I'm sorry...


I've been SO sluggish with my updates and it's not writer's block I assure you. I'm just being a lazy bum, well not really. I've been reading a LOT of books and varying genres. In the past I used to only go for YA but now I'm reading other stuff and I'm so proud of myself. I've been wanting to read for inspiration but If i stumble across a series I just have the need to finish it and it's so frustating because I can't start on my writing.

Plus, still N and Ken (in my fic) are difficult characters to develop. I hope I'll get to the point where its just word vomit and I magically come up with something amazing. Also since my reading marathon I've had these ideas but I can't fabricate them into complete fics. Seriously, I have this idea for a dystopia style fic and I'm quite surprised I even have the balls to think up a dystopian fic. Honestly it is a saturated genre and a lot of plot holes can develop it the author's not careful.

So anyway, if someone is reading this...Have a good day or night!! please be kind enough to suggest some tips for me, especially with the 'N and KEn' problem.


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Also, for your dystopia idea, I suggest getting a journal and writing down all the ideas you have about possible series. Because you have a physical note of the idea, you don't have to ponder over the same thing without worry that your thoughts will change ad instead can think freely of all the possible options with your genre. Since it's dystopia, you have a lot of options to choose from but at the same time, there's a lot of things that can go wrong if you overlook a single piece (but that goes for any story series really). What I suggest is doing a lot of research about dystopian culture, media anything you can get your hands on. You definitely want to take note of the things you like and try to go from there. What I normally do with my stories is first develop a setting: Time, location, weather, anything that makes the setting different from Earth, so on so forth. Then, I'd suggest developing characters (making timeline for the mains always help me out). Make sure to take note of all things that makes your story's universe any different from Earth (like three more moons, different counting system, neo species, etc). From there you can develop the plot which is normally the easiest part for me. What I'd insist is that before you start any of this, you scribble down a plot line real quick, do everything else and in the end of it, go back to the plot line you scribbled down and go from there. When you give yourself time (days) between you and your work, it gives your brain the ability to look at your work as though you're the reader instead of the writer and it's awfully helpful in not only proofreading but also story development because you catch things that you wouldn't have realized if you constantly worked on the plot without days break. Lastly, talk to friends about it and have them read your plot line so they can catch the things you miss. Research more if you must and try to have fun.

It's long so I had to break it in two. Sorry ;;
To develop characters, there's multiple way you can go through it. You can try role playing and putting N/Ken in a general scenario in your dystopian setting. See what they would do and try to turn their actions into a personality. Or you can try to looking at the people N/Ken hang around. Since friends normally share a set of similarities and dissimilarities, you can just list out the similarities N/Ken would have with Friend x and pick some personalities for N/Ken that don't mix all that well with friend x's personality (because friends sometimes get annoyed of friends). A little tip for making characters though is that you should try to treat them as whole people with a past and so on so forth before you decide to actually tart writing. Keep in mind that personalities and attitudes are shaped by environment and the people the person surrounds themselves with. When you see your character as a whole person with a life outside of the story you're trying to tell with their own set of morals and beliefs, it makes writing them out a lot easier since you know exactly who they are and how they would react to mostly any situation. Sounds a bit bothersome but that's how I go about it when it comes to creating characters.
bbuingbubble #3
hey, fellow VIXX writer! :D
Goodluck with your writing, I'm also being a lazy bum myself and instead drown myself in old remakes of Andersen's stories. Gosh! ><
Would you mind reading my Leo fic? I promised I'll read your non fic~
I suggest something...but I'm literally in the same situation...I just keep reading books...or watching dramas...and just not writing, even though I have so many new ideas floating around my head and I have like 3 chapters partially finished :/