♚Goddess♚ Moon Hyorin

Moon Hyorin
Liltaytay45 || Taylor || 9

other names

— Rin Rin ( Its sounds catchy and she acts childish sometimes )
birthday & age: October 31, 1993 (21)
birthplace & hometown: London, England & Seoul, South Korea
height & weight: 165/47
blood type: O

— Korean ( fluent)
— ​English ( fluent due to living in England)
— ​language ( fluency - reason )
— ​language ( fluency - reason )
​language ( fluency - reason )
faceclaim: Jung Moon Ju
back-up face claim: Byeon Seo Eun

personality traits


+Laid back

+ Hardworker

- Forgetful

Bluntly honest sometimes

- Sensetive

- Gulliable 


Hyorin is not a person that will show it if shes going to cry or something is bothering her. She prefers to keep a smile on her face as much as she can while hiding all the pain inside. She will cry when she is alone usually in her room hidden under the blankets. She hates burdening others with her emotions and she thinks that it would just be better to smile and help out others. If anyone has anything bothering them then they can't find a better listener anywhere because she gives teh speakerher full attention and she always has reasonable advice. Hyorin cares a lot about people and if she sees someone hurt or they look like they are upset she will be by their side. People have been known to tell her things such as "I don't think you understand what it feels like to be sad" because they don't know and only sees her as someone who is cheerful. She really cares about people and will disregard her emotions in order for others to be happy. If people say bad things about her she will just smile and move the conversation along. People often feel bad after doing something bad to her because she will not blame others or take revenge. 

Hyorin is quieter compared to the others because she is more of a listener than a speaker and she is always ready to help push others to show their better side. . She enjoys taking care of others and will automatically nominate herself to do cooking when everyone is tired. She will go out on her own to buy medicine for sick members. Sure they are all suppose to do their own cleaning but when the others look like they are too tired to clean... she most definitely would be the one to do it or help them do it. Sometimes shes so much more mature for her age that the older members would rely on her without even realizing it.

Behind all the cheerfulness is someone who is rather unconfident and is always trying to improve. Every time anyone gives her a compliment her automatic reply is "*insert name here* is better than me I need to improve more" shes so used to it that those who know her have stopped trying to get her to accept compliments. Shes not really found of that much attention so she tries not to stand in the middle of group photos. She always gives everything her 200% and that is shown especially through her dancing. If she makes a single mistake while on stage she wont forgive herself and would practice non stop until she gets it right. She wants to constantly grow as a dancer because she knows that she is not the best out there. She spends a large amount of time in the dance rooms and has often skipped meals or pushed herself to the point of exhaustion. She has fainted twice from over practice and people worry about her health. 

She tends to be forgetful about the littlest things and when she is on screen and someone asks her a question she'll be spacing off and giving the response "Huh?" then laugh. She tries and not forget things. 



— Cats
— ​Horror movies/ Haunted houses
— ​Junk
— ​Reading fantasy/romance
— ​Fan signs
— ​Fruit (Watermelon is her fav)
— ​Excercising


— Arrogant people
— Saesang fans
— ​erts
— Snow
— Spiders
— ​Backstabbers
— ​Bullies


— Running in the morning
— Wirting songs
— Stargazing

habits: min 5, use shift+enter, no explanation needed
— Puffs her cheeks when people
— Hugs on people due to boredom
— Rolls her eyes when someone lies
— Bites on lips due to nervousness in front of guys
— Carries a first aid kit in case of emgerncy

trivia: min 5, go crazy, use shift+enter
— Huge bias of Bigbang
— Has a black cat name "Zulo"
— Always wears an anklet
— Listens to rock music
— Favorite ice cream is rocky road
​Loves to dance to B.A.P
— ​ When she watches a dance she can learn quick from them
— ​ Loves running man and Weekly Idol
— ​Takes pictures everywhere she goes
background: Moon Hyorin grew up in London, England due to her dad doing hotel business, across the world.. She was born into high class society and went into expenensive schoolings. She had always had talent in music, but her parents wouldn't accept her unless she gave up her stats and she didn't want to because she would have no where to go. When she was little she would sneak out of the house at night and go see a theatre group who would sing, dance, and act. She always wanted to become big and help the poor or whoever needed it. She was never a greedy person, but if she feel like she deserve something she will buy. When she was 10 the theatre took her in and she became a rookie for them learning singing, and dancing without her parents noticing. Her parents had wanted to move back to South Korea and so when they were in Korea, she attended popular schooling which anoyed her. She made little few friends and they had invited her to karaoke night and she would ive her parents excuse about school they believed her . Hyorin was extremely happy when she can be out. She would show her friends how well she dance and they admire her,
but by age 16 she was caught and they isolated her and she couldn;t leave her house unless it was school but one thing she was thankful is that she knew what she has. When going to school she was president in high school and honor student , but her parents had always forced to be the best and have no fun. Deep inside she was a rebellion she would go out to karaoke with her classmates and go shopping. When she had a free day off from school she would go for walks and work at jobs to save her own money that way she is indenpant. When she hit 17 her parents had fpund she was working and having fun and so Hyorin blew up on her parents saying she was old enough to take of herself and that she wants to be in idol to help people, and she did alot of voulnteer work with hospital and orphanage. Her parents kicked her out of the house, but gave her lots of money for her to survive on her own and she took it and looked for a small place, but when she walked outside her mom came up to her hugging her, telling her she was sorry and that she will love her no matter what. Her dad on the other hang gave her a flier for audtioning for Sm Entertainment, she smiled and thanked her parens and went into the audtioned, and within moments she made it to the business and had been a trainee for 5 years with SM Entertainment. 

family: use shift+enter to add more, * means optional
father | Kim Jung Lee | 43 | CEO of a hotel | personality* | interactions*

mother | Kim Sora | 44 |  | personality* | interactions*
brother/sister | name | age | occupation | personality* | interactions*
( add more if needed )

friends: use shift+enter to add more, * means optional
best friend | Krystal Jung | 19 | Singer in F(x) | personality* | krystal would vent to Hyorin about her day

friend | Park Chanyeol | 21 | Rapper | personality* | They bicker like brother and sister
best friend/friend | name | age | occupation | personality* | interactions*
​( add more if needed )

stage name: Rin
persona: Shinging Star (if not 360 Dancing Machine)
position: Main dancer, Vocalist
back-up position: Lead Vocalist, Lead dancer
fanclub name: Rin-Lievers 
(Like believe, she wants everyone to beileve)
fanclub colour: #ffff33
singing twin: Song Ji-Eun (From secret)
dancing twin: Wonder Girls Sohee
rapping twin
talking twin: Park Bom

trainee years

— Sm Entertainment ( 5 )
— company ( no. of years )
( add more if needed, use shift+enter )

trainee life: Hyorin had it tough, a lot of girls would bully her because she came from England and her accent had hint of English and Korean, they would make fun of her, but she toughed it out and ignored them, she spent half of her trainee life on praticing her dancing. She had starve herself for a week, but it didn't last when she had the hunger.

pre-debut experiences: has she acted in a drama? sung an OST? Maybe she has cameoed in an MV?
Exo Drama
— add more if needed
320 115
replace left pic with your love interest and right pic with your backup
love interest: Kim Joon-Myeon, Suho
back-up love interest: Jung Daehyun (B.A.P)
group: Exo-K
birthday & age: May 22, 1991 (22)
He is exemplar, polite, considerate to s and very nice and gentle like a fatherly figure that will take care of you. He is simple minded and lives a honest life. He was pretty clumsy and unexpectedly had a lot of weakness, he also jokingly tried to “act cool”. People who meet him in real life say that photos don’t do his handsome face any justice, he looks very very handsome in real life. He is also very shy and happy when he gets compliments from other people. Lastly, Suho is very well mannered, he even bows to sasaeng fans!
how you meet/met: just show a brief meeting
relationship: friends? lovers? enemies?

replace left pic with your love rival and right pic with your backup
love rival: Jung Daehyun
back-up love rival
group: B.A.P
birthday & age: June 28, 1993 (21)
 Daehyun is a soft-spoken, quiet guy; slow to snap but quick to react. If he’s not aimlessly wandering around, he’s probably just silently sticking to your side wherever you go. With this demeanor, he’s a person that does not speak unless spoken to, and always follows orders with no complaints. When Daehyun speaks, he has a habit of sounding quite rude, witty, and straightforward, but his expressions and actions usually give away his real emotions. Despite this, Daehyun is a guy that is quick to smile and is a good listener. He smiles when he’s being yelled at, or he simply returns someone’s smile politely, but he was never the type of person to actually respond to someone verbally. He always takes care of his lover 
interactions: They act like brother and sister, he would always about her accent (English and korean accent), She would 
how you meet/met: He had bumped into her in a cafe place and spilled hot coco on her, but she was forgiving and he decided to become friends with her, even when they are in different companies. She always talks to him about how she feels when she is down.
relationship: Friends

replace left pic with your rival and right pic with your backup
rival: Kim Hyo-yeon, Hyoren
back-up rival: real name, stage name
group: Girls Generation
birthday & age: September 22, 1989 (24)
personality: She may look innocent and sweet on the outside, but on the inside she is jealous of other dancers. She is known to be the dancing Queen in the company, She will try and push other girls out of the business who dance better or if someone praises them and not her. She likes to tell lies to people, but some people won't believe her. 
interactions: Hyorin and her don't know each other personally, but Hyo-yeon watches Hyorin like a hawk on how she dances and everyone praises her. Hyo-yeon would fakely smile and compliment Hyorin, and Hyorin takes it to heart because she looks up to Hyo-yeon and nor does she know Hyo-Yeon doesn't like her. In the end Hyorin keeps listening to other girls saying Hyo-Yeon hates Hyorin due to her dances. Hyorin was upset, but she knew that she has to believe in herself and prove Hyo-Yeon wrong and that she can be the star. Hyo-yeon tries to be friendly, but Hyorin would roll her eyes and walk away.
scene requests: use shift+enter, add more if needed




password: Songs they should, 


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