Cielo vs. Ophelia Application Form


Personal Info:

AFF Username: brave _purple
AFF Profile Link:
Character Info:
Name: Bae Dan Bi
Nickname: Baby 배비, Baby Swag
D.O.B: 04/18/1991
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Blood Type: AB
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Appearance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Ulzzang Name: Jang Hae Byeol
      Dan Bi is a girl who is outgoing, excitable, and a risk-taker. She loves to experience new things. She's not afraid to do anything, and always excepts a challenge as she believes she can learn from them and they can turn her into a stronger person. She can be stubborn and headstrong at times. She is a fun-loving person who tends to go with the flow. She doesn't like to be predictable or have the same routine everyday. She enjoys having the spotlight on her, which is the main reason she is one of the most popular people at her school. She doesn't cause attention to herself by starting drama, but by her talents, her looks and joining her school's sports teams. Keeping up with the latest trends and beauty products is one of her hobbies, and she sometimes made trends at her high school.  She doesn't enjoy thinking about the negative side to things though she realizes that not everything or every plan can go perfectly fine. She's a good team player and is fond of virtually everybody. There's only a handful of people she would rather not communicate with. She has a warm and friendly aura with everybody and enjoys making as many friends as possible. She realizes she can't be liked by everybody and because this is a negative thought her mind tends to skip over this. Dan Bi is a fun-loving person and is fun to be around.  She spontaneous and optimistic about things. She loves to hang around people and is loved by mostly everyone. She's a sympathetic person and cares for other's well beings. She's warm and generous with people that's close to her, even though she treats everyone like her friend. She's observant about people's feelings and tends to give practical care for ones in need. Once you have done something to upset her, such as take advantage of her and her trust, she can be very stubborn towards that person and will strongly dislike that person. She loves to be in the center of attention and perform for people. She likes to entertain people and make them happy. She likes to see reactions from people which she is good at. She likes the atmosphere of parties and loves for life to be like one big party, which of course she would be the host. She's also a great team player and enjoys creating a fun atmosphere to get things done. She builds strong bonds with people and appreciates relationships with those people and would hate for it to be destroyed. Her personality should not be mistaken for that of a bubbly one who is happy-go-lucky.
     Dan Bi can also be a bubbly person at times and loves to make people laugh. She's a joker and a teaser, and can be a little hyper at times. She's the one that brought up the atmosphere in her trainee days when everybody was tired, or the room was quiet. This is also a reason why she's popular at her school because she's easy to approach. Sometimes, she approaches other people, especially if she feels like their day is going down the drain. Even though her personality makes her approachable, her looks counteract that. People explain her to look intimidating, also adding to her high school status. Just like how in movies, popular girls are the untouched and feared one. Except in her case, there's nothing to be feared. She wears bright eye shadow that easily catches attention and has short bleach hair that draws her out of the crowd. Even though her looks are intimidating, they are also what brings to her fun personality since they are so eccentric. 
     She has a lot of confidence and a high self-esteem. Nothing can bring her down easily, and nobody can say anything to hurt her deeply. Unless is something about her friends and family. Dan Bi's confidence shines brightly when she is doing what she loves most: rapping and dancing. Her school stage name is 'Baby Swag' because her nickname is Baby and of course she has swag. Speaking of her nickname, the terse story of her she got her nickname is the pronunciation of the two syllables in her name Bae and Bi. Put them together and they equal 'BABY' (배비). 
     She absolutely loves to flirt. Its one of her favorite past times. Most of her friends are guys and that's how they joke around with each other. Some people confuse this as other activities, but most people know that's how she plays around with her guy friends. It annoys her when a guy takes the flirting too seriously, or is awful at it. It makes her feel really awkward and uncomfortable and she ends up avoiding theme eighty percent of the time. Sometimes she takes her flirting games to her best friend Hyoyeon and that's also how they joke around with each other. Also, her and her guy friends not only joke around and tease each other, but they have little battles and competitions when they go to the club. She will was freestyle battles for rap and dancing with them. Most of the time she wins, but she knows they cheat the other times because they create raps just for these battles and try to remember them so they have practiced their rhyme and flow. She always wins the dance battles because she's just that amazing. But seriously, because she's a girl, she can pull of some things her guy friends can't. For example, being extremely y and using her s-line and . They may be her friends, but they're still guys and have the instincts of guys. Once she starts using her 'power' against them, they automatically quit.
     Dan Bi is slightly obtuse when it comes to school. She ignores things if she believes it is useless information. The only subjects she was good at was English and Algebra. Her go-with-the-flow attitude makes her impatient sometimes. She is more street smart than book smart and she learns by doing and hands on practice. She tries to use her 'get things done' attitude also to just get things done, but sometimes it backfires. She may not be the smartest person in school, but she does have a side to her that's spontaneous and fun-loving.

     Dan Bi's childhood in Incheon was pretty hectic. Because she was a wild child, troubled automatically called her name. Her mother nagged and scolded her a lot, and she has learned some things from these lectures. But most of the time, she would hum a tune in her head and tune her mother out. She loved to play dirty, and was a slight tomboy as a kid. Her mom would spank her with a belt when she caught Dan Bi playing rough, in the dirt, or just being nasty. Dan Bi got into a lot of elementary school fights her guy friends. Like most kids, they made mud pies and tried to sell them like they were lemonade. And she was just plain disgusting. She would burp and fart in public and try to blame it on somebody else. She would pick her nose and scratch her stomach in public. Her mom punished her good for these bad habits, which is why Dan Bi doesn't act this way anymore. When she thinks back on these memories, she laughs at herself while shaking her head in shame. 

     Her parents divorced when Dan Bi was six and her dad moved to the states to find another life. He wanted to take Dan Bi with him, but she refused. Indeed he did start another life though and had a son with another woman. His name is of course Dong Ho. Dan Bi sometimes Skypes with Dong Ho and that's their only means of communication. Her mom does support her decision to be an idol and is proud of daughter, especially because she stuck with something she was passionate. Her mother was actually worried if she was going to get a good job because her grades were lacking. Her father or her half brother doesn't even know she was thinking about being an idol. He still believes dancing is part of her past-time.

     She matured between her elementary days and her Junior High years. Maybe a little too much. She tried to be somebody she wasn't, all girly-girl and bubbly. Sure she is a bubbly person, but she was acting over the top aegyo queen. She wore little kitten heels with her uniform and applied layers of lip gloss, trying to imitate the pretty girls who would later turn into s. Her mom liked her better this way because she was acting more like a girl, but she just didn't feel comfortable in her skin. She hung around more girls, the cliche popular group you can call them, and didn't feel right. She finally stepped outside her bubble and realized how she was acting and who she was hanging around with. She actually noticed this from watching dramas. When she stopped hanging out with them, they didn't say anything, just rolled their eyes every time they crossed paths. Now she was stuck trying to figure out who she was when half of her Junior High years has gone by already. She decided, that she would go out and find her personality herself. One day at lunch, she saw a group of her old guy friends. She sat down with them, and they slowly built their friendship back. She didn't miss the life of a tomboy, but her friends. She also missed the feeling of being pretty with the heels and lip gloss. So she met the two personalities in between and hung out with her old friends, while wear ballet flats and a little bit of lip gloss.

     She realized she didn't have a lot of friends. Especially new ones. This is how her personality today came to be. Everyday, she would hang out at a different table, trying to diminish her comfort zone. and bubble. She joined as many school clubs and teams as possible. If it wasn't for these programs, she might have dropped out of school considering how she's not the bright and absolutely hates it. She also hated the feeling of being alone which influenced her to talk to as many people as she could. Her friendly personality helped quite a bit with this task. She made new acquaintances, but she never forgets her real buddies. (sorry if it's too long - Once I started writing I couldn't stop)

  • Rapping
  • Dancing
  • Parties/ Clubs
  • Heels/ Stilettos
  • Magazines
  • Bright/Neon Colors
  • Icecream Cake
  • Malls
  • Volleyball
  • Music
  • Cosmetics
  • Horror Movies
  • Theatre Arts/ Performing Arts
  • Beats by Dr Dre
  • Amusement Parks
  • Circle Lenses
  • Hats
  • School
  • Sleeping In
  • Bad Hair Days
  • Leg Cramps
  • Gum On The Sidewalks
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Boys Who Are Bad At Flirting
  • Animal Cruelty
  • Itchy Clothes That Are Cute
  • Testing Makeup Products For The First Time
  • Coffee Flavor Ice Cream
  • Small laptops
  • Chores
  • Having Freestyle Battles With Boys From Her School
  • Shopping Online
  • Composing Raps/ Songs
  • Creating Choreography
  • Periodically going to clubs
  • Going To The Movie
  • Playing volleyball with her friends
  • Trying Different Makeup Looks
  • Showers at least two times a day.
  • Eats junk food with bored or has nothing else to do.
  • Always has to swivel when sitting in swivel chairs.
  • Daydreams occasionaly
  • Taps foot to beat of a song she's listening to.
  • Loses things easily, or forgets about them.
  • Stretches randomly throughout the day.
  • Writes in a diary everyday.
  • Wears one sock around the dorm. She loses the other one once her shoes come off.
  • She can imitate noises (like helicopters and water dripping)
  • She can beatbox
  • She plays the piano
  • She can walk forwards/backwards while doing a handstand
  • Favorite color is hot pink
  • Favorite kpop band is 4minute
  • Never had a dog
  • Sometimes wear black or violet contacts just for the fun of it
  • Favorite food is Tteokbokki, bibimbap, and hamburgers
  • Enjoys a good westernized breakfast.
  • Loves to mess with her friends hair.
  • Enjoys a good hearty laugh daily.
  • Once rocked Lady Gaga's Bad Romance circle lense look for a month 
Stage Info:
Stage Name: Baby
Position: Main Rapper | Lead Dancer | Actress
Training Time: 5
Training Background: 

     She discovered her love of music from the first time she heard a song. Most people would say they've been dancing since they could walk. She wasn't even taught how to walk yet and she still could jump around in her first few months. Her mom saw how much she enjoyed music, and put her in dance classes early. She enjoyed every minute of it and couldn't thank her mother enough for making that decision. But, she realized that dancing is nothing without another talent to compliment it. She was listening to the new song by Super Junior, U, on her mp3 player during lunch at school. She started rapping along with Eunhyuk and the other member, forgetting she was sitting at a table with other people. Her eyes were closed during this so she didn't notice her friends staring at her. When she realized they were, they told her how good her rapping is, especially for somebody who doesn't practice it. So, then she started to practice. There wasn't any professional classes for it like how there is for dancing and singing, so she was coached by her friends. Instead of following along to male raps, she would practice with Wonder Girls.

     She was watching Wonder Girls perform on and in her own room she became a sixth member of the group. Rapping, dancing, and partially singing (at the time she was practicing her vocals). She admired them for a long time and aspired to be like them. This ticked her dream of becoming an idol. She told her mom, and her mom and her mom didn't believe she would actually go an audition. Her mother supported her dream, she just didn't think she would go through with it. She would search on the internet everyday, looking for companies that were holding auditions. Then one day, JYP popped up in her results. She collected her cool and clicked on the link and read auditions were being held next week. She nearly fainted because of the short notice, but in the end she practice long and hard in that one week. She auditioned with her rapping and dancing, but they also wanted to see her sing, the one thing she didn't practice. She sung So Hot by the Wonder Girls and also did the dance that belonged to the song. Two minutes into the song and they told her to stop. They told her that she could leave and would give her a call later. To her, later felt like forever. They called saying, that her original performance was great, but her vocals need tweaking. Her eyes started to water until the guy on the phone felt like CCP could help her with her vocals. He also said, to save extra work, they would accept her as a trainee for now, but they would switch her later in the year. She was elated and thanked them ten times before hanging up. Five months later, she was switched to CCP Entertainment, and began her trainee days over there. 

     She was schedule to train for extra hours than other trainees because of her vocals. While most people trained for 3-5 hours a day, she had to practice for 4-6 . Because she was a new girl, ever body would whisper to each other what they thought of her. She didn't know it until somebody walked up to her and asked her if she really slept with Lee Soo Man. Out of shock she slapped the girl and responded no. At school, she would complain to her friends about people from the headquarters spreading rumors about her. She never had rumors spread about her and of course didn't like the feeling. One day when she was fed up, her coach noticed. He asked what was wrong and she told him. He rolled his eyes and continued the lessons. She ignored his eye roll and continued too. Afterwards, she asked him about his body language and he replied that if she's going to be idol, she can expect rumors to come from any angle, and if these trainees gossip are affecting her, then she's in no way prepared to debut. Her eyes started to water and the coach left, ending the lesson. When she went home that day, she thought about what the coach said. She wiped away her last tear, and started to practice the dance routine her coach taught her for that week's check up. The next morning she arrived at the headquarter's studio. The trainees were chatting amongst each other and stretching. She walked up to a table with a bunch of girls and sat down. They stared at her for a few seconds until she set them straight. She told them, "One day I'm going to debut, and there's a chance that one of you girls are going to be in my group. And sooner or later we're going to have to get along or else the public and press will see. And it won't be me who's rumored to beat up a member. No, that'll be you with the bad rep, ask one of your high school friends that you bullied. Maybe you should think about that". She left the table to stretch also, and after that, not as many people talked about her. She wasn't a loner in the company. Some people liked how she stood up for herself and talked to her more. The trainees started to see her personality and soon she became popular amongst the trainees as well - except for the ones that was jealous of course.

     After 3 years, while training, she met her first love - Choi Min Seok. He was a flower boy knowing for his vocals and dance talents. She wasn't the only girl that admired him. But she was the only one that made a move. To her fortunate, one day he was training late so it was just them and a couple other people. During break time he was sitting by himself, eating kimkibap. She sat in front of him and started conversation. She began to flirt with and he took notice so he started to flirt back. Satisfied, she left him her phone number and walked away to leave mystery. The next day, he stayed late just to talk her again. During the break, she was stretching just to show off her curves and get his attention. Min Seok approached her and grabbed her hand leading her to an empty room. The next ten minutes was nobody business but theirs. (If you still don't get it she lost her ity to him). They dated for a year and a couple months.

Fanclub Name: Neonates (she likes neon colors and Neonate is a syllable for baby)
Color: Neon pink
Persona: Flirty Doll
Singing: 1 | 2 | 3
Dancing: 1 | 2 
Rapping: 1 | 2 | 3
Relationship Info:
Ideal Type: She likes your average flower boys. You know - the non-testosterone type of boys. But lately she's been into guys who are manly, with muscles and chiseled abs and just look manly. For example, her celebrity crushes T.O.P. and Jonghyun. She likes T.O.P.s broad shoulders and his facial features. She likes how his eyes gives him the presence of being a bad boy. She like's Jonghyun jaw line and his arms. Her ideal type switches from flower boy qualities to men like T.O.P. But most of the time she prefers flower boys with long hair and soft features, especially if they give off a bad boy feel. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (A/N if there's an app that used Park Tae Jun, Lee Chi Hoon, or Yu Ha Min, they would be perfect for her). She likes guys who aren't afraid to take risks, just like her. She likes a guy who haves fun and is fun to be around. One that's outgoing and dorky. Because she loves to laugh, she wants a guy who is funny and will make her laugh and is playful. She likes a guy that is good at flirting. Not just good, but an expert. If the guy is one that is fun to be around, a joker/teaser, dorky, a flower boy, yet a flower boy, but he doesn't know how to flirt - she'll be turned off.
Family: Bae Soo Yeon/Mother/High School Teacher/39/Alive | Bae Jin Ho/Father/Waitor/42/Alive
Siblings: N/A
  • Seunghyun - FT Island
  • Lee Donghae - Super Junior
  • Taemin - SHINee 
  • Park Ae Ji - OC
Best Friends:
  • Hyoyeon - SNSD
  • Sohee - Wonder Girls
  • Choi Min Seok - OC
Rival: N/A
Pets: No
Allergies: She's allergic to pollen and dust
Scene Request: I'm not good at thinking of scenes, it'll be best if you thought about it.
Do you want to be the couple?: N/A
Anything else I might have forgotten?: Nope :)


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