potpourri --×-- Tiovyaka Andromina --×-- Yaka --×-- heavenly

Tiovyaka Andromina
Jewel_ELF // Krissy // 9
» Informationalist
NICKNAME: Yaka, everyone
DATE OF BIRTH + AGE: May 14, 1994 20
PLACE OF BIRTH + HOMETOWN: Des Mervilles, California
HEIGHT + WEIGHT: 5'6 + 141 lbs
LANGUAGE: English, Hebrew mother languages
» Secret identity
SPECIAL ABILITY: Psychometry + Technokinesis
POSITION: Inteligance Analysis
MASCOT: Peacock
no one else can see through
who you really are

Yaka is a quiet person. She will not be the first person to meet someone and talk to them. She is a silent observer; she sees everything and she annalises it all. She is all kinds of brains and book smart, but she doesn’t have much street smarts. She has nearly photograic memory, so if she sees it she will remember it. She has an abnormally high IQ as well. She seemed to be the kind of person who always knows what is going on and everyone little secrets. She would never tell any of them thoug

Yaka is shy. She doesn’t like meeting new people, being the center of attention or having people watch her. She doesn’t have much initiative to stand up to people, she usually lets people push her around. Inside her head she stand up to them, but she never has the curage to stand up to anyone

» Background

Des Merveilles has a small part of town that people call ‘Jew Ville’, its named that for the population. There are three people who are not Jewish. Yaka’s parents are no exception. Her parents were Jewish and theirs too. Her gandparents came to America soon after the last war and landed in Des Merveilles. Her father was is a shop owner and her mother is a teacher. They arent rich, but they are comfortable.

Yaka was born and raised in Des Merveilles and she never left. Her family was a very, very Jewish family, as were the other familes in her neghborhood. She didn’t even leave her part of town until she was fifteen. She was always the kid who seemed to be forgotten or the last to be picked, so she got used to being the loner. She had her friends, but she got by because she started watching people. She liked to dress nicely though, she thought if she looked nice more people would like her. 

School was one of the few places she really liked. She was always good in school and her teachers liked her. She had a side job helping out at Caelestis Corporation in the office. She was paid unde the table though. She loved working there, expecially when they gave her important jobs.

The boss’s daughter came around often. She was kind to Yaka and Yaka started to like her. They became friends, but not like they were so close that they would hang out outside. Just at Caelestis Corporation. She really liked being around her because she could be herself, not the person she had to be at home.

One day, there was a huge gala going on. Caelestis Corporation was going to be making it big from now on out. There was a tour going and Yaka slipped away from her desk, she figured there would be no harm done if she just went with them. Everything was go cool, she had no idea this is what they were doing here. The last stop of the tour was a room in the middle of the building. There were no windows and only one door, which had an air tight seal on it. While they were in there, something went wrong and only some people got out. Yaka was not one of them.

When she woke up the next morning, she was back in her own bed and there was breakfast waiting on the table. Things were just wrong though. When she sat at the table she got a head rush and images swamped her head. It was of her and the past. Dinners at the table, school projects at the table and even the builders of the table. She threw her hands back and wouldn’t taouch anything the rest of the day. On her way to work the next day she was a pair of lace gloves in a little shop. When sh e got inside there were more than one pair. She got three pairs and they did a good enough job at keeping her from touching things. (1 2 3 the tan ones are her favorite) She could see the women who made the gloves, but it wasn’t terrible.

Since then, Yaka has invested in a lot more lace than before. It seemed with her new found abilities she has a new found appritiation for lace. 

i know who you really are
you're just an ordinary girl
» Likes
  • one: Quite
  • two: Animals
  • three: Dramas
  • four: Yoga
  • five: Hot Chocolate
» Dislikes
  • one: Mornings
  • two: Junk food
  • three: Watermelon
  • four: Sickness and death
  • five: Hats
» Fears
  • one: Darkness
  • two: being stuck somewhere she cant get out
  • three: Needles
  • four: Flying
  • five: Being up high and being dropped
» Hobbies
  • one: Reading
  • two: Watching people
  • three: Listening to music
  • four: Being outsdie when it rains
  • five: Having friends and hanging out with them
» Habits
  • one: She talks in her sleep
  • two: She wont be late for things
  • three: She falls asleep easily
  • four: She doesnt like shaking peoples hands
  • five: She chews on her cheek when she is nervous
» Trivia
  • one: She keeps her hair long, she refuses to cut it
  • two: Shehas a triangle shaped birthmark behind her left ear
  • three: She talks to people in Hebrew when she is angry so they dont know what she is saying
  • four: She wants to get a tattoo
  • five: She doesnt know how to drive
a destiny
that belongs only to me
» Faceclaim
PERSON NAME: Esti Ginzburg
» Backup Faceclaim
a fantasy
that belongs only to me
mission outfit: one | two

training outfit: one | two

formal outfit: one | two

everyday outfit: one | two

professional outfit: one | two

pretty oufit: one | two

sleeping outfit: one | two

lazy outfit: one | two

a miracle-like love story begins now
it's not as if you can fly in the sky, nor can you stop time, even so you're my hero forever
» the basics
LOVE RELATIONSHIP: Dating (Its complecated) 
LOVE RIVAL: Heather Claire

Chase is the ideal person, he is kind, compationite and he really does care for the greater good. People love him and he lives for his family. He is hard working and would never leave a man behind. He is a great listener and is very good at giving advice. He isnt the one to complain.

Heather is used to getting what she wants. People are affraid of her so they do what she tells them to. She expects everyone to love her and to follow her and when someone doesnt she blows a gasket. She is very selfish and doesnt care much for others. She only wants whats best for her in life. 

» background

Chase went to the same high school as Yaka and they had a few classes together, but they never really interacted with eachother that much until junior year. They were put together on an assignment and had to spend a large amount of time together. Aaron asked Yaka to Prom, just as friends and she agreed. After that their relationship took off. All of senior year they were together.

Just after graduation, Chase went to boot camp. He wanted to be a marine since he was a kid and he was going to live his dream. Yaka suported his decision, but really didnt want him to be deployed. After the three and a half months, he got sent out to Iran. His parents conviced Yaka's parents to let her watch over Chase's dog Bently and cat Ferdinand. Chase's pets were his life so Yaka watched over them and they seemed to be her biggest connection to him

Yaka tried to keep in touch with him, but a year after that he stopped sending letters back. Yaka does know, but Chase was sent off on a mission and his entire patrol went missing. They are all missing in action, possibly prisoners of war. 

Heather lived just outside 'Jew Ville'. Her parents were rich so she was a rich snob. She interated with poor people as little as possible. She would only be seen with the best and the brightest, but her mother was friends with Yaka's mom. Her mother would visit Yaka's family on holidays and to check in every once in a while. 

Heather met Chase when her mother came to visit weeks before graduation. He was with Yaka and she saw them come back. She saw and she wanted. She came inside, demanding answers about him. When she found out he was dating Yaka she made it her personal mission to steal him away from her. 


It started off at school, seeing eachother in the hall. If not for that one Physic's assignment they may have never met. After that it was all kinds of dates; walks, movies, dinner, just being together. Chase met with Yaka's parents before every date and let them know he had her home after every one. 

Now they send letters and skype when they can. Chase dies in Iran. When Yaka finds out she is all but heart broken. She beomes catatonic for over a week.

Heather stays away from Yaka how ever she can. She doesnt want to be around or see that girl. But once she saw Chase she has started 'bumping' into Yaka everywhere. Heather does everything to Yaka from making her doubt Chase to thinking that she lost her job. Heather is trying to make Yaka so isolated and alone she doesnt even want to be with anyone. 

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: The potpouri is supposed to be freshly baked bread. Tea-oo-va-ka. 
SCENE REQUEST: When Yaka finds out the Chase is a pow(possibly dead) she stops functioning, almost.
YOUR CHARACTER: You can tweak things, but just so long as she is still her
PASSWORD: Caelest potpouri heavenly medly
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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