Any Idea?

I have wanted to write about fics based on songs. Those stories would also involve many pairings. I can't put it into Melody of Love because the stories in Melody of Love are based on different sources such as mangas, music videos and songs.

Meanwhile I want to write song fics--- also just some random stories. Do you think I should post them one by one or put them in one place as in compilation of something?

Which one is better?


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Compilation is better I think. So all of them would be put together in one place and you can just make new chapter which consists new stories instead of writing new ones. Easier I think. Plus, you can update anytime you want cause for me, if making new diff stories separately has bigger pressure:3
Fox-PigletMania #2
One by one if it's going to be different pairings.
I would do a compilation of the stories (unless you're planning to do chaptered ones?) c:
Use the song's title as the chapter's title ^^
Post them one by one i think :)