Cielo vs. Ophelia Application Form 2


Personal Info:

AFF Username: brave_purple
AFF Profile Link:
Character Info:
Name: Kang Jin Ho
Nickname: Ethan (it's actually his English name which He prefers)
D.O.B: 08/12/1990
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Ethinicity: Korean American
Birthplace: New York, New York
Hometown: New York, New York - just recently moved to Seoul
Blood Type: B
height: 179 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Apperance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Ulzzang Name: Park Tae Jun

           He's a go with the flow 'doer' and lives in the now. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty when taking action and you can call him a risk-taker or daredevil. He's fast-moving and talks fast. He's good at telling stories and improvising and makes things up as He goes along with something. He improvises instead of following a routine or plan. He gets uncomfortable when he sticks to daily routines. He has a broad range of talents and skills and is especially talented in things that interest him. He's very energetic and has a large amount of enthusiasm. He gets easily excited and can influence someone else to become excited and follow his actions. He is action-oriented and makes decision in an instant. He doesn't like to be in situations where he is restricted or confined in any type of way. He has a range of skills and talents and is especially good at anything that interests his. He can be blunt and straight-forward at times, especially because He loves to speak his mind. He likes to get things started and done and enjoys new experiences.

          Jin Ho is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  He spontaneous and optimistic about things. He loves to hang around people and is loved by mostly everyone. He's a sympathetic person and cares for other's well beings. He's warm and generous with people that's close to his, even though He treats everyone like his friend. He's observant about people's feelings and tends to give practical care for ones in need. Once you have done something to upset him, such as take advantage of him and his trust, he can be very stubborn towards that person and will strongly dislike that person. He loves to be in the center of attention and perform for people. He likes to entertain people and make them happy. He likes to see reactions from people, which he is good at. He likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course he would be the host. He's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. He builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. His personality should not be mistaken for that of a bubbly one who is happy-go-lucky.

         Because Jin Ho is best at going with the flow, he doesn't do so well with books and theories. He avoids situations that involve theoretical thinking and are complex. He had difficulty in school and doesn't plan on going to college either. But he does learn by doing and interacting with people. He also tends to ignores things if he thinks the information can't be put to good use. He improvises in situations instead of using book smarts to make his way through. When he's put under a great deal of stress, his mind can be filled with negative thoughts and possibilities. A surprising thing about Jin Ho is that he tends to smoke when he's either under stress or at clubs. He is somewhat materialistic and does not pay attention to how he spends his money. He also pays attention to what others think of him, but is trying to break free of that habit. Jin Ho can actually be a tough guy when he needs to be. He usually acts like this when he feels somebody is trying to take advantage of him or do something bad. He's not afraid to fight against anybody for what he believes is right, especially if its for his friends and family. When he's in a bad mood he can get pretty grumpy. This only happens though when he hasn't had enough sleep or has a hangover. Or he can be grumpy when he breaks up with someone, especially since he easily becomes attached to his partners. He also tends to get in a lot of fights, verbally and physically because of his mouth. He's frank when he talks and openly says what's on his mind and sometimes it can be unintentionally harsh. He doesn't pay attention to conversations about the past, future, or are abstract. This is so because he is literal and concrete when he communicates and hates theories. He tends to become disinterested in conversations that aren't important at the moment. Also, he takes criticism personally and looks at it destructively. When he becomes angered, he can be pretty harsh and when he calms down, he would return to the person to apologize. But he will still dislike what they said. These are major flaws that indicate Jin Ho's character. Overall, Jin Ho is an individual who is warm, generous, fun-oriented, energetic, and straight-forward.

History: He was born and raised in the city of New York. He was born in a rich family because he dad was a car salesman - who are known for making a lot of money and being rich. He didn't live in a McMansion though. They stayed in a modest two story, three bedroom, two full bath house. Because his mother was a housewife, she was able to stay with him a lot during his childhood and was mostly raised by her. Because his parents were young when they had him, they didn't know what to do. They were planning on giving him up for adoption, but his father's grandmother stopped them. She told them that if they get married and stayed with each other, everything will be alright and fall into place. They were people who were shy of commitment and got married when he was one. He was raised by his mother with the help of his grandmother. He played a lot with his mother and both of them were scolded by his grandmother whenever they did something wrong. His grandmother tried to turn him into a polite gentleman who spoke when only spoken too. His mother wanted to raise him into more of an outgoing boy, like how he is today. After his personality started to develop (elementary school years) his mother's way of raising him was dominating his grandmother's way. His grandmother and mother started taking him to broadway shows at a young age so he could appreciate the arts. His father also tried to show him to appreciate the finer things in life. He was spoiled by his father and he's the reason why he's somewhat materialistic. Because he was outgoing, he hated being lonely and always bugged his parents to have another child to which they always responded no. He was a hyper and energetic child and always wanted to play around with somebody. He would always bug his parents or grandmother to play with him. His parents and grandmother become weary because of him. He was a very curious child and would ask why - like your average child. But that phase lasted longer and started later. When he was in middle school he would ask why this and why that, so because he was older people would give him the specific answer, especially if it was scientific. This confused him and made his brain hurt, starting his dislike of theories and school. His mother always scolded him for his low grades and no promise in school. He didn't like being scolded so this only made him dislike school even more. His family moved to Seoul, South Korea when he was seventeen. They wanted him to start learning his native culture, even though he was born in America. His grandmother didn't move with them so ever since then he would contact with her over the phone with Daum My People. When he was a freshman/sophomore, television influenced him easily. He watched shows that were more mature than him than Disney or Nickelodeon. Well he was a freshman/sophomore so shows more mature than just cartoons. He watched things like people smoking, discussing their /love life, drinking, etc. He knew he was too young for these things and wanted to experiment really bad. As soon as he turned twenty, him and his dad went out so he could have his first can of glass of soju, which he became addicted to. His dad started to appear more after they moved. His mother was still a housewife and his dad had to start over at being a cars salesman. He had his resume so he didn't have to start all over. He would hang out with his father he started discussing with him 'man-to-man' about the stuff he saw on television. They would drink together and when they had enough to drink, he would discuss with his son on how to treat a women and pleasure her. One day after a few beers, he tried his first cigarette with his dad, but he actually hated it. His dad used these moments to interact with him and raise him to be like a real man.
  • Soju/Beer
  • Sports cars/Foreign cars
  • Hoodies 
  • Suspense movies
  • Broadway
  • Energy drinks
  • Amusement parks
  • Pork
  • Clubs/parties
  • Football and soccer
  • Naps
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Drums
  • Beaches
  • Texting
  • His iPad
  • Slow texters 
  • Cold weather
  • Coffee
  • Wannabes
  • School
  • Chores
  • Routines
  • Repeating himself
  • Slow days
  • Empty/Half empty clubs
  • Being scolded
  • Girls who don't flirt well
  • People who chew gum stupidly
  • Hanging out at shopping districts with his friends
  • Going to clubs in Hongdae and Myeongdong
  • Hosting parties
  • Plays football and soccer
  • Going to the gym periodically to work out
  • Pokes people to get their attention
  • Taps his cheek and stares into space when he's thinking
  • Fake laughs when he's being sarcastic
  • Tends to bend things - like a straw when he's drinking out of one or a lollipop stick if he's eating one
  • Starts humming when he's about to ask somebody for a favor
  • Makes a lot of skinship without thinking about it 
  • When he's mad he starts to talk in English
  • Taps his foot repeatedly when he's nervous
  • Instruments: Acoustic guitar and drums
  • Modeling
  • He knows Tae Kwon Do 
  • Hates the bitter taste of coffee
  • Began learning Korean at the age of seventeen. He's fluent but he still has an American accent
  • Does a hundred push-ups and crunches before he showers and goes to bed
  • He's a good cooker but he hates cooking
  • He can handle physical pain well
  • He talks to his cat in a baby voice
  • He knows only a few card tricks
  • He's not afraid to show his abs to the camera
Stage Info:
Stage Name: Ethan
Position: Lead Vocals | Model | Lead Dancer
Training Time: 5
Training Background:
          Jin Ho always liked the idea of becoming an idol and it was a secret dream of his. He was watching television and a commercial for Verona Ent. appeared and it said a round of auditions were going on in various cities throughout South Korea, including Seoul. He decided he might as well try out since he doesn't have anything to lose. At first, it was just something else that he was going to do. No more important than playing football with his friends. But he started to get more serious about auditioning as time went by. He would practice for hours and gave up his time with his friends. On the day of the audition, he wait for hours in the lobby as their were many applications ahead of him. The whole time, he was tapping his foot and trying to calm himself down. When it was his turn he walked into the audition room and introduced him. The three judges nodded their heads and signaled him to go on. He auditioned with a song and a dance routine that he choreographed. He did his interview and left afterwards. Everyday he would stare at his phone, waiting for the company to call. They didn't call until two days later and when they did he waited for three rings to go off because he didn't want to sound too eager. He was accepted as a trainee under Verona Ent.
          He started his trainee activities the next week which were everyday and last for 3-5 hours. He made friends easily and soon started to hang out with those people outside the studio. Girls would watch him practice and tried to flirt with him but he just ignored them. He was focused on training hard without any distractions. Guys started to get jealous of him, even if he was ignoring the girls. One day, he was practicing late for the monthly check-up. He grabbed his gym bag, said good-night to his trainer and left the studio. Four guys were waiting for him outside, but they weren't his friends. They kept stopping in front of him as he was trying to get past. They started to get in his face and insult him, calling him a player and a stuck-up, cocky, man-. Jin Ho just ignored them and tried to walk around them until one of them push him. Jin Ho dropped his gym bag - to which all the guys responded "Oh, whatcha going to do now". He pushed the guy, a little harder than what he intended. They guy stumbled backward so Jin Ho used this chance to grab his gym bag and run. They followed right behind him. He tried his best to lose them but they were too close on his tracks. One of them finally stopped and quickly picked up a rock and threw it at him. It him in the shoulder, causing him to slow down. They caught up to him and started to hit him. He didn't want to get beaten up by them, even though people would know it was 4-1. He fought back, only bruising two of them. They were able to knock him down and started to stomp on him. He passed out from the beating so they left him. A couple of hours late, somebody found him. He wasn't severely injured, just a busted lip, a black eye, and a few bruises here and there. He swore up and down his rib cage was broken because of the pain but the x-rays showed it didn't. When his mom found out, she begged for him to quit being a trainee. He told her no and that this incident didn't affect his dreams of being an idol. If anything he wanted to train harder and become better than those guys. After a small investigation amongst the trainees, they found out who ganged up on him, and they were kicked out of Verona Ent. They did go to jail for assault. Girls only started to swoon over Jin Ho more. Don't get me wrong, he did enjoy all the flirting, but he just wasn't interested and was too focused on training. Out of all the girls, the one girl that he did befriend was the one that didn't go head over heels for him. 
Fanclub Name: Electricities
Color: Electric Yellow
Persona: Electric Soul
Singing: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Dancing: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Rapping: N/A
Relationship Info:
Ideal Type: He likes a girl that has a baby/doll face and is pretty at everything she does. The girl has to be shorter than him, even in heels. He likes a girl with curves and looks as good in jeans as she does in skirts and dresses. He thinks a girl who acts shy with aegyo is cute, as long as she still has a bold side. He wants a girl who will let him spoil her and is loyal like a sunflower. He wants a girl who will smile every time she sees him and is proud of him and will embrace him. She has to eat what he cooks or else he's going to feel awful and be turned off. She has to be mature and bold, and is not afraid to speak her mind. She needs to know how to have fun and have a sense of humor. She has to be playful. He thinks girls who look innocent but have a different personality and cute but it's not mandatory. As long as they aren't disgusting, rude, and just a total turn-off. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
-Kang Ji Young/Mother/40/Housewife
-Kang Chi Hoon/Father/41/Cars Salesman
-Kang Sunkyu/Grandmother/65/Retired/Lives back in New York
Siblings: N/A
  • Park Hyung Seok (ulzzang)
  • Moon Dan Bi (ulzzang)
  • Mblaq's G.O.
  • Super Junior's Kyuhyun
  • Shinee's Jonghyun
  • SNSD's Jessica
Best Friends:
  • Park Mi Yeon (ulzzang) - She was the trainee that he befriended
  • U-kiss' Dongho
  • Infinite's Sungyeol
Rival: Big Bang's Taeyang
Pets: a kitten 1 | 2
Allergies: N/A
Scene Request: N/A
Do you want to be the couple?: No
Anything else I might have forgotten?: No


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