Freedom Writers

Last Thursday (February 03, 2011) in our English class we watch a movie called 'Freedom Writer' ^~^

At first I didn't know what's going on when the movie started and I don't like movies that have full of arguments or fighting and also killing >_<

But when the movie progress I started to like it and understand the story ^~^ I really like Ms. G trying to help her students to study more and understand their lives ^O^

It was really touching when her students started to read books related to them and how their life change ^^

I was surprise when Ms. G had a little party called 'Toast for a Change' ^^ You don't rarely see teachers like that these days o_O

But I was even more surprised that it happen in real life too *O* Of course those things happen way before, but now we don't see those scenes in real life

Anyway I really like the movie from middle to end ^~^ I didn't really like the start of it

Well that's all I can say ^~^


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I also had to see that movie in english class a few years back! I don't exactly remember that well though... Hmmm, I wonder if that means I didn't like it? Naw, i like almost all of the movies i see. But yeah, I wish real teachers that i had were like that. ^_^