
Tapioca is a milk tea that me and my friends always buy ath Golden Chopsticks in the UST car park ^~^

I've been craving to this milk tea this week *~* But I can't help it O_o It's too yummy *O*

The tapioca only cost P40.00 in our University *O* There are even other kind of stall that sells milk tea like Simpleline and Infinitea

My friends chose Simpleline as the best milk tea drinks ever *O* I can't say I like or don't like it there but I don't really drink more often there because it's too far from our college building >_<

I'll try to buy their milk tea drinks sooncer ^~^ So wait for me Simpleline ^O^ LOL!!!

Anyway here's a picture of the tapioca that I've been craving this week ^O^


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I wanna try it :3<br />
looks yummy :3