Am I really that bad or is it something else?

Well, I`m not sure if I even should write a blog post about this, but its just freaking frustrating. I tell you. I`m not someone to beg, I`m not somone that writes just to get these: comments.

But I noticed something.

You know, when I began to write "Love is a sickness" and "Bloodlust" I got like 10 comments each chapter. And I was really happy about it, because I saw that my readers liked my stories. 10 comments are a lot for me and I never can thank you guys (that commented) enough for it.

Now looking at my current story "The Golden Cliff" and the story before it "When begins the life I can live with you?" only makes me frustrated. I got less comments on "When begins the life I can live with you?" and hey, I was still happy because at least 3 or 4 of my readers cared to comment.

Now with my current story... I recently updated and I got none. like none at all. on the other chapters I got lucky that one or two commented. So I`m asking myself: Is it me? Did I get worse at writing? Is the story not interesting? Should I even stop writing, because no one seems to care?

Like I said before, I`m really happy for every comment. Ecspacially to these readers that always comment. I love you, I really do. <3 And I`m not talking about these readers here, but about all the others that just won`t comment. The reason I will never know.

But maybe its just me. Like I said I don`t write to get comments in the first place, but its nice to see some response once in a while you know? Imagine selling tons of albums, but no one says how good your music it? You`ll get insecure about what you do. I`m at that point right now.

So, if its my ty writing, tell me so I can stop knowing I`m not got at it.


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Aff is like that nowadays
People only read in the shadows
I can relate because I am one.
BUT, I have a perfectly good reason;
I somehow seem to occasionally read the featured fics (if its good to me), therefore I dont need to comment for the author(s) will receives PLENTY from other users. However, if the fic is less well known, I'd try to let the author know of my feelings becausr they deserve some praise. :)

Dont be down about this, quality over quantity, right? Having a few but supportive audience is better than a bunch of worthless losers who only read on the surface than actually appreciating the meaning between the lines, and the effort you have distributed
Ure not bad at writing sweetie, I can clearly remember that your 'bloodlust' is in my ficrec because it was so amazing... Plus it made me really sad and I could feel the emotions in the story. If anything you are gifted in the art of writing not bad at it.

As for the comment stuff, there are people that are just lazy or forget to comment because they are reading on their phones like I am right now. I swear sometimes I just forget that I need to comment because it was good, I know what comments do to an author, but sometimes I am guilty if still being a silent reader. So don't let it get under your skin too much and be happy with those few awesome comment you have, cuz those are the people that are really committed to your stories.

I usually get more committed through 1 on 1 contact with the author and that she or he takes my advise and uses some of my ideas. So if you want to talk with me you can okay, about anything you want. I'm here.