is the main reason she is one of the most popular people at her school. She doesn't cause attention to herself by starting drama, but by her talents, her looks and joining her school's sports teams. Keeping up with the latest trends and beauty products is one of her hobbies, and she sometimes made trends at her high school.  She doesn't enjoy thinking about the negative side to things though she realizes that not everything or every plan can go perfectly fine. She's a good team player and is fond of virtually everybody. There's only a handful of people she would rather not communicate with. She has a warm and friendly aura with everybody and enjoys making as many friends as possible. She realizes she can't be liked by everybody and because this is a negative thought her mind tends to skip over this. Tae Hee is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She loves to hang around people and is loved by mostly everyone. She's a sympathetic person and cares for other's well beings. She's warm and generous with people that's close to her, even though she treats everyone like her friend. She's observant about people's feelings and tends to give practical care for ones in need. Once you have done something to upset her, such as take advantage of her and her trust, she can be very stubborn towards that person and will strongly dislike that person. She loves to be in the center of attention and perform for people. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. 

          She's a confident woman and she's not afraid to show it. She keeps her head held high and walks around like she owns the world. She doesn't bother with what other people think of her. Either way she's works hard at keeping her figure and staying pretty with occasional diets and keeping up with the latest trends in cosmetics and fashion. To keep her S-line, she goes to the gym and least three times a week. To keep herself motivated and her ego high, she surrounds her self with positive messages. It will be things like listening to songs that keep her ego up like Wonder Girl's So Hot and SNSD's The Boys English Version. Basically she acquires a positive attitude towards life. She's confident enough to where she can laugh at her own failures. She loves to get full make-overs, along with her diets, every now and then. This also helps boost her ego. She's likes to pamper herself every now and then because she's a person who pays more attention to the needs of others than their owns. This is her way of connecting with her inner self. When she's put under stress, she becomes filled with negative thoughts. In order to get over these negative thoughts, she'll come up with simple solution, or sometimes excuses, to explain the problem. She does this so the stress won't affect her as much and will get over the problem, even if the explanation doesn't involve the nature of the issue. She's a bit flirtatious with men and most of the time she doesn't try to be subtle. When she sees a guy she thinks is cute, she'll easily approach him and start conversation. Other than exchanging ages, birthdays, and marital statuses, she'll ask about their income. She doesn't want to end up with a guy who still lives with his mom and has no money and no way to support himself. If he meets her expectations, the flirting begins. She's not shy to show off her S-line and her legs, especially because she works hard to maintain her figure.

          Tae Hee is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. She's a spontaneous individual and tends to place importance on immediate satisfaction and gratification. She contains an animate sense of humor, drama, energy, and optimism. Because she's a fun-loving person, she becomes bored easily and will strive for something exciting to do in life.  

          Tae Hee doesn't do so well with books and theories. She avoids situations that involve theoretical thinking and are complex. She had difficulty in school and doesn't plan on going to college either. But she does learn by doing and interacting with people. She doesn't handle criticism or dislike well. She'll take criticism personally and can become angered and harsh towards the person. She becomes irritated and emotional in front of judgment, mainly because she feels criticism and judgments are a stab at her character. She doesn't approach the conflict head-on, and will either hold it in, or she'll just give up to end the conflict, not matter her uncomfortable she is. Tae Hee can actually be a tough girl when she needs to be. She usually acts like this when she feels somebody is trying to take advantage of her or do something bad. She's not afraid to fight against anybody for what she believes is right, especially if its against her friends and family. Overall, Tae Hee is an individual who is warm, generous, fun-oriented, energetic, straight-forward.


  • Theater arts
  • Cosmetics
  • Facial masks
  • Fashion
  • Spas
  • Parties
  • Gyms
  • High heels/Stilettos
  • Jeju Soju
  • Wine/champagne/cocktails
  • Movies
  • Magazines
  • Money
  • Beats by Dr. Dre
  • Daydreaming
  • Writing
  • Jeju-do
  • Her Samsung Galaxy S II HD LTE


  • Waking up early
  • Criticism
  • Small laptops
  • Chores
  • Routines
  • Cold weather
  • Slow/Boring days
  • People who chew gum stupidly
  • Slow texters
  • Green Tea
  • Aegyo
  • Losing her train of thought
  • Flip flops
  • Gossip
  • Losing things


  • Having freestyle battles with her friends - rapping and dancing
  • Going to the club on the weekends
  • Writes short stories when she's bored
  • Again, when she's bored she'll draw on herself with ink pens, almost like tattoos. They can be very detailed or a simple smiley face cartoon.
  • Rock climbing
  • Surfing in Jeju-do
  • Running/Jogging


  • Places her hand on her abdomen when she feels she's gaining weight
  • Rocks back and forth if she's been sitting in the same place for awhile
  • She breathes loudly through her nose when angered
  • Taps her foot when she's nervous
  • When she's really angry, she'll countdown from 5 to calm herself down
  • Bobs her head to music unless she's fully dancing
  • Listens to music through her Beats by Dr. Dre earbuds when she's exercising
  • After talking for a long time, her conversations can turn into gossiping
  • Eats grapes when at the grocery store, she's seriously trying to break this habit
  • When she's in public, she checks her phone incessantly
  • She also tends to cross her arms in public. Once she realizes she's doing so, she'll unfold them because it's bad body language. But she ends up crossing them again.


  • She takes criticism personally
  • She becomes bored easily
  • Eats multivitamins and vitamins for your joints in the morning
  • She dislikes aegyo if she feels it's fake
  • She seems like she spends a lot of money, but she's actually frugal
  • She holds her liquor well
  • Her favorite color is red
  • She loves to go to Seoul's Fashion Week
  • She's a good communicator, she reads non-verbal communications well
  • She was always interested in Tae Kwon Do, but she never learned it
  • She created a Daum Blog, but she never used it. She only uses her Cyworld page
  • She absolutely loves Jeju island, she vacations there every year
  • She can be a little assertive at times - that never hurt anybody right?



Family members:

Cha Hwang Mi | 46 | Mother | Her mother, being uptight, tends to scold and nag her a lot. She can be cold towards her sometimes, but that's only how she is on the outside. She can be gentle with her family, unless they annoy her. She's a person who's not afraid to stand up for what is right, and likes to take lead. She's an independent woman and wants Tae to grow up the same way.

Cha Jung Gyu | 48 | Father | He's actually a reserved man who is very hard-working and is only close with his family and co-workers. He expresses his feelings through non-verbal actions and phrases like "Yeah". When Tae was a child, she used to cling to her father's side and was a daddy's girl. They're very close with each other and every now and then they have a rendezvous at the local coffee shop.

Cha Sun Woo (Baro - B1A4) | 19 | Brother | He's very energetic and likes to play around and joke with Tae. He likes to point out Tae's habit (mainly the bad ones) and annoy her. Together, they can make the atmosphere in any room brighter. He seems serious at times, but that's only because he is the type of person who is always in thought. When he's not in thought he can become a great mood-maker.

Pets: N/A

Best friends: Kang Nu Ri | 22 | One day when Tae Hee was fourteen, she was running near the Han River and her phone fell out without her noticing. She stopped at a park bench to take a water break; she reached in her pocket so she could pull out her phone and check the time. She started to panic after realizing her phone gone. She began to run the other way, looking on the ground and asking people if they've seen her Samsung Anycall. She was worried that she would lose her phone forever, somebody stole it, or if she did eventually find it, that it would be broken. She kept searching through out the park, but she wasn't ready to give up. After tracing her steps for the ninth time, she was about to start all over from her house. As she was leaving the park, a girl, slightly shorter than her but looked the same age, ran up behind her calling her "Miss". She turned around and found out that the girl found her phone after it fell on the grass. Fortunately, the phone wasn't cracked or broken. Tae was thankful, and was about to reward her with cash. The girl said she didn't want money, or anything in return. Tae felt like she had to give her something, so she kept asking what the girl wanted. The girl, with an obvious sense of humor, joked that she wanted money. Tae rolled her eyes and invited the girl to her house for dinner. The girl hesitantly agreed and afterwards they shared their names and birth dates. They later went to Tae's house so she could fulfill her reward.

Idol friends:

Sandeul | B1A4 | Sun Woo obviously debuted before his sister. The day the members of B1A4 moved into their dorms, Tae and her parents came along with Baro to help him unpack and say their goodbyes. Tae was sitting on his bed watching him unpack, only to slightly annoy him. He was about to point her out for doing so until Sandeul or Jung Hwan came into the room. They bowed to each other and were quiet afterwards. Tae first greeted herself as Baro's sister, and Baro raised his hand to confirm himself. Tae's introduction struck conversation between the three. Baro and Sandeul were a lot alike and hit it off quick. Because of their personality similarities, Sandeul also became close to Tae because he reminded her of her little brother. When she told him she was a trainee, he was awed at how the two siblings were both pursuing careers in the music industry and another connection struck between the two.

Dongwoo | Infinite | Tae Hee first met Dongwoo at the SBS Love Sharing Concert. Tae was there to cheer for her brother and B1A4 ( and to share ramyun love of course). She met Baro backstage where all the dressing rooms were. It was so busy that she got lost and couldn't find B1A4's dressing room. The hall started to calm down so she figured asking for directions wouldn't hurt. She knocked on a random door and the people inside told her to come in. She walked inside, still holding onto the doorknob. When she saw the room belonged to a boy group, she became embarrassed, which isn't her usual self. She stuttered trying to ask for help. The boys looked at one another, confused of what to do in such a situation. Sunggyu ordered for one of the members to help her, so Dongwoo volunteered. While walking to B1A4's dressing room, Dongwoo tried to start conversation with her. He asked if she was a fan of Infinite, and she bluntly told him not really. He nodded his head in response and laughed a little bit. He told her she needed to listen to all their songs. She chuckled and locked the promise as they hooked pinkies and touched their thumbs. To confirm her promise, Dongwoo gave her his personal cell phone number and told her that when she finishes listening to their songs, to call him and tell her what she thought.

Choi Sooyoung & Kim Hyoyeon | SNSD | Tae was always a big fan of SNSD. She would imagine what she would do if she ever met them: faint/pass out, become speechless, die, blow up? Tae was walking in a restaurant that her boyfriend reserved for the two. Little did she know, SNSD had reservations at the same time. Her and her boyfriend were waiting for a waiter to come and take their order. After three minutes, her boyfriend asked the hostess where was the waiter. She explained he busy taking a large order from a V. I. P. room. He understood and accompanied Tae at their table again. Five more minutes went by, making their wait time a total of eight minutes. Tae Hee was hungry and fed up, she excused herself from the table and demanded a waiter from the hostess. The hostess told her she would just have to wait. Tae Hee pretended like she was walking back to their table but really, she snuck down the hall where all the V. I . P. rooms were. She heard laughter coming from one and fortunately, the door was cracked so she could peek in. She saw the waiter standing there having a casual conversation with the customers. She opened the door, not knowing if she was going to yell at the waiter or just confront him. She decided she was just going to scold him until she saw who the customers were: SNSD. She became speechless in front of them and soon enough she passed out. She woke up to the sight of her boyfriend and the members of SNSD. Her boyfriend made a joke that she must've of passed out from hunger. The members of SNSD apologized for hogging the waiter, but they couldn't decide on what they wanted to eat. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon found the situation slightly funny and used their duel humor to brighten the mood. They were her favorite members so they cheered her extremely. As an apology, they paid for her and her boyfriend's dinner.

Idol crushes/Boyfriends:

Sunggyu | Infinite | Boyfriend | They officially first met when Tae was looking for her brother's dressing room. Though the second time they met, it wasn't a face-to-face meeting either. Tae was bored one day and decided to call a random contact on her phone. She closed her eyes and  moved her finger up and down to randomly choose somebody - that somebody ended up being Dongwoo. She called him but it turns out he and the other members where at their salon, prepping themselves before their next music bank performance. She was about to hang up until he said he can still talk. In fact, he put the phone on speaker. He was still talking to her while he was sitting on the couch. Infinite members who passed by him would say hi to Tae, including Sunggyu. Sunggyu sat down next to him and began talking to Tae as well. The stylist said she had to redo Dongwoo's hairstyle, so he was about to say goodbye to Tae and hang up. But Sunggyu stopped him and took his phone so they could continue talking; the phone was no longer on speaker. After the Infinite members left the salon, Sunggyu was still on the phone with her. Dongwoo kept asking him for his phone back but Sunggyu refused. Their bantering made Tae laugh, only causing Sunggyu to compliment her laugh by saying it was cute. Dongwoo's eyes became wide and he screamed in their van, "Sunggyu's flirting with my friend!". Tae heard this and asked if it was true that he was flirting. He didn't say anything for quite awhile, so Tae told him she took it as a yes, only causing him to blush. He told her he wanted to meet up with her later but didn't know when. Tae told him it was okay, and soon after they hung up. A few weeks later, the Infinite members finally got a break. Sunggyu took Dongwoo's phone and and called Tae to ask her if she wanted to hang out around Hongdae. She agreed and that day was when they had their first date.

Wooyoung | 2PM | Ex | Wooyoung and Tae Hee both went to the same high school. They didn't talk to each other because they weren't part of the same clique, no matter how popular both of them were. Tae Hee's friend, Nuri, always admire Wooyoung, but it wasn't a crush sort of thing. Tae Hee always wondered what was so great about him. During their school's talent show, Wooyoung performed with his powerful dancing. That was when Tae went totally head over heels for him, she's a er for good dancers. After the talent show, Tae went to compliment Wooyoung's dancing. While she was talking to him, she noticed how the sweat was glistening off of his skin, only making him seem more attractive. She threw away those thoughts and continued talking. Tae asked him to sit next to her for the rest of the talent show. He chuckled and said yes, and they talked to each other through out the whole show. After school ended, Woohyun took her out to his favorite cafe. There, they were able to become more acquainted without talking over a large crowd.

Idol you will end up with: Sunggyu | Infinite            

Rivals: N/A


Idol life

Stage name: T.Ae (can be pronounced T-Ay, or Tae)

Persona: The Free Spirit

Training years: 4

Training story:

          Tae Hee was running in the same park near the Han River. She was eighteen at the time. She took a break and sat down next to a man who looked like he was in his early thirties. She took a sip from her water and was about to stretch some more before she continued running. The man was staring at her because of how flexible she was for just being a runner. The man asked her how she became so flexible when she entered the normal splits. She told him she takes gymnastics and also has dance classes. The man then asked her if she would consider herself being a good dancer. She hesitated before she said yes. The man then took out an iPod and ask if she could freestyle for him. She pointed out how she would awkward dancing for this random stranger. He realized her position and stood up to properly greet her. He introduced himself as the CEO for JQ Entertainment. She laughed and told him that he was joking. He handed her his card to confirm that he was being serious. She asked why didn't he just hold auditions for trainees and he said he did. That morning he held auditions and the morning before but he just couldn't find anybody with that certain "spunk". She shrugged and said she'll dance as an informal audition. He asked her if she would be okay dancing to Lady Gaga's Starstruck. She nodded her head and he began to play the track. Immediately she started dancing. Tae thought since he is looking for trainees she might as well sing and rap along to the lyrics, and that's exactly what she did. The CEO's eyes widened and he sat back down to watch her performance. She was able to sing along without loosing her breath. And when it came to the rap section, she didn't just rap along to the lyrics, she was able to add her own style and swag to the lyrics. After she finished, only breathing slightly heavy, he nodded his head. He gave her one of his cards and told her to visit the headquarters sometime later that day, and to tell the receptionist that the CEO sent her. She bowed and thanked him before returning to her run.

          After she went home, took a shower, and ate, she took a taxi and a bus to the headquarters in subway. When she arrived in the lobby she walked straight towards the desk and told the receptionist the CEO sent her. The receptionist told her to wait for a few minutes and he'll be right down. A few minutes he came down and greeted Tae. He took her into the conference room and there, he had a lecture with her about the stress and responsibilities that trainees had to carry. She told him she could handle it. He asked her if she was really passionate about music and would work hard no matter what. She answered yes to both and that's when he pulled out a contract from his briefcase. It was a liability contract that all trainees had to sign. It also stated that if a trainee didn't debuted after three years, they had a right to leave the company and become a trainee under another company. She signed the contract and officially became a trainee for JQ Entertainment.

Individual fan club name: SponT.Aeneous

Individual fanclub colour: Ultra Pink

Position: 1. Main Rapper & Jack Of All Trades | 2. Main Dancer & Sub Rapper

Trained for:

  • Singing
  • Composing

Other talents:

  • Track
  • Gymnastics
  • Modeling



Song recommendation: 2Me | Into The Rhythm | I Want You Back | Shake Ur Body | Top Girl | L.O.V.E. | Candy Man | T. T. Dance I have a whole playlist on Youtube dedicated for Unknown Kpop Songs ^^

Anything else?: N/A


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