This Entry Doesn't Need A Title

Yo everyone. I'm back, yet again. Right now, I am abusing my power to blog here on AFF because (1) I'm not writing any fic atm, (2) I am halfway through with a fic I am currently beta-ing... or beta-reading, and (3) I just need an outlet for my thoughts. This blog post doesn't need a title (the title said it all, mind you), since I bet no one would even bother reading this one. I mean, who would enjoy reading the lamentations of a tired and hungry and lazy student who hasn't even gotten her driving license?

I started the day with a 'nah'; I woke up at 5:00 a.m. already thinking about sleeping tonight. Ever since I started attending uni, I also started to appreciate the importance of sleep. Like, real importance. When I was in grade school, my mom would always force me to sleep every afternoon, telling me that sleeping in the afternoon would make me healthy, wealthy and wise. And she was (almost) right, since I have learned that after taking a stressful exam in the first period, sleeping will make you healthy and wise for the next period. (And yes, I am doubting the "wealthy" part.) Oh well, I guess Kris Allen was right after all: "You'll never know a good thing 'til it's gone (So gotta live like we're dying~~~~~)". I'm sorry, sleep. I took you for granted. Please forgive me.

My remedy to my sleep deprivation: Coffee. The wonderful black beans which can create a delicious and aromatic morning (until night) drink is my superhero. My dad and I are (coffee) drinking buddies, just so you know. We enjoy sipping a hot cup of it; my dad while watching the news, and me while staring at the blinking cursor of MS Word to write a research paper. My mom, on the other hand, would reprimand me from drinking too much coffee, saying that it'll give me jitters and mini-heart attacks. Yes, she was right. (Moms are always right, I believe in that.) I once drank two cups of coffee before my thesis defense, and I ended up shaking like a vibrating phone ten minutes before my defense (and I almost sweated and shed tears of blood because of too much nervousness).


Tomorrow, we'll be having a production/play for our Literature class. And tbh, I'm not ready yet. Err.... I'll never be ready. Acting is not my thing. The last acting thing I did was during high school auditions, when I acted as if I was having diarrhea so that my teachers won't force me to join the cheerdance competition.

Right now, I'm still wondering why in the world do I have to participate in that play. I'm majoring in Math, and can someone please tell me what's the relationship between acting and doing equations. Please. I need an enlightenment. I mean, do I have to do a monologue in front of my (future) students before teaching them sine laws?


"Why Math?"

A friend of mine asked me that... Why Math? Why not?

I hate Math, that's why.

Numbers, operations, figures, measurements... I despised all of those during grade school. I was terrible in Math when I was (I'm still young right now). But I discovered one thing about that subject: Math wasn't difficult, it only depends on the person who teaches it. During grade school, the Math teachers I had seemed like they'll eat kids who get a wrong answer for 5X2. They were unapprochable and unfriendly. So, I used to think that all Math teachers are the same: that they're like the old woman Hansel and Gretel met in the forest. But high school came, and everything changed. The Math teacher I had was soooo awesome, cool, and great. He taught everything like they're a piece of cake. Algebra became easy. And so were Calculus, Trigonometry, Geometry and Probability. For four years, I learned to love that subject. :) So, I promised myself to continue the legacy of my high school Math teacher by being a Math teacher myself! *cue 'Eye of the Tiger' song*


{Activity 1: Answer the following in a clean piece of tissue paper. No erasures.}

1. Do you like Math? Since when?

2. What are your impressions of a Math teacher? Draw and label each.

3. Solve: 394.09p + 1/293 - 739393^43 + *insert bias' name* X 4 cups of sugar + 12 glasses of water - what is the capital of Gotham City?


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NFTeenFinite #1
I'm a huge fan of coffee and well something that had caffeine in it like tea also....I'm such a when it come to Math and also Addmath... But, there are certain type of the topic in Math that I love to do..Haha...
hey! i love coffee too, so damn much. maybe i got addicted already. but i don't like math T_T
it's not because of the teachers, just... i hate doing equations. i would rather reading some books than doing equations. really lack of it. i am majoring civic education now. actually i am enjoying reading your post, and decided to leave a comment :-)