potpourri --×-- Kaimana Elikapeka --×-- Jade --×-- heavenly

Kaimana Elikapeka
Jewel_ELF // Krissy // 9
» Infiltrator
NICKNAME: Mana, her friends
DATE OF BIRTH + AGE: Faburary 14, 1992 22
PLACE OF BIRTH + HOMETOWN: Honnallulu, Hawaii Manhaton, New York
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 5' 3" / 115 lbs
LANGUAGE: Hawian, mother language. English, fluent
» Secret identity
SPECIAL ABILITY: Holographic projection
POSITION: Undercover Spy
MASCOT: James Bond
no one else can see through
who you really are

Mana is a spunky, outgoing person. She can talk to anyone, anywhere. She is brave and loves doing dangerous things, gets the blood pumping. She usually has a smile on her face and can get other people to smile. Her laughter is contagious. She isnt afraid of doing anything, will protect her friends and will do anything for them. She is cool and fun to hang around

Mana is kinda brash, she will rush into things before thinking them through. She can be a bit pushy...ok more that a bit. She thinks people can do everything she can but when they cant she reacts  wrongly. When people dont like her she takes it personally ad she is not a person that you want to cross, she tends to play dirty. 

» Background

Ahana Elikapeka met Stephan when she was nineteen. He was twenty one and very charming. Ahana fell for him, hard. Stephan had differant plans though. They spent the summer together, but once fall came around he went back to Manhaton. Eight months later, he got a long distance call from a hospital in Hawaii. Ahana had a little baby girl named Kaimana. It was against the her wishes, but the nurse called Stephan. He was not to be in her life, but he should at least know about her. 

Mana grew up with only her mom. They didnt need anyone else, they had each other. They had a little surf shop called 'Sand, surf and family', a little house on top of the cliff and a dog. It was the life, Mana couldnt ask for more. One of the few things she held over anything else was surfing and James Bond. She loved him and plaid that she was his partner, that they had to go save the world and defete the bad guys. Her mom always plaid along for her. Life started tilting down after that though. Ahana was diagnosed with cancer when Mana was fifteen. Stephan had been sending checks every month for Mana and when he heard about Ahana he flew back. She argued, but Mana and Ahana packed up and moved to Manhaton with Stephan. 

While there, Ahana got the best treatment any one could but she only lasted three more years. Mana didnt have any family back in Hawaii, so she staid with her father in Manhaton. She wouldnt call him 'dad' though, he had to earn that. She eventually accepted that he was a father, but they never got close. That was where her life started. She had to fit in with every one at her school, she couldnt stick out. And she did. Everyone belived she was born and raised in the area. Only her father knew the differance. 

Just after her nineteenth birthday, her father told her they were going to London for the summer. She was upset about it, to say the least. When she got there though, she met people her age. They didnt really like outsiders, but none of them knew Mana was from the states. She seamlessly was a part of them, she even got the accent down the first try. She soulded like she was from the north, but still british. 

Things like that continued to happen, she could jump into any group and be one of them. Well, except African American Cello Association. Not them. The most recient time was when she was traveling for school. She was with a group of international students from Germany. They were making a trip across the country and they stopped in Des Merveilles, California. 

Mana convinced a girl at the fron desk of a large building that they were excpected and her boss was waiting. She let them through and they started to explore. They caught up to a group, but Mana was destracted. There was a guy there who kept sneeking looks at her, so when he went his own way Mana had to follow. 

He headed through a door marked 'high security', but she slipped through before it closed. There were little vials all over and she made the mistake of touching one. The entire rack seemed to be balanced on a pin and tipped over. All the vials spilled at her feet, sending vapors up to her. The guy she followed turned around with a look of horror on his face. He slammed his hand down and glass sections came up between her and him. One was behind her too. She stepped towards it, but her legs buckled just beofre she passed out. 

When she woke up, she was alone in a strange hospital. There were people in the room, but they all were blurry. When she reached out for them, they all started dissapering. It took her over a year to understand what happened that day and to figure out how to use her abilities. Since then she has been a private eye and has moved perminatly to Pardise City. She hasnt gained the nerve to go back to the building where it happened. 

i know who you really are
you're just an ordinary girl
» Likes
  • one: Surfing
  • two: Food
  • three: Summer rain storms
  • four: Listening to music, any kind
  • five: Being around people
» Dislikes
  • one: The color purple
  • two: Waking up early
  • three: Pineapple. Is it pine or an apple?
  • four: Small dogs
  • five: Ste smell of cooking bacon
» Fears
  • one: That Stephan will stop looking or caring about her
  • two: Water snakes. She is fine with land snakes
  • three: Losing everyone around her and being alone
  • four: Someone wil come after her because of what she can do
  • five: People laughing at her
» Hobbies
  • one: Reading
  • two: Eating
  • three: Riding her skateboard. Its like surfing but on land
  • four: Cooking
  • five: Projecting things for her dog to chase
» Habits
  • one: When she is having nighmares they will appear around her
  • two: She showers every day
  • three: She doesnt like looking in mirrors
  • four: If she sees someone who is sad she will try to help them
  • five: She cuddles with her dog in her sleep
» Trivia
  • one: Kho
  • two: She doesnt know how to drive
  • three: Brown is her favorite color
  • four: She loves Fall Out Boy
  • five: She has a tattoo on her ankle
a destiny
that belongs only to me
» Faceclaim
PERSON NAME: Dannie Riel
» Backup Faceclaim
a fantasy
that belongs only to me
mission outfit: one | two

training outfit: one | two

formal outfit: one | two

everyday outfit: one | two

professional outfit: one | two

pretty oufit: one | two

sleeping outfit: one | two

lazy outfit: one | two

a miracle-like love story begins now
it's not as if you can fly in the sky, nor can you stop time, even so you're my hero forever
» the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP: [what is your status; dating, engage, it's complicated, etc. also replace the four pictures with the loves]
LOVE INTEREST: [can be anyone]
LI OCCUPATION: [what do they do]
LOVE RIVAL: [optional, can be male or female, jealous ex if you want or something else]
LR OCCUPATION: [optional, what do they do]

write in 3rd person please. In this section just give me a gist of their personality. should fit into one paragraph or so.

Love Interest.

Love Rival.

» background

write in 3rd person please. In this section can be up to 3+ paragraphs and here you describe their background and how you get/got associated with them.

Love Interest.

Love Rival.


write in 3rd person please. In this section can be 2+ paragraphs and write your interaction with them. how it starts off and later on want to develop. whatever you deem fitting for you character and their interaction with them.

Love Interest.

Love Rival.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: [whatever you want to say]
SUGGESTIONS: [whatever helps!]
SCENE REQUEST: [anything you want your character or something to be in it but can't guarantee]
YOUR CHARACTER: [will you give me permission to make any changes to your character if chosen if i need to?]
PASSWORD: Caelestis potpourri heavely medly
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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