I shouldn't have done this

So, uhm.. I don't know if you guys have ever heard about Mydol app...

It's an app where KPOP idols send you messages to your phone according to the time of the day (on your cellphone) and this seriously the cutest thing ever!

I mean, I chose Jackson from GOT7 and it's like 1.30AM and he keeps "asking" me if I want him to sing for me and "telling" me to dream of him and he even said "let's go home"

And I know this is fake but OMG THIS IS TOO PRECIOUS I LOVE IT!

Am I crazy ........ ?





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Okay I'm getting this app
Lol no, you're not crazy, you're a kpop fangirl :P
And oh my god, I'm so getting that app. We can be crazy together :PP
You're not crazy. I have Yongguk and it makes me smile every time I go to unlock my phone. I'm sure my heart has fluttered and that I've blushed a good number of times, too. So if you're crazy then I am, too. And so is my best friend. XD

Random person commenting on your post FTW!