Tagged by OneTrueShip

Rule 1: Post the rules!
Rule 2:  Answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 10 new ones!
Rule 3: Tag 5 people and link them to this post!
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them!

Tagged Questions

1. Do you think SM is a bad company?

Well I wouldn't say they're bad company, it's just the way they run things and the way they treat their idols that's causing them to appear bad in fan's eyes.

2. If you were to kill your ultimate boy or girl bias, which one would you kill?

No I love oppa and unnie! -__-

3. Right now, do you feel like you want to throw your phone across the room?

No I love my phone! Well, not really love it, but it's something I wouldn't wanna break cuz I'll probably get in trouble.

4. If/When you're in a relationship, do you think that the other person has to like KPOP?

Well they don't have to like it, but it would be cool if they did. We could spazz together. Haha

5. Do you know who Toni Gonzaga is?

Yus, I watch Filipino shows so yeah.

6. Favourite TV show?

Hmm idk? I don't watch much TV anymore, mostly dramas.

7. Favourite K-DRAMA?

The Heirs

8. Do you have phobias? If so, list 3.


9. Who got you into KPOP? What was the first group you listened/seen.

I think I discovered it myself but forgot about it then remembered it again. I think Tahiti or GG idk.

10. What is something that the opposite (or the same for those people out there) must have? 

Well they have to be a good person I guess.

People I'm tagging:






My Questions:

1. If you could say only one word over and over again, what would it be? (It's very random, I know :p)

2. What would the perfect day be?

3. What would the perfect date be?

4. Do you like photography? If so, got any tips?

5. What do u automatically think of when someone says the word "kpop"?

6. Why is pi only found in circles? (Sorry that's one of my math problems -__-)

7. Describe yourself in one word.

8. Describe life in one word.

9. How long does it take you to run a mile?

10. Can you rap? If so, what's your favorite rap?




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