Why Are You Guys Hate Wu Yi Fan So Much? (╯︵╰,)

I know... I've no right to say this and that about haters... but I really don't understand why you've to hate him that much. He just left the company. It's not like he did some crime.


Yesterday, Allkpop posted an article about Kris might release his mini album and today, the article was about Kris and Han Geng (their cases with SM). Yes, I know... PAST IS PAST but I think Allkpop should stop poasting the article about the case. You know...haters keep bashing him like there's no tomorrow. They even being racist! I don't mind if they hate Kris because it's their own choice but why must be racist? Saying that Han Geng and Kris are dirty and nasty Chinese people... WOW! THAT'S KINDA RUDE! SO RUDE!


I come from a country that has many races in it and we live together in harmony. Well, manybe some of the people are a little bit racist because it's individual, right? But, just because they hate Kris and Han Geng, it doesn't mean that they can say those things. I respect all the peple from different races. We might have different religions, skin colours, languages and so on but we've humans. 


Nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistake. I understand that many haters hate Kris mostly because of his timing to file the lawsuit. Maybe, it was his mistake because he was planning to do that long time ago and because of certain things, he couldn't do it at that time. I don't understand why the haters must hate the idols that left SM. Yesterday's article was ONLY about Kris but they (haters) dragged Han Geng and JYJ into it too. Saying that ALL THOSE IDOLS WHO LEFT SM ARE TRAITORS... Again, who are you to judge them? Are you God? Of course, not! Oh.. I remember this one person. That person keep saying that "GOD HATES KRIS" I was like, "Wow, how did you know about it? Are you God?" 


What I saw yesterday was the fans were trying to defend Kris while haters... *sigh* They never stop saying bad things to Kris. To be honest, I'M SO TIRED with all these. As much as I wish Kris could say something about his case, I think...it's fine if he doesn't say anything. Haters gonna hate. No matter what he'll say to defend himself, haters will hate him. So, it's useless... Maybe, he knows that too... That's why he just keep moving on. Yup! Life goes on! Kris moves on and same goes with EXO. Why can't the haters move on too? 


Haters say that he's heartless, selfish, bla bla bla... Well, if I AM KRIS and I'm THAT KIND OF PERSON, maybe I already unfollowed the other members from Weibo and Instagram. Maybe... I shouldn't take care of the other members while I was in EXO too... 


Hahaha... I want to say more but I know I've no right to say it... I'm not Kris... I'm not EXO members... I'm not SM... Only Kris, SM and God know what was actually happened between them. That's all for today (^_^)


This guy named Wu Yi Fan... No matter what he did... I can't stop myself from falling in love with him... 

The haters call him a traitor... I call him brave guy...

Haters call him selfish and useless.... In my eyes, he cares for the others....

I don't mind what the haters said about him. The only thing I know is... I BELIEVE HIM.



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farane #1
Seriously I dun undesrtand all bashing either and worse is bringing up JYJ and han geng along with it. SM is doing so many wrongs and just most of the artists and trainees take it for they have their own reasons and some just dont, they choose to leave. It's not fair to judge anyone while we dont know the whole truth behind it. It's good to respect people's choices even if its against what we wish for. After all it's his life, so it was JYJ's or han geng's. Fans are hurt , exo members are hurt but so is kris. He had been working hard for years and he had to just risk everything. Many put their backs on him .I know it from exprience this hate and bashing wont just fade away suddenly , being a tvxq OT5 for many years . However, i know it too, many will leave but those whose heart were really with Kris, will keep rooting for him, loving him.
Loly21 #2
In this kind of situation there's nothing we can do..haters gonna hate no matter what because that's a rule of life..We can't satisfied people heart no matter how hard
we try!! From my perception..honestly, I think both sides has their own fault.. People makes rumors based on their malicious knowledge that not 100% can be proven that's why never judge people if we don't know the truth!! As a fan of course we had right tu judge but don't over reacted.. Actually, I want to know the reason behind Kris departure from SM!! from his own mouth..because explaination is what a whole fans want!!
kdramafan #3
I saw that all over.. And i have to say that he is my ultimate bias from exo but why did people have to say things like test... I read one comment and this girl was clearly an exotic...
She said "sm= Chinese and dirty traitors = kis send hangaeng ...etc ."
This fan... Nope not a fan . This hater was clearly was a Luhan fan cuz her profile and signature ... But Luhan Chinese by saying that it happens a lot in sm... What is she calling Tao ,Luhan and lay traitor...
As fans we should be supporting them...
For me I don't think we should hate kris..people say that his using exo for his own fame ... But when he said we are one.... Just like suho said.....," they will always be a part of exo" ..
Maybe it's because of the fact that EXO said they were one. I don't hate Wu Yi Fan, I loved him. He was one of my biases and it's hard to hate someone you loved once. There are times where I even adored him more than I adored Kai and God knows how much I idolized Jongin. However, it's not really easy when you suddenly find your bias leaving the group which you loved and supported so much. I don't think Hangeng or Kris are racist people, i'm part Chinese myself so bashing them for their nationality is like bashing myself too. Maybe it's because it's not the same anymore and i've learned to accept that. I moved on, already. People bashing Kris right now are also fans of them and I understand how betray and pained they are feeling right now. I'm not saying what they are doing are right but I know they will eventually cool down. But there is also a difference between constructive criticism and bashing. Someday, people will also move on. It takes time. However, I love EXO and last time I checked, Kris is officially not a part of EXO anymore.