We Are ☪ne — Kwon Hyori — Invisible




❀ Kwon Hyori   |   Liltaytay45   |   Taylor   |    9

255 150246

 A B O U T   H I M / H E R

name :: Kwon Hyori
nicknames :: RiRi
age :: 20
birthdate :: January, 1
location :: High class city (like by a castle rich city) 
guild :: Good 
power + back up :: Invisble (Backup- Poison (like Poison Ivy)
hair color + back up :: Orange/redish
eye color :: Green

face-claim Park Bom
gallery :: Gallery
back-up face-claim :: Park Hye Min
gallery :: Gallery
height ::  165 
weight ::  50
style ::
   casual ) Casual1
   formal/quest) Quest Formal 1
   practice )
   home / sleep )
   swimwear )
appearance ::
 She has long Oragne/redish hair with dark green eyes, she always wears boots and a leather jacket. 



 I N F O

likes ::                                                                                                                                                                             This is how her eyes are and it includes the jewel and make up

   • Hide and Seek280 350
• Animals
   • Candy
   • Flowers
   • Reading
• Thunderstorms
  • Nature
  • Watermelon

dislikes ::

   • Spiders
   • Dark places
   • Lying
   • Bullies
   • Fighting among memebers

hobbies ::

   • Singing
   • Going on walks

habits ::

   • She tends to be invisable out of no where and scare people, but she scares herself by their reaction
   • Pouts when she has to do something

fears ::

   • Claustaphobic

trivia ::

   • She has a capricorn zodiac sign on her wrist
   • She gets easily scared of everything
   • Has a talking black cat name Zulo
   • Likes to help out people
• Always carrises around first aid kit

personality ::
Kwon Hyori is a typical girly girl, she gets scared of everything, but tries not to make a big deal out of it. She'll even scare herself ( like she doesn't know when she'll go invisable and suddenly she'll just pop out of somewhere and by accident scares people) 

Hyori may look sweet and innocent on the outside, but on the inside she can be cunning and makes sure her sources are right (basically evesdropping by being invisable) She tends to be outspoken when she is around strangers and acting confident even though on the inside she gets nervous. She perfers the truth rather having people lie to each other.

When people meet her she gets shy and would play hide and seek with them when she goes invisable just to see their reaction, tends to be childish and pulling pranks on strangers she doesn't lke.
She can get sensetive when people tell her she is weak "like a joke", but wheather its a joke or not she gets sensetive about people calling her weak.
She enjoys going on missions and taking a long strolls.
She is bubbly and clumsy, she tends to trip over things or bump into things without paying atttension, she can get distrated easy
She is cheerful almost everyday and she tries to talk to people and ask them if they are okay, she deeply cares about her friends and strangers (like village people or something) She will do her best to make everyone happy, but she can get easily overwhelemed when everyone depends on her, but she hides it well.
When she is fighting she tends to stay back and do sneak attacks on enemies or go into a place without being notice, she is serious when she is on a mission and tries to be perfect without making mistakes.
She perfes being in a group rather her being by herself 
She doesn;t like to open herself up, unless there was sad moment and everyone talks about senstive subject, she will say something in order to make people they aren't alone.
She stomps her feet when people about clumsyness or shares embarassing things.
She has a soft spot for animals and cares for them and tries to help them.
When she is mad she tends to swear and be crititcal with her words towards someone.




  F A M I L Y 

background ::  Kwon Hyori was a gifted child to her parents and had treated her like a princess when she was a baby, she came from a big city her family were middle class. Her dad worked in the kingdom and her mom owned a flower shop. Hyori had always loved flowers and would help her mom pick different kinds of flowers. She loved tulips and roses they had a special meaning and she believes everything we do is life. When she was 15 she was out in the street at night looking around her surrouding and admiring the night and stars, but as she walked home there was a couple of guys that had followed her and Hyori was scared and had started fast walking, but the guys had caught on and decided to ambush her and knock her out, she woke up in a dark tight space, with no light blindfolded. She stated crying and thinking she was gonna get killed. As she waited for her fate someone had came in the room and started kicking her around and messing with her hair and took off her blindfold, but she bite him and tried to get out of the handcuffs. He was furious and told her she will never leave and never eat, He had told her she was worth money. Hyori was scared she didn't want to be away from her parents nor the city. She loved her city and everyone adored her, she was too young. As he stormed out he had drop the keys to her handcuffs, she frantically reached the keys with her legs and sucuess. She was shaking and still crying, but didn't want to make any noise. After 20 mins she got the handcuffs off and stood up trying to look for an exit as she felt a knob she had to wait for someone to come in. Shortly after the guy had stormed into the room and she immdetely went inviable and manage to slide pass him and shut the door behind him and took off running avoiding people touching her, even if she was inviable it had cons, people can notice when she talks or if someone touches her. As she made her escape she ran home, but when she entred the house it was quiet....Too quiet Hyori was looking for her parents, but as she the lights the house was a wreck and there was blood. Hyori balled her eyes out and searched the house and found her parents dead. She was and lost. She didn't know what to do, but she knew now that people were after her, she had to leave the city and find shelter. As she packed her things and grabbed all the money she went through her dads notes and find out they were in debat. She knew why people were after her cause of money, but Hyori didn't care as long she can survive with money and everything she had. She will, before she left the house she decided to find roses in the green house and put it on top of her mom and dad. Hyori was gone from the city..No family. No friends/ No shelter.

3 years had pass since the incident she was now living in a small city that was far away where she used to live, she decided to make a living by helping people with the little stuff and get paid. She has a small garden of varieties of plants and she was well known for her kindness in the city. During the 3 years she had been praticing her weapon attack and Invisable, she uses a long spear, in case her power didn;t work, she was okay for fighting physical, but when it comes to stealthyness she can sneak in and be cunning to people, because they assume she was innocent. 


family :: 

Father | Kwon Dong lee | age | dead | Worked for the king in advising him| Hardworking, loving, sometimes strict, smart and funny | 8
Mother | Kwon Soo Young | age | dead | Owner of her own flower shop| Loving, caring, wise, and passionate  | 10



 L O V E 

274 150266 150

love interest original name :: Kim Jondae
new name :: Chen
age :: 22
birthdate :: September 21
personality :: 2+ Para
background :: 2+ Para
how you met :: 1+ Para 
how you act around each other :: 1+ Para

back-up love interest name :: Luhan
new name :: Luhan
age :: 23
birthdate :: April, 20
personality ::
2+ Para
background :: 2+ Para
how you met :: 1+ Para 
how you act around each other :: 1+ Para



 E X T R A : Y O U R  P L A C E  T O  S H I N E

Personal quotes? “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” (its from dr. suess hope thats okay) 
Any gifs that match your feels? 1 (When she is in a fight her serious face) 2 (She does this while being patient) 3 (She does this to people who she doesn't like nehind their back) 4 (This is how she dance, when theres a party) 5 (when someone wakes her up in an emgerncy)
Any theme songs? Not that I can think of
Any characters your character is similar to? No



 T H E  E N D 

comments :: I am exicted ! this sounds awesome and i love fairytail !
questions/suggestions :: 
scene requests ::
password :: Mage



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