2pm and Harry Potter houses

Anyone here reads Harry Potter?

I was wondering, what Hogwarts house do you think 2pm members would belong?

I did this test here today and got curious about people's opinions. I always talk to my friends about this and would love to know what you think! 

I got tested at Pottermore and I am a hufflepuff by the way :D 


My opinions:

Junho - slytherin

Minjun and Woo - ravenclaw

Chansung - maybe hufflepuff, maybe gryffindor. 

Taecyeon - not sure... maybe gryffindor?

Nichkhun - idk...

Tests possible results

  • Slytherin - Congratsss - you're a S-S-S-Slytherin! If you can talk to snakes, you probably already knew it, but now it's official that you're one of the dark elite. You Slytherins stick together, but when it comes to personal achievement, you're as ruthless as they come. You don't shy away from taking risks, and you thrive on the fear of others. But with a love of elegance and refinement, at least you do evil with style...Im content with this :)
  • Gryffindor - Congrats - you're a lion-hearted Gryffindor! Selfless to the core and driven by a burning passion for what you believe in, you'll go beyond your calling to make sure justice is done, and you're always the first to stand up for the underdog. You can sometimes be a bit cocky and leap into action before you before you think, but hey, what's wrong with wanting to be a hero? As Hermione herself said, Gryffindors have a "saving people thing"…
  • Hurrah! You're a Hufflepuff! You're as delightful as the name sounds. Kind, honest and caring by nature, the most important things in your life are friends, family, and comfort - not to mention a love of animals. Personal achievement isn't of great importance to you; as long as you've got close relationships you're happy. Adventure can be a little scary, so you prefer not to stray too far from the peace and tranquility of home.
  • Congrats - you're a Ravenclaw! You're creative and curious with a love of learning and a hunger for knowledge, and you'll go to great lengths to acquire it, even if that means taking the odd risk. You 'Claws are an open-minded bunch, with a tolerance for wild ideas, and an imagination to match. You never get bored - getting bored is for boring people...





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Jun K and Taecyeon in Ravenclaw
Wooyoung and Junho in Hufflepuff
Chansung in Slytherin
Nichkhun in Gryffidor
Just made the test :D

I'm a Gryffindor ^-^

And yeah...a 2PMPotter challenge would be so cool *-*
Or a 2PM Movei/Anime challenge *hahaha xD

I mean...there are so many TV Shows, Movies n Animes that would suit our boys, or? ♥
Oh but enlyc would work in non fictional way propbably the best *laugh*
Oh oh i love such things like ordering then to houses or place them sonewherw in a movie *_*

I personaly would order them
Minjun - Ravenclaw or hufflepuff
Nichkhun - slytherin (because his elegant yet had in his warm good kind manners something hidden thes feels dark) but depending on how he is written gryffindor or hufflepuf may work too (though hufflepuff sounds ro boribg for me)
Taecyeon - gryffindor
Wooyoung - ravenclaw (but depending on a fiction he could also be written as slytherin)
Junho - gryffindor (because he wants to be a hero and can be cocky *laugh*)
Chansung - hufflepuff or ravenclaw (considering his passion for quite heavy thematict books)
MinJun / Khun / Chan - hufflepuff khun n minjun seem the must family/friend oriented of the bunch and both are kind. In my opinion khun is more open to showing his sweet nature, but Minjun (if you pay close attention) is just as caring in his own annoying ways, even if he wants to pretend like he has more swagger then common sense sometimes. Plus the love for animals is there too. And channie..... Can anyone question the pureness of tht boy's heart? If there is such a person sent then to me!!!

Wooyoung - griffyndor. Though my baby has been very quiet lately the heart on tht boy has no boundaries. And maybe is just me but whenever the others are joking around poking fun of each other, he's the one tht keeps quiet and doesnt add to the madness lol

junho - ravenclaw. He has said it himself he would try everything once, and he seems to be the most aventourous of the bunch, tht never get bore seems to fit him quiet well.

Taec - ravenclaw or slythering lol i dnt care wht anybody says Taec is devious and secretly evil!!! Lol but i love it XD but at the same time he fit the brainiac ravenclaw quiet well....
This post made me giggle. I got placed in Ravenclaw and I am pretty pleased with it. ^^
My thoughts:
Minjun and Junho- Slytherin (both ate ambitious and a bit sneaky)
Khunnie and Channie- Hufflepuff (too sweet for their own good)
Taecyeon- Ravenclaw (brainy Taec with glasses...)
Wooyoung- Gryffindor (chivalrous Woodonggie)
I agree on your choices! :D

I would say Khunnie is hufflepuff?

And Taec could also be a ravenclaw *thinks hard*

And it's also a little hard with Channie~ *pouts*