Tagged by OneTrueShip (yeah again)

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Tagged Questions:

1. How long has it been since you used your phone?

Using it right now

2. Did you check AOA out yet?

Err not yet. I will tho!

3. Is Plastic Surgery a ' turn off ' in KPOP for you?

Maybe. It depends how much.

4. How old is your grandpa?


5. Are you looking forward to KARA's Mamamia?

I haven't listened to KARA either. Omg I'm missing out huh?

6. What are you allergic to?

I used to be allergic to mango but idk it stopped for some reason. :/

7. Does school give you anxiety?

Yeah sometimes

8. Do you feel alone?

Right now or alone in general? 

9. Do you try doing school homework in class?


10. What do you think of my posters?

They're awesome. XD

Tagged People:

OneTrueShip (yes again)

My Questions:

1. Do u listen to other music other than kpop. If so, what music?

2. Do u wanna swim with a dolphin?

3. Would u ship two flavors (flavor of anything) together? If so, what would it be?

4. Do u listen to songs from Psy?

5. If you were dared to act like the opposite for the whole day, would u do it? Why?

6. Do u watch anime? If so, got any favorites?

7. Play any instruments?

8. Recent person you hugged?

9. Who do you think suffers the most in life? Girls or boys? (Yeah I've been debating this w/ someone)

10. Favorite skinship? (Yup I'm still random)






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Lukookie #1
I'm done tagging now